The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinson - [PDF Document] (2025)

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If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain. (page 8)

Pain has an element of blank; It cannot recollect When it began, or if there were A day when it was not. (page 16)

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all. (page 22)

For each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ratio To the ecstasy. (page 25)

Surgeons must be very careful When they take the knife! Underneath their fine incisions Stirs the culprit,—Life! (page 28)

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Parting is all we know of heaven, And all we need of hell. (page 56)We never know how high we are Till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan, Our statures touch the skies. (page 56)

It sounded as if the streets were running, And then the streets stood still. Eclipse was all we could see at the window, And awe was all we could feel. (pages 102-103)

I’ll tell you how the sun rose,—A ribbon at a time. (page 127)

If certain, when this life was out, That yours and mine should be, I’d toss it yonder like a rind, And taste eternity. (pages 154-155)

Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality. (page 200)

They say that “time assuages”,—Time never did assuage;

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An actual suffering strengthens, As sinews do, with age. (page 233)

Death is the common right Of toads and men. (pages 257-258)

To be alive is power, Existence in itself. (page 266)

That Love is all there is, Is all we know of Love. (page 312)

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The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinson - [PDF Document] (28)

Published by Barnes & Noble Books 122 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10011

Emily Dickinson’s poems were first published between 1890 and 1891 in three

volumes, edited by Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Mabel L. Todd.The Single Hound was edited by Dickinson’s niece Martha

Dickinson Bianchi, and published in 1914.

Published in 2003 by Barnes & Noble Classics with new Introduction,Notes, Biography, Chronology, Inspired By, Comments & Questions,

and For Further Reading.

Introduction, Notes, and For Further Reading

Copyright © 2003 by Rachel Wetzsteon.

Note on Emily Dickinson, The World of Emily Dickinson and Her Poetry,

Inspired by Emily Dickinson’s Poetry, and Comments & QuestionsCopyright © 2003 by Barnes & Noble, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

including photocopy, recording, or any information storage andretrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson

ISBN-13: 978-1-59308-050-1ISBN-10: 1-59308-050-6

eISBN : 978-1-411-43193-5

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LC Control Number 2003106733

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Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst,Massachusetts, the second child of Emily Norcross and Edward Dickinson.Emily’s family was prosperous and well established in Amherst society:Her grandfather, Samuel Fowler Dickinson, was the founder of theprestigious Amherst Academy and a cofounder of Amherst College; herfather, Edward, a lawyer and politician, was treasurer of Amherst College.The family lived in Amherst’s first brick building, the Homestead, built byEmily’s grandfather in 1813. Dickinson grew up in a strict religioushousehold governed mainly by her father, who often censored her readingchoices.

She attended Amherst Academy until she was seventeen, and then spent ayear at the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (now Mount HolyokeCollege). She studied a diversity of subjects, including botany andhorticulture, which would become lifelong interests. Among writers shestudied, she was particularly inspired by the poet Elizabeth BarrettBrowning and the novelist George Eliot. It was during her year at MountHolyoke that she began to question, and even to voice dissension from, herfather’s strict religious views.

In 1848, when she was eighteen years old, Dickinson left college andreturned to the Homestead, where she lived for the rest of her life. She lefthome for only a few brief trips to Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., andBoston. It was during a trip to Philadelphia that she met her lifelong friendthe Reverend Charles Wadsworth. In 1856 her brother, Austin, marriedSusan Huntington Gilbert, who would become one of Dickinson’s closestfriends. The couple moved next door to the Homestead into a house built byDickinson’s father, the Evergreens. At the Evergreens, Dickinson met andbegan a correspondence with Samuel Bowles, editor of the SpringfieldRepublican.

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Dickinson wrote the bulk of her nearly 1,800 poems during her years atthe Homestead. Five of her poems were printed in the SpringfieldRepublican, but Dickinson herself made only one serious attempt at furtherpublication, sending four poems in 1862 to Thomas Wentworth Higginson,poetry editor of the Atlantic Monthly. Higginson advised her againstpublication, saying that the style of her poetry—its unusual rhythm andrhyming—was not commercial. The two continued to correspond, however,and became close friends.

Following the death of her father in 1874, Dickinson became increasinglyreclusive, corresponding with friends mainly through letters. She continuedwriting poetry, and she and her sister, Lavinia, nursed their bedriddenmother. Over the next ten years, many of her close friends and family died,including Samuel Bowles, Charles Wadsworth, her mother, and hernephew. In 1884 Dickinson was diagnosed with Bright’s disease, a seriouskidney disorder. She died from complications of the disease on May 15,1886.

After Dickinson’s death, Lavinia discovered her sister’s poems, arrangedinto little packets bundled with string. She gave them to Higginson and herfriend Mabel Loomis Todd for editing. The first of three volumes, titledPoems, came out in 1890. A revival of interest in Dickinson’s life andpoetry occurred in the late 1950s, when Thomas H. Johnson published thefirst complete edition of Dickinson’s poems that was faithful in wording andpunctuation to her original manuscripts.

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1630 Nathaniel Dickinson, the first of Emily Dickinson’s family toarrive in America, settles in New England.

1813Dickinson’s grandfather, Samuel Fowler Dickinson, builds theHomestead in Amherst, Massachusetts; the town’s first brickhouse, it will be Dickinson’s home for most of her life.

1814Samuel Fowler Dickinson founds Amherst Academy, whichquickly becomes a leading preparatory school in westernMassachusetts.

1821 He cofounds the Amherst Collegiate Institution, renamed AmherstCollege in 1825.

1830Emily Elizabeth Dickinson is born on December 10, the secondchild of Edward Dickinson, a prominent lawyer, and EmilyNorcross Dickinson

1835 Edward Dickinson is appointed treasurer of Amherst College.


The Dickinsons move from the Homestead to North PleasantStreet. In the fall Emily and her sister, Lavinia, enter AmherstAcademy. Emily is particularly influenced by a teacher, EdwardHitchcock, who emphasizes both religion and science in hislectures and writings.

She attends Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (now MountHolyoke College) in nearby South Hadley, Massachusetts. At

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1847 Mount Holyoke, she begins to question her father’s Puritanicalreligious convictions.

