The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

A A A THE KANSAS CITY STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1954. 43 Stork Gets a Warm Welcome At District Telephone Office Workers at 1123 Cleveland Avenue Convert a Lounge Into a Shower Scene in Honor of Eight Mothers-to-Be. OMETHING extra seemed to be "motherhood needed called by for 10 furloughs" when were per cent of an 80-person office staff. So the remainder of the operators and other employees at the Kansas City, North, district telephone office, 1123 Cleveland avenue, today turned the office lounge into a stork shower scene. Lined up there were eight strollers, gifts from the fellow workers to the eight mothers-tobe.

Tables were decorated with baby colors and storks, and at each place a tiny rubber doll was enfolded, diaper style, by nap kins. All Are There. The party officially began at noon, but unofficially, it started with the earliest lunch hours in the office, about 10:30 o'clock. The expectant mothers, four already home on furloughs and four at work at the office, were on hand early to see everyone as potluck dinner progressed through afternoon. The women of the office had brought virtually every type was Van the leaves grocery his wife, business.

Mrs. Bessie Mr. Dyke Van Dyke of the home; a son, Frank L. Van Dyke, Holmes Park; stepson, Leland Belk, Vallejo, two Wichita, and Mrs. Constantino stepdaughters, Mrs.

Ray Cummings. street; a brother. Frank w. Van Calamvossakis, 516 East Dyke, and a sister, Mrs. Vincent J.

Scanion, both of 3415 Broadway; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services will be held o'clock Friday at the Quirk Tobin chapel. John J. Hickey Dies. John Hickey, 57 years old, died today at' the Veterans Administration hospital in Marion.

Ind. He was born in Ireland and was former resident of Kansas City, Kansas. He leaves three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Murphy, 222 City, South Kansas: Eleventh Mrs. street.

Mary Roper, 1824 North Twenty-eighth street, Kansas City, Kansas, and Miss Helen Hickey, Montreal. Canada. DEATHS OVER THE NATION. Akron, Glenn Hires. 57, research director of Collin-Aikman company, a Phila-1 delphia textile firm, was found dead a heart attack in his compartment today when his train arrived here.

Granville. F. Richards, former vice-president and dean of Denison university. Richards. 59.

was a native of New Zealand. Chicago -Dr. L. A. Rademaker of Salisbury, died here today after 8 heart attack.

BANK ROBBER NO AMATEUR. And Evidently He Knew Alarm System Was Disconnected. St. Louis, Sept. 8.

(AP) -Police expressed belief today that a bandit who operated in a leisurely and confident manner food imaginable, ranging from fried chicken to potato chips. And the fun matched the oCcasion. Mrs. Juanita Earnshaw the chief operator's office explained, it was a novel occasion. There had been' as many as two and three expectant mothers at the office before, but never before eight at one time.

All eight babies are expected to arrive in November and December. The honored employees are. Mrs. Doris Kilkenny, Mrs. Doris Scarcello, Norma Damitz, Mrs.

Louellen Hoff, Mrs. Mary Johnson, Mrs. Geraldine Ferguson, Mrs. Helen McClellan and Mrs. Marjorie Cobine.

Planned the Party. Hostesses were three committee members then planned the party, Mrs. Morene Phillips, Mrs. Helen Ballantine and Mrs. Helen Sellaro, with Mrs.

Helen Chartier assisting them, showspecial male Jack guest Chaney, at dis- the trict traffic chief for Bell Telephone company. robbing the Southern Commercial and Savings bank of $31,130 yesterday was an experienced criminal. Witnesses reported the robber, apparently operating alone, moved about casually inside the bank and seemed to be in no hurry in making his escape although he was in the bank only a few minutes. The bank's holdup alarm system was discontinued about a year ago because of mechanical failures, but a new one had been ordered and was to have been installed. later this week.

The bandit apparently knew this. "An alarm system would have done little good yesterday, A. G. Elam, president of the bank. said.

"That fellow was in and out that quick." Zemo Great For Itchy Skin Rash Zemo, doctor's formula, promptly relieves itching of surface skin rashes, eczema, prickly heat, athlete's foot. Zemo stops scratching and so aids faster healing and clearing. Buy Extra Strength Zemo for stubborn cases. Can Buy? You Bet! MORE TOMORROW! Cashere MURPHY FINANCE Now Has an Office in Waldo at 7408-A Wornall Road NEW, GROUND FLOOR LOCATION Open and Available for Your Use and READY CONVENIENCE AMPLE PARKING -AIR-CONDITIONED ONE STOP LOANS Quick, Courteous, Confidential AND GUARANTEED "You Must Be Satisfied or No Cost" Drop in Today! MURPHY FINANCE 7408-A Wornall Road -DElmar 6969 Twelfth Walnut Bldg. Westover 31st Troost Your beat For THRIFTRIP CHAIR CAR FARES ROUND TRIP PITTSBURG 4.55 JOPLIN 5.60 SHREVEPORT $19.95 KANSAS CITY BEAUMONT $25.90 SOUTHERN Lines, NEW ORLEANS $31.15 Plus Federal Tax CITY TICKET OFFICE 114 W.

Heveath 0077 Lowest EARLY START AT PARK STUDENTS WILL RETURN TO LEGE THIS WEEK END. Preparations Will Be Made Then for Orientation Activities to Be Held Next Week. Students at Park college will return to the campus at Parkville this week end to prepare for the start of orientation activities and the opening classes next week in the eightieth academic year of the college. During orientation week, upperclassmen will assist new students in registration for courses and in getting settled in dormitories. The five pairs of social clubs will hold rushing activities each night.

Classwork and the work program will begin Friday morning next week. Meetings of members of the faculty and student leaders are being held today and will end Saturday. The first event for the full student body will be supper and a reception Sunday night. Tests and orientation meetings for freshmen and foreign students will be Monday and Tuesday. Returning students will enroll next Wednesday.

Rushing will end Saturday, September 18, and each new student will join a social club. A mixer will be held that night, and a faculty-student hike the next day. The opening convocation will be held September 20 in Graham Tyler Memorial chapel. The speaker will be Ting-Fu F. Tsiang, permanent representative to the from Nationalist China.

He will be awarded an honorary doctorate from the college. Preparations for the college opening have been under way (most of the summer by a of students who remained in Parkville to work on the campus. DENTIST WHO KILLED WIFE'S ADMIRER IS FOUND SANE. Parchiatriste, Acquitted Inform of Murder the Charge, Now Is No Menace to Persons or Property. Ionia, Sept.

-Dr. Kenneth B. Small, 31, acquitted slayer of his wife's admirer, was released today from Ionia state hospital for the criminally insane. Circuit Judge Morris K. Davis ordered the release after three psychiatrists, including Dr.

Perry Robertson, medical superintendent of the state hospital, testified dentist was sane and his release would not thee menace persons or property. Acquitted in July. acquitted him. Required by Law. Dr.

Small was acquitted July 17 on grounds of temporary insanity in the slaying of Jules Lack, 45, New York playboyindustrialist. Lack was shot to death May 29. The dentist surprised Lack and Dr. Small's wife, Edith, on a week end holiday at a Lake Michigans summer, cottage. mother of three, and Lack, divorced father of two, while she was on a Florida vacation in April.

When she returned home she told her husband of an infatuation for Lack and demanded a divorce. This and subsequent meetings between his wife and Lack drove him out of his mind, Dr. Small contended at his trial. Allegan County jury agreed and However, under Michigan law anyone acquitted by reason of insanity must be committed to a mental hospital until he proves himself sane; not a danger to persons or property. Dr.

Small fought to escape commitment to the hospital for the criminally insane but was ordered confined August 12. Mrs. Small testified in her husband's defense, but said she didn't know whether they ever would pick up their married life again. Pale but composed, Dr. Small heard today's decision calmly.

His wife was not among the fifty-five spectators at the 45- minute hearing. Deaths DAVID- Charles F. David, died 68 years avenue, today at the home. was born in Monroe County. Missouri, and had lived here twenty-two years, coming from Huntsville, Mo.

He was a building contractor for various firms here. He was a of the Methodist church of Huntsville. He leaves his wife. Mrs. Cora David of the home; daughter, Mrs.

Eugene Dye, Kansas 823 North -fourth street, Kansas; two sisters, Mrs. City. Williams and Mrs. Herbert Charles both of Huntsville, and Funeral services will McDowell. two grandsons: 1 o'clock Friday at the be held at Wilks chapel.

DOREN-Mrs. Margaret died last Doren, night. 3127 Cleveland avenue, She United States in 1913. She was born in Ireland, and came to the had' lived in Kansas City forty James vears. She leaves her husband, Doren of the home; a daughter, Mrs.

sisCashen of the home; five A. H. Pinkerton, Long J. V. ters.

Beach, Mrs. Mrs. C. R. Charmley.

avenue; Mrs. J. H. Edel4048 Flora 3838 Prospect avenue; Mrs. man.