1848In the fall Dickinson leaves Mount Holyoke and moves back intoher father’s home. She becomes friends with Ben Newton, ayoung lawyer in her father’s office.

1850Her brother, Austin, begins courting Susan Huntington Gilbert,with whom Dickinson develops an intimate correspondence. BenNewton gives her a copy of Emerson’s poems for Christmas.

1853 Ben Newton’s death on March 24 has a profound effect onDickinson.


Dickinson makes a brief trip with her sister and father toPhiladelphia; she meets the Reverend Charles Wadsworth, whobecomes a close friend and correspondent. Edward Dickinsonrepurchases the Homestead ; he builds an addition to the house,including a conservatory for Emily’s exotic plants.

1856Austin Dickinson and Susan Gilbert marry; they move into theEvergreens, a house adjacent to the Homestead built for them byEdward as a wedding present.

1858At the Evergreens, Dickinson meets the literary editor and criticSamuel Bowles, editor of the Springfield Republican ; they begina correspondence.

1861 The Civil War breaks out.

Dickinson sends four of her poems to Thomas WentworthHigginson, poetry editor of the Atlantic Monthly. He advises her

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1855 to regularize the “rough rhythms” and “imperfect rhymes” of herpoetry, which he thinks damage its commercial potential. Sheinstead chooses not to publish her works. Dickinson andHigginson begin a correspondence that lasts twenty years.

1864Dickinson makes two trips to Boston over the next two years tovisit an eye specialist. These are the last times she leavesAmherst.


Dickinson’s father dies in Boston on June 16. With his death,Dickinson becomes more reclusive, keeping contact with friendsand family mainly through letters. She and Lavinia maintain theHomestead and nurse their invalid mother.

1878 Samuel Bowles dies on January 16.

1882 Charles Wadsworth dies on April 1; Dickinson’s mother alsodies this year, on November 14.

1883 Dickinson’s nephew Gilbert, the son of Austin and Susan Gilbert,dies.

1884 On June 14 Dickinson suffers her first attack of Bright’s disease,a serious kidney disorder.

1886 Dickinson dies on May 15. Among those attending her funeral isher lifelong friend and mentor Thomas Higginson.


Lavinia finds Dickinson’s poems, untitled and bundled intofascicles (sewn paper booklets). She gives them to Higginson andMabel Loomis Todd, another friend of Dickinson‘s, for editing.The first of three volumes titled Poems is published (the othertwo are published in 1891 and 1896). The manuscripts are then

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kept in storage for the next sixty years.

1894 Letters of Emily Dickinson, edited by Mabel Todd, is published.

1899 Lavinia dies in 1899.

1914An edition of Dickinson’s poetry—The Single Hound: Poems ofa Lifetime—edited by her niece Martha Dickinson Bianchi ispublished.


Thomas H. Johnson rediscovers Dickinson’s original poems; hepublishes The Poems of Emily Dickinson, the first completecollection of her poetry that is free from editorial revisions. Thebook’s publication leads to a renewed interest in Dickinson’spoetry.

1963 The Homestead is designated a National Historic Landmark.

1965 Amherst College purchases the Homestead and opens the house asthe Emily Dickinson Museum.

1977The State of Massachusetts establishes the Emily DickinsonHistoric District, which includes the Homestead, the Evergreens,and surrounding properties.

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Emily Dickinson, writing to the editor Thomas Wentworth Higginson in July1862, reported that she “had no portrait,” but offered the followingdescription in place of one: “Small, like the Wren, and my Hair is bold, likethe Chestnut Bur—and my eyes, like the Sherry in the Glass, that the Guestleaves—Would this do just as well?” (Selected Letters, edited by ThomasH. Johnson, p. 175; see “For Further Reading”). Despite Dickinson’s claim,we do possess one photograph of her—a daguerreotype taken in 1847 or1848, when she was in her late teens. The image certainly confirms her self-portrait: Her frame is tiny; her shiny hair does indeed sit boldly atop herhead; and her dark eyes really do glisten like liquor at the bottom of a glass.

The photograph also suggests many of the rich puzzles and paradoxes thathave informed our view of Dickinson since the last decade of the nineteenthcentury, when readers and critics began to read, study, and obsess over herpoems. Dickinson’s body, with its delicate hands and slender torso, mayresemble the fragile form of someone too weak to venture far from home;but her huge moist eyes stare at us with the wisdom, depth, and longing of awoman who has traveled around the world and come back with stories, notall of them fit for mixed company. She demurely clutches a bouquet offlowers, and a book rests primly at her side; but her full, sensuous lipsreveal a person whose thoughts may not always tend toward such tidysubjects as flowers and books. We look away from the photograph intriguedand stirred: What’s going on in her mind? How could this slight figure bethe author of some of the most passionate love poems, the most searingdescriptions of loss, the most haunting religious lyrics ever written?

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, onDecember 10, 1830, the middle child of Edward and Emily NorcrossDickinson; her brother, Austin, was born in 1829 and her sister, Lavinia, in1833. Her father, a lawyer, served as treasurer of Amherst College (her

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grandfather was a cofounder of the college), and also occupied importantpositions on the General Court of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts StateSenate, and the United States House of Representatives. “His Heart,”Dickinson wrote in a letter, “was pure and terrible and I think no other likeit exists” (Selected Letters, p. 223). He was strictly religious (somethingshe would later rebel against), leading the family prayers every day andoften censoring her reading; but he also ensured that Dickinson grew up in ahousehold surrounded by books and heated intellectual debates. Her motherwas a more shadowy presence ; Dickinson wrote that she “does not care forthought” (Selected Letters, p. 173); more harshly, she claimed, “I never hada mother. I suppose a mother is one to whom you hurry when you aretroubled” (Letters, vol. 2, p. 475). Even so, the Dickinsons remained anextremely close-knit family; after her brother, Austin, married, he and hiswife settled right next door.

Dickinson attended the coeducational Amherst Academy from the ages often to seventeen, and then went on to the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary(now Mount Holyoke College) in nearby South Hadley. She blossomedthere into a social and spirited young woman. The most significant event ofher stay occurred at a fundamentalist Calvinist revival meeting, when shewas asked to stand and declare herself a Christian and refused. After oneyear at Mount Holyoke she returned in 1848 to Amherst, where sheremained, apart from brief trips to Boston, Cambridge, Philadelphia, andWashington, D.C., for the rest of her life.