Ryan, Thomevara, Ireland. Mrs. John Ryan. Nenagh, IreMichael and granddaughter. Fuland.

and will be held at 9 one neral services at Our Lady of Good Catholic church. The rosary o'clock Friday will Counsel be recited at 8 o'clock Thursday night chapel. at The the pallbearers are Richard Charmley, Trent, A. Vincent Edelman, John John H. Edelman, Richard A.

Pinkerton and John H. Charmley. -Orlando J. French, 75 years died yesterday after an illold, 9003 Fifty-first street, Merriam. three weeks.

He was a retired ness gardener. of He was born in Madison, lived in Greater and had He was a sas member City of the Third Presbyterian thirty-seven years. Kansas City. He leaves his of Mrs. Florence A.

French church of the wife, home; a daughter, Mrs. Arnette Stone, St. Louis; a son, Orlando G. Jack French. Minneapolis; a sister.

a Mrs. C. B. Richard Onstott. W.

French. MuskoHighland, gee, brother. and five grandchildren. INGMAN-Clay B. Ingman, 78 yester- years old.

3013 DeGroff way, died day at the Veterans and hospital. had lived He was born in Amanda, here about ten years, Mr. Ingman lived in Barnes, about forty vears prior to moving to Kansas City. retired employee of the He was a Consumers Co Operative associaMr. Ingman was a member of tion's warehouse in North Kansas the City.

Linwood Methodist church, of the American Legion and of the Mrs. Odd He leaves his wife. Katherine B. Ingman of the home, Fellows. and a daughter, Miss Margaret services Ing- will man.

Atlanta. Funeral be held at 2 o'clock Thursday Barnes. at the Methodist church in JONES- Mrs. Frances Belle Jones, 87 years old. 1403 Benton boulevard, died today at the General hospital Her after an illness of four years.

Inbirthplace had lived here since 1950. was Boone County, five sons, Oron Jones, diana. She She Modesto. Merl Jones. Tulsa, leaves D.

Jones, 6727 the Paseo, and William F. Jones of the home: Dess C. Ernest Jones, Decatur, three Mell brothers, both of Scott City. John Whitham and Whitham. Los Angeles: two Whitham, Mrs.

Elizabeth Hathaway, and Will Garden sisters, Citv. and Mrs. Thressa Kough, Scott Citv. nine seven great-grandchil- grandchildren Funeral services will be held and dren. o'clock Friday at the Blackman 2:30 chapel.

Edna E. Ladd, 86 old, LADD-Mrs. 5125 Swore parkway, died last years night at the General hospital. in Blairstown, and She was lived here more than fifty born had She was the widow of Haskell Fears. who died in 1934.

There are C. Ladd, Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Friday no immediate survivors. at the Stine McClure chapel. MADDEN-Mrs. Agnes G.

Madden, 83 years old, formerly of 1134 Mont- She gall avenue. died early today. and was born in Valparaiso, lived here fifty years. She was a had member of the St. Aloysius John Catholic W.

church. She leaves a son. Madden. 919 Armour boulevard: great-grand- three grandchildren and three services will be children. Funeral held at 8:30 o'clock Friday at the Mellody-McGilley-Eylar chapel and at 9 o'clock at the St.

Aloysius church. The rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock Thursday night at the Mellody-McGilley-Eylar chapel. McCOY-Mrs. Maud May McCov. 75 years old.

a resident of the Jackson County Home for the Aged the last eleven years, died today at the Jackson County hospital after an illness of a month. She was born in Clinton, and had lived In Greater Kansas City sixty years. Mrs. McCoy. was member of the Christian church.

She leaves a sister, Mrs. Corda Long, Slater, and two brothers, Earl Hamby, Camden, N. and George W. Hamby, Merriam. Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock Thursday at the Carson chapel in Independence.

VAN DYKE -Michell A. Van Dyke. 61 years old, died today at his home, 218 East Thirty -fourth street. He had been ill about two years. formerly Among major projects COL-pleted by the summer colony have been the repairs and painting of the college swimming pool, and painting and decorating work at the Science hall and in two dormitories, Chesnut and Woodward halls.

JUST A SOUTHERN GRANT. Church by That Name Adjoins Birthplace of General Lee. Montross, Sept. 8. (AP)Near the entrance to Stratford hall, birthplace of Robert E.

Lee, stands Grant Memorial Methodist church. The church has nothing to do with General U. S. Grant, Lee's opposite number in 1865. The church was named for its first pastor.

It's the quick easy way. Use Star Want Ads. Dial BA. MUSIC That Is beautiful from our Church Model Hammond Organ with Chimes adds much to the Service, with its sweet, soft, beautiful Tone. A Service for every parse MRS.

C. L. FORSTER FUNERAL HOME Leon Wahl, Manager Grand 0336 918 Brooklyn EST. 1904 FREEMAN MORTUARY AND CHAPEL 42nd BROADWAY ELMER FREEMAN LAUREN FREEMAN Back to School SPECIAL OFFER LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE THE CONTINUOUS ACTION THIS IS THE ORIGINAL ANTI-ENZYME TOOTH PASTE YOU READ ABOUT IN READER'S DIGEST Start your youngster back to school with the finest protection his teeth could have. Antizyme Tooth Paste stops the major cause of tooth decay every minute of every day.

Stops it for 12 to 24 hours after each brushing -right through meals and snacks. This has been proved for 9 out of every 10 people tested. BIG ECONOMY SIZE .79 PLUS MECHANICAL PENCIL. The smoothest-writing pencil any back-toschooler could want. Choice of 3 colors.

It's a Parker VALUE $1.15 TOTAL $1.94 YOU PAY 98 Boy -that's for me! A nifty Parker "100" propelrepel pencil to do my school work quicker and neater-and that good-tasting Antizyme Tooth Paste. STOPS THE MAJOR CAUSE OF TOOTH DECAY EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY N. ewcomer's three funeral homes are conveniently accessible either by private or public transportation Investigate without obligation our plan of funeral arrangements in advance of need D. W. NEWC NEWCOMER'S SONS A Family Institution Through 61 Years Paseo at Brush Creek, LO.

0024; 832 Armour N. K. NO. 4000, 6640 Johnson Mission, HE. 1441.

Arrangements made in advance? Yes, we recommend a frank discussion of plans before the emergency. Call our representative to visit your home. Ask for details on our varied Before-Need Plans. James P. McGilley, Manager 1800 East FUNERAL HOME Linwood Linwood 1800 E.

LINWOOD 7717 Recognized locally and nationally for value regardless of the expenditure STINE MCCLURE Since 1861 in Kansas City OFFERING THE FINEST OF FACILITIES AND SERVICE Muehlebach Funeral Home 6800 TROOST AVENUE TELEPHONE HILAND 2311 MONUMENTS MARKERS 4801 E. TRUMAN RD. BE. 0863 Markers-Monuments Call, Write or Phone Jenkins Music Co. in K.

C. Since 1878 1217 Walnut VI. 9430 WANT AD RATES BA. 5500 FOR DIRECT LINE TO AD TAKERS. The following rate tabies apply only want ads set in solid agate type in uniform run-in style.

The 3-day, rates apply for three or more consecutive days' service without change of copy. The rates under General apply to all classifications not otherwise designated as "Special Minimum charge 10 words or 2 agate lines. Claims for error must be made in time for correction before second insertion. These Rates Apply Only to Ads Received From the State of Missouri (except St. Louis).

and the State of Kansas. General Classifications: 1 Day 3 Days 7 Words Cost Per Dayi 10 1.06 .95 2.85 11 to 10 1.50 1.35 4.06 17 to 22 2.00 1.80 5.40 23 to 28 2.50 2.25 6.75 29 to 34 3.00 2.70 8.10 18.90 35 to 40 3.50 3.16 9.46 22.06 Rooms to Rent--Lost and Found -Situations Wanted Words Cost Dayi .90 2.40 11 to 18 1.35 1.20 3.60 17 to 22 1.80 1.60 4.80 11.20 23 to 28 2.25 2.00 6.00 29 to 34 2.70 2.10 7.20 16.80 36 to 40 3.13 8.40 19.60 Set solid ads of more than 10 words are charged at the measured line rate of 67 cents an agate line each day, or cents an agate line days each, without day for chance tree of or CODy. more consecutive Special Classifications: Deaths. Card of Than 28 words, $3.25. In a Ads of more than (Set in verse 67 cents 28 words.

67 line.) cents agate Lodge line day. (One emblem of standard size permitted.) Auto 87 cents an agate line Personal each day (minimum Employment Employment 82 cents an agate line each day for three or Employment more without consecutive bange of copy. days Services Employers 67 cents an agate Mne Educational. each day (minimum Help Fuel- 62 cents an agate line each day for three or Professional more consecutive days without chance of copy Legal each cents day. an agate Ene 195 Political $1.00 Prepayment agate required.

ine. per the following styles and used Display Type The Star Want Ad columns: STAR 30 letters 1 and spaces STAR Star 24 letters 10 2 8 letters and spaces and spaces STAR Star 17 letters About 4 lines letters and spaces Pt. Open Face spaces STAR Star 13 jetters About 5 lines Face 17 letters and spaces 24 Open spaces On all advertisem*nts (not set solid run-in) with display effects, agate the extra following rates apply open to all claseinci white space or face dons except those listed at higher rates. cents an agate line cach cents an agate tine each or three or more consecutive without chance of copy. Such want charged vith the actual space occupied.

unit of the agate agate to the Kansas City Monument Co. BA. 5500 FOR DIRECT LINE TO AD TAKERS. Announcements For An BA. 5500 For AD WANT AD SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS.