At school and at home, Dickinson received an excellent education. At theAmherst Academy alone she studied the arts, English literature, rhetoric,philosophy, Latin, French, German, history, geography, classics, and theBible; she also received a firm grounding in the sciences, mathematics,geology, botany, natural history, physiology, and astronomy. At home theDickinsons’ large and varied library included books by Hawthorne,Emerson, Thoreau, Longfellow, Shakespeare, Keats, the Brownings, theBrontës, and George Eliot, along with Noah Webster’s An American

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Dictionary of the English Language—which for Dickinson would proveone of the most important books of all—and a healthy dose of newspapersand romance novels.

During her early twenties, Dickinson began to dress in white, to leave herhouse only on rare occasions, and to restrict the circle of her acquaintancesuntil it numbered just a few people. Often speaking to visitors through ascreen or from an adjoining room, she soon developed a reputation as atown eccentric. The young Mabel Loomis Todd, having recently moved toAmherst with her husband, David, remarked in a letter to her parents abouta strange resident:I must tell you about the character of Amherst. It is a lady whom all thepeople call the Myth. She is a sister of Mr. Dickinson, & seems to be theclimax of all the family oddity. She has not been outside her house in fifteenyears, except once to see a new church, when she crept out at night, &viewed it by moonlight. No one who calls upon her mother & sister eversees her, but she allows little children once in a great while, & one at atime, to come in, when she gives them cake or candy, or some nicety, for sheis very fond of little ones. But more often she lets down the sweetmeat by astring, out of a window, to them. She dresses wholly in white, & her mind issaid to be perfectly wonderful. She writes finely, but no one ever sees her.Her sister... invited me to come & sing to her mother sometime.... Peopletell me the myth will hear every note—she will be near, but unseen.... Isn’tthat like a book? So interesting (Farr, Emily Dickinson: A Collection ofCritical Essays, p. 20).One can hardly blame Todd for being fascinated by such an unusual“character.” But unfortunately, the “myth” she takes such pleasure indescribing influenced our later notions of Dickinson much too heavily.Despite her seclusion, a large number of prominent figures came and wentthrough her house. She also developed deep, though largely epistolary,friendships with several people: the clergyman Charles Wadsworth, whom

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she met in Philadelphia and described as her “dearest earthly friend”;Samuel Bowles, editor of the Springfield Republican; and Judge Otis Phillips Lord of Salem, Massachusetts.

During this time Dickinson also began to write poetry. On April 15, 1862,she read in the Atlantic Monthly a “Letter to a Young Contributor,” byThomas Wentworth Higginson. In the letter Higginson, a man of letters,active abolitionist, and early supporter of women’s rights offered advice tonovice writers about finding an audience for their work. Dickinson sent himfour poems, along with a letter inquiring “if my Verse is alive?” and tellingHigginson, “Should you feel it breathed—and had you leisure to tell me, Ishould feel quick gratitude—” (Selected Letters, p. 171). AlthoughHigginson may have been politically ahead of his time, his literary tasteswere not quite as advanced; he suggested that Dickinson revise her unusualpunctuation and syntax. Still, their correspondence, which lasted until thelast month of her life, seems to have gone a long way toward helpingDickinson feel part of a greater literary community.

Dickinson experienced her most tumultuous decade during the 1860s,when several events took their toll on her: the outbreak of the Civil War, thechanged circumstances of several friends (Bowles was sick in Europe,Wadsworth moved to San Francisco, and Higginson served as an officer inthe Union Army), and her own severe eye trouble in 1864 and 1865. Afterthe late 1860s she never again left her home. In April 1862 she wrotemysteriously to Higginson, “I had a terror—since September—I could tellto none—and so I sing, as the Boy does by the Burying Ground—because Iam afraid—” (Selected Letters, p. 172). These lines certainly confirmDickinson’s difficulties during this time, even though no one knows exactlywhat her “terror” was. This period, however, proved to be the mostproductive of Dickinson’s life; between 1860 and 1865 she wrote anaverage of three hundred poems each year.

Although Dickinson never married, her passionate poems, as well as a

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series of letters that have come to be called “The Master Letters,” suggestthat she may have been deeply in love at least once; it remains in doubtwhether the object of her affection was Charles Wadsworth, Otis Lord, hersister-in-law Susan, or indeed any real person.

The last years of Dickinson’s life were sad ones, due to the numerousdeaths she experienced. Her father died in 1874, Samuel Bowles in 1878,her nephew Gilbert in 1883, and both Charles Wadsworth and her mother in1882. In April 1884 Otis Lord died, and Dickinson herself suffered the firstattack of an illness that would prove fatal; she died on May 15, 1886.

With a few exceptions, Dickinson’s poems are quite short, and they consistof stanzas written in what is known as common measure, also calledcommon meter: four iambic lines that alternate between four and threebeats. They recall the hymns that would have been intimately familiar toDickinson from her childhood on. By far the most popular writer of thesehymns was Isaac Watts, whose collections of hymns and other books couldbe found in every New England home. Opening Watts’s Divine Songs forChildren (1715), Dickinson would have encountered stanzas like this:Let dogs delight to bark and bite, For God hath made them so; Let bears and lions growl and fight, For ‘tis their nature, too. But, children, you should never let Such angry passions rise; Your little hands were never made To tear each other’s eyes. (from “Against Quarreling and Fighting”)Another perennially popular example of common measure is the hymn

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“Amazing Grace,” which begins: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound /That saved a wretch like me.” But, although Dickinson’s poems maysuperficially resemble sternly moralistic or sweetly consoling hymns, acloser look reveals that they are anything but:The Soul’s superior instants Occur to Her alone, When friend and earth’s occasion Have infinite withdrawn. (p. 275) Faith is a fine invention For gentlemen who see; But microscopes are prudent In an emergency! (p. 36)Unfolding as predictably as a hymn, these two stanzas nevertheless show—with their preference for individuality over community, attention to detailover the “invention” of faith—how in Dickinson’s crafty hands form is anoccasion for cutting ironies, allowing her poems to enact an ongoing battlebetween received opinion and “superior instants.” (The abrupt rhythmachieved by her characteristic use of dashes in place of expectedpunctuation also helps advance the battle; Dickinson’s use of dashes maynot always be evident in this edition, as discussed later in this essay.)