THE WEN PLAN. Burial insurance, birth to 80 yrs. HA, 5855. DEATHS. CASE Y- William 1205 Troost, away Sept.

8. 1954. LI. DORAN-Mrs. Margaret, 3127 Cleveland, passed away Sept.

7, LI. MELLODY-McGILLEY-EYLAR. lar, EDLANDER- Charles age 62. 2615 passed away Sept. 7.

1954. LI. MELLODY-McGILLEY-EYLAR. INGMAN- Clay Burkey. age 3013 Groff FLORAL Way, passed away Blue HILLS MEMORIAL CHAPELS.

Sept. Ridge at Gregory. FL. passed LADD-Mrs. Edna.

5125 Swope away Sept. 7. 1954. WE. STINE McCLURE.

of MADDEN-Mrs. Agnes age 83, Survived 1134 by son, Montgall, passed away Sept. Armour; 3 grandchildren, John W. 3 Madden. great-grandchil- 919 the dren.

Funeral Rosary recitation 8 p. m. Thursday where funeral will Home, held Linwood at Woodland, be 8:30 a. m. day.

Prospect, Services 9 St. Aloysius church. 11th o'clock. Interment cemetery. LI.

NIE George. age 63, of 5509 E. 14th passed away Sept. 6 at Owatonia, Topping Services at the Church of God. Peery Thursday at 1:30.

Lee's Summit. Mo. EARP SONS. BE. PERRY-Robert, age 79, of 1808 Elmwood.

passed away September 6. Services in chapel 4139 Truman Wednesday Burial Mt. Washington cemetery. EARP SONS. BE.

STANLEY-Mr. Frank Austin. route Parkville. passed away September 1954. Age 63 years.


VAN DYKE Mitchell age 61 vears. W. 34th passed away Sept. 8, 1954. QUIRK TOBIN WE.

1777. WILSON- James age 45 years. Greenwood place, passed away Sept. GATES FUNERAL HOME. TA.

FUNERALS. BAIER-Mr. John age 84, of Linwood Blue Ridge, passed away Septa 1954. Services Thursday morning at Kurrus Funeral Home, E. St.

Louis, Ill. MELLODY-McGILLEY-EYLAR. LI. BROUS -Louis 1011 Barnett. 2 o'clock Thursday in the chapel, Minnesota.

Burial Memorial Park. In after 5 o'clock Wednesday. Please flowers. GEORGE F. PORTER SONS.

DR. CIHAK-Mrs. Marie Cihak, age 76, of S. 13th passed away Sept. 6.

Services Gates Chapel, State Line at Thursday morning 10:30 o'clock. Maple Hill cemetery. Wichita papers copy. GATES FUNERAL HOME. TA.

Elmwood COFFIN-Mr. George Washington, passed away Sept. 7. age 80 years. Services 2 p.

m. Thursday the chapel on the Paseo at Brush blvd. D. W. NEWCOMER'S SONS.

LO. 0024. DAMERON-Robert Lee, age 81, Peek drive, passed away at the croft nursing home, 5 miles north Summit, Monday evening. Survived by wife. Ruth Josephine, and one daughter, Ochsner, both of 3606 Peek K.

daughter-in-law, Mrs. Undine Dameron, grandchildren, Robert Kansas Dameron, City, North: Independence; B. K. Dameron, Greece; Joan Stephenson, Independence, Jean Russell, 6 great-grandchildren. Funeral Thursday, Sept.

9th, 1954, at Methodist church, Harrisonville, 2:30 p. Burial in Orient cemetery, Harrisonville. Runnenburger's, Harrisonville, Mo. EVERETT-Mr. Estill 200 W.

36th passed away September 6. 1954. 12:30 p. m. Wednesday at the chapel the Paseo at Brush Creek blvd.

Interment Mt. Moriah cemetery. D. W. NEWCOMER'S SONS.

LO. 0024. FOLAND-Mr. Ray Vern, 3115. N.

23d K. passed away Sept. 6, age 61 years. Services 2:30 p. m.

day at the chapel on the Paseo Creek blvd. D. W. Interment Forest Hill cemetery. NEWCOMER'S SONS.

LO. 0024. GRIFFITH-Services for Miss Jessie Griffith of 1904 Linwood will be the Stine McClure chapel, 3235 Thursday 3:30 o'clock. Mt. Washington cemetery.

STINE McCLURE. WE. HUFFMAN-Mr. Lucas 4037 Brooklyn passed away September 6, age 55 years. Services 3:30 p.

m. day at the chapel on the Paseo at Creek blvd. Interment Mt. Moriah cemetery. D.


Clay age 78 years, De Groff way, passed away Sept. 7. ices 2 p. Thursday, Barnes. odist church.

Interment Maplewood tery, Barnes. The family requests no Barnes, papers please copy. FLORAL HILLS MEMORIAL CHAPELS. Blue Ridge at Gregory. FLeming JENNINGS- Mrs.

Lena Mae, 1735 Parkway, passed away September 5, age 79 years. Services 1 p.m. Wednesday the chapel on the Paseo Brush bivd. Interment Mt. Moriah cemetery.


JONES- Mrs. Frances Belle, age 87, of Benton, passed away Sept. 8. Survived 5 sons, Oron, Modesto, Merl of William F. of the home; Dess Paseo; Charles Decatur, children.

9 great-grandchildren. 2:30 Friday in the chapel, 2825 Independence blvd. Interment Mt. Moriah. BLACKMAN GUARDIAN HOME.

CH. KIRKPATRICK- Robert age 79, of Central ave. Services 2 Thursday in the Werner chapel on Washington at 18th. Interment Mt. Hope cemetery, state after 5 P.

m. Wednesday in chapel, WERNER MORTUARY. DR. KIRKPATRICK-Mrs. Beulah Viola.

Prospect passed away 2 September 1954, age 42 years. Services p.m. nesday at the chapel on the Paseo Park at Creek bivd. Interment Memorial etery. D.


LADD- Services for Mrs. Edna Ladd of 5125 Swope parkway will be in the Stine Mc. Clure Chapel, 3235 Gillham plaza, Friday at 10 o'clock. Burial Mt. Washington tery.

STINE McCLURE. WE. 7777. LEMKE Mrs. Barbara Reinhardt, 918 E.

9th passed away September 6, 1954, age 85 years. Rosary recitation 8 p. m. Tuesday at the parlors on the Paseo at Brush Creek from where funeral will be held 8:30 8. m.

Wednesday. Services Annunciation church at Linwood and Benton, 9 a. m. Interment Forest Hill cemetery. D.


Robert Augustus, 1812 Washington passed away Sept. 7, 1954. age 82 years. Services 10:30 Thursday at the Hoefer Funeral Home. Higginsville, Mo, Interment Higginsville cemetery, D.


Susie age 76. of 627 Hardy, passed away Sept. 7. Services Mt. Washington Baptist church, 2:30 p.

m. Thursday. Interment Mt. Washington ceme. tery.

In state Carson chapel "til 9 a. m. Thursday, then at the home 10 m. 12:30 and at the church 1 hour preceding service. GEO.


McGRATH-Patrick. age 75, of 736 Tauromee. passed away Sept. 7th Funeral Thursday 8:30 a. m.

from heising's chapel. 322 N. 7th and 9 a. m. at St.

Mary's church. Rosary 8 p. m. Wednesday. Interment St.

John's cemetery. In state after 12 noon Wednesday. REISING'S FUNERAL EOME. DR. 3257.

McSPARREN- Mr. William Welch, age 49. of 1229 Pennsylvania passed away Sept. 6. Services 3:30 p.

m. Thursday in the chapel on 18th st. at Washington blvd. Interment Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 7 'til 9 p.

m. Wednesday. R. A. FULTON FUNERAL HOME.

DR. 5555. MOORE-Mrs. Etta 5803 Indiana. passed away September 7, 1954.

Services 3 p. m. Thursday at the Raymore Methodist church. Burial Raymore cemetery. In state at the Belton chapel after 6 p.

m. Wednesday. E. K. GEORGE SONS.

PELTON. MO. NELSON-Walter Lewis. age 54. of 1515 Winchester.

passed away Sept. 6. Services from the chapel Thurs. 11 a. m.

Burial in the Garden Sermon on the Mount at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens. FLORAL HILLS MEMORIAL CHAPEL. BLUE RIDGE AT GREGORY. FL. 1218, NEPTUNE Mrs.

Mary Elizabeth, 4011 Oak. passed away Sept. 7, 1954, age 91 vears. Services Thursday, 11 a. in the Bentley chapel.