Dickinson’s idiosyncratic use of rhyme adds even more tension to herdeceptively hymn-like poems. “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant,” shefamously wrote (The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, edited byThomas H. Johnson, poem 1129); and she practiced this wily doctrine inalmost every poem:The heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering;

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And then, to go to sleep; And then, if it should be The will of its Inquisitor, The liberty to die. (p. 10)This wrenching little poem attains much of its power from Dickinson’s useof “slant rhymes,” or off-rhymes, like “pain-suffering” and “be-die,” whichdon’t allow the comfort that might come from exact rhymes and insteadremind us of life’s conflicts and near misses. Slant rhyme can also be a wayto express the pleasure of messiness, the joy of not being able to “Tell allthe Truth” once and for all:To tell the beauty would decrease, To state the Spell demean, There is a syllableless sea Of which it is the sign. (pp. 316-317)Appropriately for a poem about how not “telling beauty” only increasesbeauty’s strength, the near-rhymes “demean” and “sign” mirror theinexactness that Dickinson applauds. (The coinage “syllableless” is a goodexample of Dickinson’s fondness for making up new words when the oldones are not adequate to her needs.)

Dickinson is as ardent a revisionist of syntax as she is of form, as isevident in the following single-stanza poem:Adventure most unto itself The Soul condemned to be; Attended by a Single Hound—Its own Identity. (p. 264)Here, by reordering a statement that we might have expected to begin, “TheSoul is condemned,” Dickinson can start her poem with her true subject: theterror and the necessity of the soul’s “Adventure.” Similarly, by strippingthe poem of verbs (“[is] condemned,” “[It is] attended”), and by boldly

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capitalizing its final word, “Identity,” she increases its starkness andstrangeness. Isaac Watts would be appalled by such stylistic departuresfrom tradition, but it is precisely these quirks that make Dickinson’s poemsso continually exciting.

Her liberties extend even further. Rather than begin her poems withelaborate contexts or settings, Dickinson plunges us right away into thepulsing heart of things. Her poems often start with a bold proclamation ordefinition that the rest of the poem explores : “Hope is the thing withfeathers / That perches in the soul” (p. 22); “Heaven is what I cannotreach!” (p. 53); “Presentiment is that long shadow on the lawn” (p. 124).Other poems lead us straight into an extreme situation without warning:My life closed twice before its close; It yet remains to see If Immortality unveil A third event to me. (p. 56) I felt a cleavage in my mind As if my brain had split; I tried to match it, seam by seam, But could not make them fit. (p. 61) Wild nights! Wild nights! Were I with thee, Wild nights should be Our luxury! (p. 168)Her endings can be just as abrupt. Whether a poem takes the form of ariddle, proverb, or narrative—for her genres are just as varied as her use ofcommon measure is uniform—it often ends with a terrifying lack of closure.Two of her most well-known poems make this clear. In “Because I could

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not stop for Death,” the speaker rides with Death in most leisurely fashionpast children at play and the setting sun; but at the poem’s end, time rushessuddenly forward, and the speaker looks back on the scene just describedfrom the sudden vantage point of one who has been dead a long time:Since then ‘tis centuries; but each Feels shorter than the day I first surmised the horses’ heads Were toward eternity. (p. 201)In “I heard a fly buzz when I died,” Dickinson again assumes the role of adead person and imagines the “stillness” of the scene around her, thenbrings the poem to a crashing halt with the following lines, horrifying fortheir utter absence of comfort or conclusion : “And then the windows failed,and then / I could not see to see” (p. 253).

Point of view in Dickinson’s hands is an unstable thing, too. The majorityof her poems feature an “I” who tells stories, describes nature, or dissectsbelief (142 of them even begin with “I”), and her use of first-personperspective is every bit as innovative as is her handling of form, language,and structure. Writing to Higginson in July 1862, Dickinson remarked,“When I state myself, as the Representative of the Verse—it does not mean—me—but a supposed person” (Selected Letters, p. 176). Thus, in the twopoems described above, Dickinson’s narrators are not actual people wholived and died in a specific time and place, but emblematic figures whosedeaths might just as well be ours. She also occasionally employs a “we” tonarrate, as in the poem “Our journey had advanced” (p. 200).

Perhaps Dickinson’s most radical departures from convention occur in heruse of paradox to unsettle our most firmly held opinions and beliefs. As thecritic Alfred Kazin writes, “She unsettles, most obviously, by not beingeasily locatable” (Kazin, “Wrecked, Solitary, Here: Dickinson’s Room ofHer Own,” p. 164). To enter Dickinson’s world is to step into a scary butelectrifying funhouse where paradoxes serve like distorting mirrors to show

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us new ways of seeing just about everything: love, death, solitude, the soul.Throughout her work, opposites change places: Distance is nearness indisguise; absence is the most vital form of presence; alone-ness is thegreatest company. In several painful but illuminating poems, for example,she argues in favor of hunger and longing, maintaining that the lack thatoccasions desire makes the object of desire all the more precious:Success is counted sweetest By those who ne‘er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. (p. 6) I taste a liquor never brewed, From tankards scooped in pearl; Not all the vats upon the Rhine Yield such an alcohol! (p. 16)Delight becomes pictorial When viewed through pain,—More fair, because impossible That any gain. (pp. 29-30)

Elsewhere Dickinson uses paradox to destroy and reassemble our notionsof other states of being, as when she writes, “Much madness is divinestsense / To a discerning eye” (p. 11), or asserts, “A death-blow is a life-blow to some” (p. 210), or describes just how deep still waters can run:The reticent volcano keeps His never slumbering plan; Confided are his projects pink To no precarious man. (p. 61)But for all the paradoxes, a wonderfully direct and opinionated personalityemerges from Dickinson’s poems; the more of them we read, the more