Interment Floral Hills. In state after 7 D. m. Wednesday. BENTLEY MORTUARY.

5811 TROOST. HI. 7272. PARKINSON-Mrs. Anna Laura.

208 E. avenue Jerome, Idaho, passed away September 7, 1954. age 78 years. Will lie in state at the chapel on the Paseo at Brush Creek until 10 p. m.

day. Services and interment Jerome, Idaho, D. W. NEWCOMER'S SONS. LO.

0024. PRASE-Mrs. Maude Lee Whitaker, age 66. of 424 Stine, passed away Sept. 6.

Funeral 2 p. m. Thursday, Daniels Bros. Funeral Hill Home. In state 1536-38 Minnesota.

Burial Maple after 7 p. m. Tuesday. DANIELS BROS. DR.

0707. RANDALL-Mr. Robert Bryant, 6125 Oak passed away September 5, 1954, 70 years. Services 10 a.m. Wednesday age at the chapel on the Paseo at Brush Creek blvd.

Interment Mt. Moriah cemetery. FamHeart requests fund. no Suggests donation to lily flowers. D.

W. NEWCOMER'S SONS, LO. 0024. RENREW- -Services for Mrs. Irma Renfrew of 47 E.

32nd will be in the Stine Clure chapel, 3235 Gilliam plaza, Mcday at 10 o'clock. Burial in Floral WednesHills cemetery. STINE McCLURE. WE. 7777 VAN DYKE- Mr.

Jess, 8436 Meadow Lane at 1954. Leawood, passed 6. age 72 years. Services away 2:30 September Wednesday at the chapel on the Paseo p.m. at Brush Creek blvd, Interment Forest Hill cemetery.

W. NEWCOMER'S SONS, LO. 0024. -Mrs. Minnie Caroline.

8027 1954, passed away, September 6, Walrond age 89 years. Services m. Brush Creek at chapel on the Paseo at Wednesday the blvd. Interment Forest Hill cemetery. D.


Francis 225 W. 82nd age 60 passed away September 6, 1954. Creeek Tuesday at the parlors on the Paseo at p. Brush years. Rosary recitation 8 held 9:30 from where funeral will be the King a.

Church, m. Wednesday. Services Christ Interment 85th-Wornall 10 a. m. Calvary passed D.

W. NEWCOMER'S SONS. LO. 0024. WHITE- 3827 Services for Mrs.

Emma D. White the E. Sixteenth st. will be held in Freeman chapel, 42nd st. and Breadway, o'clock.

Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 8th at Interment FREEMAN Forest Hill cemetery. 7717 MORTUARY. Pop- WILLIAMS Joseph LO. 0930.

Kansas, W. age 87, Parsons. passed away Sept. 5. 1954.

7717 Graveside Wednesday services Maple Hill cemetery De afternoon. 2 o'clock. GATES FUNERAL HOME. TA. 1023.

WILLIAMS Frank Thomas, age 53, of 4900 1218. from Georgia, passed away Sept. 6. Services parkway, ment the Memorial chapel Park. Thursday In at 3:30.

Interstate after p. m. Wednesday. 7777. 10th St.

at Barnett HILLS Ave. CHAPEL. DR. FLORAL formerly 0250. 8.

E. FLORISTS. at Ed's Funeral FriBokays Calvary and $3 UP--ALL PHONES-WE. 1711 serve designs, skilled artists, eager to Special you We collect at one ad7717. dress, deliver at another.


DO ALL K. C. AREA. you need repair work done around the house? Find reliable workers the the Want Ads. through 1:30.

0970. LOST. 5. BILLFOLD Research hospital or Oddos mar. 7th.

Call ket. NO. Monday evening; man in hospital. 8793: reward. BILLFOLD-Man's.

brown: Minnesota driv. er's license. other papers. train contents needed; reward. Shay, ticket: 6041, 218 BILLFOLD -Brown: downtown vicinity; ward.

BILLFOLD VA. 6033 or VI. 5550. Man's brown, contains BA. money 5757.

and DE. Utah 6171. driver's license. Re4233 7. 1023.

please BILLFOLD Strand theater. Sunday need identification, mail to etc. Warner Plaza address, night; tan BRIEFCASE Liberal reward. Large, light leather, Municipal Auditorium night of August 31st. MElrose 7234.

6. CAT- Maltese male, white spot under the Blue two white front feet; lost vicinity 18thchin, CL. 8664. Ridge; name "Smoky Joe:" reward. 7717.