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familiar we become with all her cranky, passionate likes and dislikes. Oftenshe wears her disapproval on her sleeve, as in the following poem:What soft, cherubic creatures These gentlewomen are! One would as soon assault a plush Or violate a star. Such dimity convictions, A horror so refined Of freckled human nature, Of Deity ashamed,— It’s such a common glory, A fisherman’s degree! Redemption, brittle lady, Be so, ashamed of thee. (p. 72)The poem’s opening lines prepare us for a hymn of praise to these delicateladies. But Dickinson’s descriptions are double-edged: “Soft” connotesflimsy as well as feminine, and even though “cherubic” likens the women toangels, it also reveals their infantile, diminutive status. As the poem goeson, Dickinson’s mocking scorn becomes more evident: The women arecompared to “plush”—the filling of a sofa!—and their “star”-like naturemay make them celestial, but it also puts them miserably out of touch withthe real world. Their beliefs are as fragile as “dimity,” a sheer cottonfabric; they are so “refined” that they cannot appreciate the rich complexityof “freckled human nature.” As the poem reaches its close, Dickinson growseven harsher, calling the women “brittle” —a far cry from the first stanza’s“soft”—and claiming that “Redemption” is “ashamed” of, and thereforeunavailable to, these “creatures” in all their superficiality and passiveness.

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Dickinson also disapproves of people who are incapable of feeling orshowing emotions:A face devoid of love or grace, A hateful, hard, successful face, A face with which a stone Would feel as thoroughly at ease As were they old acquaintances,—First time together thrown. (p. 58)If soft flimsiness is a fault in the previous poem, here it is stone-likehardness that Dickinson cannot abide; the face may be a conventionally“successful” one, but Dickinson is outraged by the idea that nothing deeperor richer lurks beneath it. Like the “gentlewomen” poem, with its referencesto “assaulting” and “violating,” this poem contains hints of violence thatreveal the depth of Dickinson’s dislike: The last line conjures an almostwittily surreal image of the face and the stone being recklessly “thrown” ateach other.

In two single-stanza poems, Dickinson expresses her strong distaste forstill other personality types. She simply cannot understand how people canlook at the world and not be fascinated by it:The Hills erect their purple heads, The Rivers lean to see- Yet Man has not, of all the throng, A curiosity. (p. 287)She denounces people who don’t know how to keep secrets:Candor, my tepid Friend, Come not to play with me! The Myrrhs and Mochas of the Mind Are its Iniquity. (p. 311)While many appreciate directness, for Dickinson—who writes elsewhere in

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praise of indirection, claiming that “Success in Circuit lies” (CompletePoems, poem 1129)—directness creates a false sense of comfort, an overlyperfumed “Myrrh” and a sickeningly sweet “Mocha.”

In rich contrast to these poems, however, are moments in other poemswhen Dickinson lavishes praise on the types of people and behavior shedoes like. Pain, in her opinion, reveals people’s depths more than anyintrusive “candor”:I like a look of agony Because I know it’s true; Men do not sham convulsion, Nor simulate a throe. The eyes glaze once, and that is death. Impossible to feign The beads upon the forehead By homely anguish strung. (pp. 192-193)Dickinson also heartily approves of those who are willing to put themselvesin danger, since it puts them in touch with their own deepest “creases”:Peril as a possession ’T is good to bear, Danger disintegrates satiety; There’s Basis there Begets an awe, That searches Human Nature’s creases As clean as Fire. (pp. 265-266)

She likes people who respect privacy:The suburbs of a secret A strategist should keep, Better than on a dream intrude

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To scrutinize the sleep. (pp. 271-272)And she is utterly smitten with the transporting power of books, a love shereveals in poem after poem:There is no frigate like a book To take us lands away, Nor any coursers like a page Of prancing poetry. This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is the chariot That bears a human soul! (pp. 57-58)Even though Dickinson is one of the most difficult poets to interpret, she isalso, as these poems reveal, one of the most refreshingly straightforward.

In Dickinson’s work, apparent opposites—hunger and fulfillment, the selfand God, death and life—turn out to have more in common than we’dthought. In her more explicitly religious poems, she violently overturnstraditional Christian beliefs in order to create her own homespun theology.Despite her revisionary zeal, Dickinson never completely abandons herfaith in God: “I know that he exists,” she writes, “Somewhere, in silence”(p. 49). Rather, she is determined to explore new forms that God’s“existence” might take. She is achingly up-front about her desire to knowwhat God is really like:The Look of Thee, what is it like? Hast thou a hand or foot, Or mansion of Identity, And what is thy Pursuit? (p. 303)But she also admits the possibility that we have invented the concept of lifeafter death:

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Immortal is an ample word When what we need is by, But when it leaves us for a time, ’T is a necessity. (p. 241)She is capable of considerable anger about the rift between humans andGod:Is Heaven a physician? They say that He can heal; But medicine posthumous Is unavailable. (p. 30)Still, faced with this “unavailable” comfort, Dickinson responds not bygiving up faith, but rather by constructing new versions of it. In severalpoems she asserts that the self’s depths bring us as close to God as we canhope to come, and allow us a glimpse of what she calls “Finite Infinity” (p.272):To be alive is power, Existence in itself, Without a further function, Omnipotence enough. (pp. 266-267)Other poems locate divinity in nature:The color on the cruising cloud, The interdicted ground, Behind the hill, the house behind,—There Paradise is found! (p. 53) In the name of the bee And of the butterfly And of the breeze, amen! (p. 110)

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Whether looking inward or out her window, Dickinson radically replacesthe traditional image of a distant, all-powerful God with a local divinityresiding right by her side. Although “Some keep the Sabbath going tochurch,” she writes, “I keep it staying at home.... / So instead of getting toheaven at last, / I’m going all along!” (p. 116). Dickinson never becomescomplacent—she remains one of the greatest poets of loss—but she doesfind great solace in her bravely domestic cosmology:Who has not found the heaven below Will fail of it above. God’s residence is next to mine, His furniture is love. (p. 58).

Because of her many poems about death—some of which happen to beamong her most famous—Dickinson has been unfairly labeled a morbidpoet. In fact, her interest in death makes perfect sense for a number ofreasons. For one thing, Dickinson’s subject matter is so varied that it wouldbe stranger if she didn’t write about death. Furthermore, as her biographerCynthia Griffin Wolff has pointed out, Dickinson grew up in a culture highlypreoccupied with death. Nineteenth-century children were taught to readwith the New England Primer, which contained prayers that, as Wolffwrites, “served to initiate even the youngest into an acknowledgment ofdeath” (Wolff, Emily Dickinson, p. 69). Deaths from childbirth wereextraordinarily common; New England grave-stones frequently representeddeath with vivid and memorable icons; and deathbed vigils—so eerilydescribed in “I heard a fly buzz” (p. 252)—were practically social events.Not surprisingly, this cultural saturation influenced Dickinson’s poetry. Thisdoes not make her morbid; it merely shows how she transformed culturalpreoccupations into poetic concerns. If Dickinson is obsessed with death,she is also capable of writing the most life-affirming of poems, as thefollowing poem not included in this edition demonstrates :Did life’s penurious length

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Italicize its sweetness, The men that daily live Would stand so deep in joy That it would clog the cogs Of that revolving reason Whose esoteric belt Protects our sanity. (Complete Poems, poem 1717)Here, adding her bracing contribution to the carpe diem genre, Dickinsonargues that an awareness of death can fill us with an intoxicating, almostcrazy joy in being alive. It is one of the least morbid poems ever written.

The long, involved story of the posthumous fate of Dickinson’s poems couldfill its own volume. Only seven of her poems were published in herlifetime, five of them in the Springfield Republican. But after her death, hersister Lavinia discovered almost two thousand poems in her desk drawer,many written on scraps of paper or the back of grocery lists, others boundinto what were later called “fascicles,” or sewn paper booklets. Laviniaresolved to see them into print. Soon she had persuaded Mabel LoomisTodd and Thomas Higginson to help her edit the poems, and the three ofthem approached Robert Brothers, a publishing house in Boston. The firstvolume of Poems appeared in 1890 and became a bestseller. Already,however, the long history of modifying Dickinson’s poems had begun, withsome of her best and strangest lines omitted or changed, sentimental titlesattached, rhymes regularized, and syntax standardized. Later editions,including The Single Hound: Poems of a Lifetime (1914), edited byDickinson’s niece Martha Dickinson Bianchi, also distorted the poems. Inher acute short poem “Emily Dickinson,” the contemporary British poetWendy Cope wryly comments on this unfortunate trend:Higgledy-piggledy Emily Dickinson

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Liked to use dashes Instead of full stops. Nowadays, faced with such Idiosyncrasy, Critics and editors Send for the cops. (Cope, Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis, p. 23)

Finally, in 1955, Thomas H. Johnson’s The Poems of Emily Dickinsonoffered readers access to all of Dickinson’s poems, arranged in estimatedchronological order and with her idiosyncrasies—slant rhymes, dashes,capitals—intact. Johnson’s restored text went a long way toward undoingthe follies of earlier editors. (To take just one example, Todd and Higginsonhad changed “Because I could not stop for Death” (p. 200) so that the line“Cornice—in the Ground” read “The cornice but a mound,” therebyreducing an eerily sinking grave to a simple pile of dirt.)

For a long while (until the publication in 1999 of an edition of the poemsby R. W. Franklin), most readers, scholars, and teachers regarded Johnson’sedition as the authoritative one. But for some, it did not go far enough. Thecritics Sharon Cameron and Susan Howe, for example, argue that the variantwords Dickinson often included at the bottom of a manuscript page shouldbe read as essential parts of the poems; among Dickinson’s myriadinnovations, they claim, is a new approach to poetics in which writers andreaders need not always choose one word and meanings can proliferate infruitful mayhem. (Cameron, Choosing Not Choosing: Dickinson’sFascicles, and Howe, My Emily Dickinson). Others have complained thatthe fascicles should be treated as separate volumes; or that Johnson’sdivision of most of the poems into quatrains is too sweeping andDickinson’s stanza divisions are more varied than he allowed. In theoriginal manuscript, for example, the first words of the poem “A Narrow

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Fellow in the Grass” (p. 96) are on two lines, with “the Grass” set as aseparate line against the left margin; Johnson argues that this was due tolack of writing space, but others suggest a more deliberate experimentationwith line breaks on Dickinson’s part.

It should be noted that this edition arranges Dickinson’s poems by theme,and regularizes her punctuation and capitalization; readers eager for aversion of the poems closer to the manuscripts should seek out Johnson’sedition, as well as the stimulating criticism of Cameron, Howe, and others.

In a poem not included in this edition, Dickinson wrote about theposthumous fate of poets:The Poets light but Lamps—Themselves—go out—The wicks they stimulate—If vital Light Inhere as do the Suns- Each Age a Lens Disseminating their Circumference—(Complete Poems, poem 883)Crudely paraphrased, the poem asserts that after poets die, they areinterpreted—if they are “vital” enough—in different ways by differentpeople. This has certainly been the case with Dickinson, who has influencedlater writers in an astonishing variety of ways.

Hart Crane’s sonnet “To Emily Dickinson,” though it overlooks her witand range, tenderly invokes a “sweet, dead Silencer”:You who desired so much—in vain to ask- Yet fed your hunger like an endless task, Dared dignify the labor, bless the quest—Achieved that stillness ultimately best.

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(Crane, The Poems of Hart Crane, p. 128)Here and elsewhere, Crane’s obsessive use of dashes shows thatDickinson’s ghost was never far from his side. Archibald MacLeishclaimed, somewhat condescendingly, “Most of us are half in love with thisgirl” (in Bogan, Emily Dickinson: Three Views, p. 20). William CarlosWilliams remarked in an interview,She was an independent spirit... She did her best to get away from too strictan interpretation. And she didn’t want to be confirmed to rhyme or reason....And she followed the American idiom.... She was a wild girl. She chafedagainst restraint. But she speaks the spoken language, the idiom, whichwould be deformed by Oxford English.... She was a real good guy(Williams, Poets at Work: The Paris Review Interviews, p. 169).Elizabeth Bishop, though she admitted that “I still hate the oh the-pain-of-it-all poems,” noted, “I admire many others” (Kalstone, Becoming a Poet, p.132).