CAT- Black female. Myrtle. Reward. BE. Saturday 6566.

vicinity 31stServices 19th- DOG White co*cker with brown spots. state swers Freckles. KE. 5141. omit DOG- -Fox Terrier puppy; vicinity 4538 Terrace.

"Skippy." WE. 0224. 4745. DOG, -St. Bernard, 10-month-old pup, brown 2545.

white with black face: has been 1954. sheared: name "Brandy;" reward for infor41st, mation 73rd. leading to recovery. HI. 2750.

1835 Burial DOG please Child's -Blonde co*cker; lost 17th Belleview. pet. HA. 6802. 1023.

DOG Child's Boston bull. Vicinity Laurel Heights. 2310 cination No. pet. 469379.

Reward Billy for Jackson, information. 9205 Vac. 1954. 69 Terr. FLeming 4623.

E. at Creek DOG brown. Mexican Chihuahua. 4 months old: VA. 0482.

DOG- co*cker black male. age 8: tion number 121813; children's Oak. HI. 2253, Talbot. pet.

5527 3606 Cedar- ENVELOPE Stamped, name and address Lee's State containing bank bill, large denomination, Home his lot, by or between there-Armstrong parkMrs. alley; reward. way Minnesota ave. to Nugents DR. 2357.

drive: GLOVES- -Pink nylon. theater Sunday evening: valued as Starlight hand-sewn. L. Reward. HU.

3294. a gift. Athens. no questions valuable asked; papers; please return; HANDBAG, and DE. 0254.

vicinity of 78th st. services LODGE September Pin-Past 4th, Grand Patriarch jewel: m. vicinity Katz Elwood Lodge, Drug store. Reward, Finley 9721. OVERNIGHT bags, 3, taken from car WildServices wood 9-6-'54.

No questions asked. Liberal reward. HA. 6160 from 8:30 to 5. on PARAKEET- Poudre banded blue, gray wings; leg; reward.

WE. 6470. PARAKEET Blue; vicinity 43rdMission Rd, Reward. JO. 3482.

PARAKEET- Blue, name 1954; ity PARAKEET 45th-Agnes. Call WA. 6702. Thurs- Reward. vicinity 3934 Forest.

Brush Call WE. 6017. PARAKEET- Chartreuse; "Jimmy" band on leg. 7037 Bellefontaine, JA. 3939.

PILLOW- Brown davenport, lost Sunday 5th, L. vicinity Quivira rd, and 69th terr. $5 in ward. MElrose 8675. Gillham PURSE Sept.

4, 1954. highway 24. Phillips Burial sta. Return contents C. 0.

keep money, Betty Stevens, Hickman Mills. PURSE -Lady's navy blue: Swope park; be7777. longing Mrs. Carl Ellis Keep money, no questions asked. 121 parkway, apartment 706.

LO. 3880. Wednes- RINGS- -Diamond wedding ring and 1954. diamond Brush ting: reward. bard: BE.

yellow 0315. gold. white gold setwedding WRISTWATCH- Lady's Gruen. Between 67th and 69th South of Swope park. Reward.

3013 DE. 3359, evenings. Serv- WRIST WatchMan's Preclimax: Jones store, Meth- 12th-Walnut; reward. DE. 0335.

ceme- WRISTWATCH- Lady's: Garland; white gold. flowers. lost Sept. 2. Reward.

VI. 2666. LODGE NOTICES. 1218. Swope and A.

MARLBOROUGH 8009 Lodge Woodland 569. A. at A cial communication 1954. Sept. 9, Creek ond 7:30 p.

degrees. m. Work Visitors in first welcome. and secRe- freshments. George T.

Cain, W. Roy E. Case, Sec'y. IVANHOE Lodge 446. 3201 ParkSpecial communication 4:30 1403 Tulsa; day.

Stated. Examinations 7:30. and Buffet third supper. by 6727 Brethren weicome. Russell E.

grees. grand- Smith, W. Frank A. Lewis, Sec. Services MT.

Washington Lodge 614, Independence Arlington. Special 4040. Sept. 9. 6:30.

Third degree. Col841 Visitors W. always Gregg B. welcome. Christy.

Odell Secy. ley. SHEFFIELD Lodge 625 A. F. In A.

munication Sept. 9. 7:30 1127 Belmont. Stated com3224. the Visitors welcome.

Russell Coonrod, W. Robert 0. Fulton, 1924 Sect. RAYTOWN Lodge 391, Special com5. munication Sept.

9. 7 p. Wed- Work firs: and second degrees. Brush m. Visitors weicome.

Refreshments. Don cem- W. Henry, W. Gregory, Poertner, Classification Secy. Continued on Next Page.


The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.