Confessional poetry, with its harsh excavations of the self’s deepestplaces, would not be as rich without Dickinson’s example. Robert Frost,though seldom classed as a confessional poet, wrote several poems inwhich exploration of his “Desert Places” leads him to a terrifying innerantagonist, a “blanker whiteness” (Frost, The Poetry of Robert Frost, p.296) that recalls both Dickinson’s customary dress color and herobservations: “Pain has an element of blank” (p. 16) and “One need not be achamber to be haunted” (p. 224). Finding depths within oneself, of course,can be cause for celebration as well as fear, a fact of which WallaceStevens seems acutely aware in these lines from “Tea at the Palaz ofHoon”:Out of my mind the golden ointment rained, And my ears made the blowing hymns they heard. I was myself the compass of that sea:

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I was the world in which I walked, and what I saw Or heard or felt came not but from myself; And there I found myself more truly and more strange. (Stevens, The Collected Poems, p. 65)Here, as often happens in Dickinson’s work, the human and the divinechange places, and the mind’s capacity is found to be equal or superior toGod’s.

Several later poets, like Dickinson before them, make death a character:Anne Sexton titled one of her poems “For Mr. Death Who Stands with HisDoor Open,” and Sylvia Plath’s “Death & Co.” personifies not one but twoDeaths. (There are also numerous moments in the work of both poets whenthey imagine their own deaths.) And the popular poet Billy Collinscheerfully profanes Dickinson’s woman-in-white mystique in “Taking OffEmily Dickinson’s Clothes,” describing howI could plainly hear her inhale when I undid the very top hook-and-eye fastener of her corset and I could hear her sigh when finally it was unloosed, the way some readers sigh when they realize that Hope has feathers, that reason is a plank, that life is a loaded gun that looks right at you with a yellow eye. (Collins, Picnic, Lightning, p. 75)

Adrienne Rich, in several striking poems, presents a feisty and determinedDickinson. In the fourth section of “Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law,” sheportrays her

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Reading while waiting for the iron to heat, writing, My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun— in that Amherst pantry while the jellies boil and scum, or, more often, iron-eyed and beaked and purposed as a bird, dusting everything on the whatnot every day of life. (Rich, The Fact of a Doorframe, p. 18)And in “The Spirit of Place,” Rich angrily describes the Emily DickinsonIndustry’s invasion of her home:In Emily Dickinson’s house in Amherst cocktails are served the scholars gather in celebration their pious or clinical legends festoon the walls like imitations of period patterns. (Rich, The Fact of a Doorframe, p. 184)But despite “The remnants pawed the relics / the cult assembled in thebedroom,” the scholars do not get the last word, for “you whose teeth wereset on edge by churches / resist your shrine / escape.” Rich vows that herrelationship to Dickinson will be a very different one in which “with thehands of a daughter I would cover you / from all intrusion even my own /saying rest to your ghost” (Rich, The Fact of a Doorframe, pp. 184-185).

Dickinson’s widespread influence can perhaps best be seen in poets whoare in most ways nothing like her. e.e. cummings, as formally explosive asDickinson was—at least superficially—conservative, begins one poem inthis way:my father moved through dooms of love through sames of am through haves of give, singing each morning out of each night

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my father moved through depths of height (e.e. cummings: Complete Poems 1904-1962, p. 520)cummings’s “dooms of love,” “sames of am,” and “haves of give” recallDickinson’s peculiar use of the genitive case in a poem in which shedescribes heaven as “The House of Supposition” that “Skirts the Acres ofPerhaps” (Complete Poems, poem 696). In addition, the paradoxes of thethird and fourth lines of cummings’s stanza—“each morning out of eachnight” and “depths of height”—resemble Dickinson’s characteristic trait,discussed earlier, of translating big into small, life into death, and—in thecase of poem 696, riches into poverty: “The Wealth I had—contented me—/If ‘twas a meaner size—”.

Dickinson has even made her way into fiction. Judith Farr’s 1996 novel INever Came to You in White offers a fictionalized biography of Dickinson.And in A. S. Byatt’s 1990 novel Possession: A Romance—a double lovestory in which two modern academics investigate the secret love affair oftwo Victorian poets, Randolph Henry Ash and Christabel LaMotte—Dickinson is the model for the female heroine. At the beginning of the novel,Byatt provides a list of some of the more silly-sounding articles critics havewritten about her heroine:They wrote on “Arachne’s Broken Woof: Art as Discarded Spinning in thePoems of LaMotte.” Or “Melusina and the Daemonic Double : GoodMother, Bad Serpent.” “A Docile Rage: Christabel LaMotte’s AmbivalentDomesticity” (Byatt, Possession: A Romance, p. 43).But before long, these limited views of LaMotte give way to a much morerich and complex one, mostly because Byatt lets the poet speak for hereccentric, resourceful self, as in this letter:I have chosen a Way—dear Friend—I must hold to it. Think of me if youwill as the Lady of Shalott—with a Narrower Wisdom—who chooses notthe Gulp of Outside Air and the chilly river-journey deathwards—but whochooses to watch diligently the bright colours of her Web—to ply an

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industrious shuttle—to make—something—to close the Shutters and thePeephole too—(Byatt, p. 205).

Dickinson’s influence can be felt everywhere. Writers are in her thrall;every year the Poetry Society of America offers an award “for a poeminspired by Dickinson”; the 2002 Modern Language Association featuredseveral panels on her work; she even has her own International Society. AsDickinson herself predicted, her light may have gone out, but the lenses oflater ages keep reflecting and refracting it in all sorts of inventive andunexpected ways. The intense eyes of the young woman in the photographwill keep peering into ours for a very long time.

Rachel Wetzsteon received her doctorate in English from ColumbiaUniversity in 1999 and is Assistant Professor of English at WilliamPaterson University. She has published two books of poems, The OtherStars and Home and Away, and has received various awards for her poetry.She currently lives in New York City.

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THIS is my letter to the world, That never wrote to me,— The simple news that Nature told, With tender majesty. Her message is committed To hands I cannot see; For love of her, sweet countrymen, Judge tenderly of me!

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SUCCESS is counted sweetest By those who ne‘er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host Who took the flag to-day Can tell the definition, So clear, of victory,

As he, defeated, dying, On whose forbidden ear The distant strains of triumph Break, agonized and clear.

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OUR share of night to bear, Our share of morning, Our blank in bliss to fill, Our blank in scorning.

Here a star, and there a star, Some lose their way. Here a mist, and there a mist, Afterwards—day!

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SOUL, wilt thou toss again? By just such a hazard Hundreds have lost, indeed, But tens have won an all.

Angels’ breathless ballot Lingers to record thee; Imps in eager caucus Raffle for my soul.

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’T is so much joy! ’T is so much joy! If I should fail, what poverty! And yet, as poor as I Have ventured all upon a throw; Have gained! Yes! Hesitated so This side the victory!

Life is but life, and death but death! Bliss is but bliss, and breath but breath! And if, indeed, I fail, At least to know the worst is sweet. Defeat means nothing but defeat, No drearier can prevail!

And if I gain,—oh, gun at sea, Oh, bells that in the steeples be, At first repeat it slow! For heaven is a different thing Conjectured, and waked sudden in, And might o‘erwhelm me so!

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GLEE! the great storm is over! Four have recovered the land; Forty gone down together Into the boiling sand.

Ring, for the scant salvation! Toll, for the bonnie1 souls,—Neighbor and friend and bridegroom, Spinning upon the shoals!How they will tell the shipwreck When winter shakes the door, Till the children ask, “But the forty? Did they come back no more?”

Then a silence suffuses the story, And a softness the teller’s eye; And the children no further question, And only the waves reply.

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IF I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.

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WITHIN my reach! I could have touched! I might have chanced that way! Soft sauntered through the village, Sauntered as soft away! So unsuspected violets Within the fields lie low, Too late for striving fingers That passed, an hour ago.

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A wounded deer leaps highest, I’ve heard the hunter tell; ’T is but the ecstasy of death, And then the brake2 is still.

The smitten rock that gushes, The trampled steel that springs: A cheek is always redder Just where the hectic3 stings!

Mirth is the mail of anguish, In which it caution arm, Lest anybody spy the blood And “You’re hurt” exclaim!

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THE heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodynes4 That deaden suffering;And then, to go to sleep; And then, if it should be The will of its Inquisitor, The liberty to die.

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A precious, mouldering pleasure ’t is To meet an antique book, In just the dress his century wore; A privilege, I think,

His venerable hand to take, And warming in our own, A passage back, or two, to make To times when he was young.

His quaint opinions to inspect, His knowledge to unfold On what concerns our mutual mind, The literature of old;

What interested scholars most, What competitions ran When Plato was a certainty, And Sophocles a man;

When Sappho5 was a living girl, And Beatrice6 wore The gown that Dante deified. Facts, centuries before,

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He traverses familiar, As one should come to town And tell you all your dreams were true: He lived where dreams were born.

His presence is enchantment, You beg him not to go; Old volumes shake their vellum7 heads And tantalize, just so.

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MUCH madness is divinest sense To a discerning eye; Much sense the starkest madness. ’T is the majority In this, as all, prevails. Assent, and you are sane; Demur,—you’re straightway dangerous, And handled with a chain.

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I asked no other thing, No other was denied. I offered Being for it; The mighty merchant smiled.

Brazil? He twirled a button, Without a glance my way: “But, madam, is there nothing else That we can show to-day?”

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THE soul selects her own society, Then shuts the door; On her divine majority Obtrude no more.

Unmoved, she notes the chariot’s pausing At her low gate; Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling Upon her mat.

I’ve known her from an ample nation Choose one; Then close the valves of her attention Like stone.

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SOME things that fly there be,—Birds, hours, the bumble-bee: Of these no elegy.Some things that stay there be,—Grief, hills, eternity: Nor this behoovet8 me.

There are, that resting, rise. Can I expound the skies? How still the riddle lies!

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I know some lonely houses off the road A robber’d like the look of,—Wooden barred, And windows hanging low, Inviting to A portico,

Where two could creep: One hand the tools, The other peep To make sure all’s asleep. Old-fashioned eyes, Not easy to surprise!

How orderly the kitchen’d look by night, With just a clock,—But they could gag the tick, And mice won’t bark; And so the walls don’t tell, None will.

A pair of spectacles ajar just stir—An almanac’s aware. Was it the mat winked, Or a nervous star? The moon slides down the stair

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To see who’s there.

There’s plunder,—where? Tankard,9 or spoon, Earring, or stone, A watch, some ancient brooch To match the grandmamma, Staid sleeping there.

Day rattles, too, Stealth’s slow; The sun has got as far As the third sycamore. Screams chanticleer,† “Who’s there?”

And echoes, trains away, Sneer—“Where?” While the old couple, just astir, Think that the sunrise left the door ajar!

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TO fight aloud is very brave, But gallanter, I know, Who charge within the bosom, The cavalry of woe.

Who win, and nations do not see, Who fall, and none observe, Whose dying eyes no country Regards with patriot love.

We trust, in plumed procession, For such the angels go, Rank after rank, with even feet And uniforms of snow.

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WHEN night is almost done, And sunrise grows so near That we can touch the spaces, It’s time to smooth the hair

And get the dimples ready, And wonder we could care For that old faded midnight That frightened but an hour.

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READ, sweet, how others strove, Till we are stouter; What they renounced, Till we are less afraid; How many times they bore The faithful witness, Till we are helped, As if a kingdom cared!Read then of faith That shone above the fagot;10 Clear strains of hymn The river could not drown; Brave names of men And celestial women, Passed out of record Into renown!

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PAIN has an element of blank; It cannot recollect When it began, or if there were A day when it was not.

It has no future but itself, Its infinite realms contain Its past, enlightened to perceive New periods of pain.

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I taste a liquor never brewed, From tankards scooped in pearl; Not all the vats upon the Rhine Yield such an alcohol!

Inebriate of air am I, And debauchee of dew, Reeling, through endless summer days, From inns of molten blue.

When landlords turn the drunken bee Out of the foxglove‘s11 door, When butterflies renounce their drams,12 I shall but drink the more!

Till seraphs13 swing their snowy hats, And saints to windows run, To see the little tippler Leaning against the sun!

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HE ate and drank the precious words, His spirit grew robust; He knew no more that he was poor, Nor that his frame was dust. He danced along the dingy days, And this bequest of wings Was but a book. What liberty A loosened spirit brings!

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I had no time to hate, because The grave would hinder me, And life was not so ample I Could finish enmity.

Nor had I time to love; but since Some industry must be, The little toil of love, I thought, Was large enough for me.

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’T was such a little, little boat That toddled down the bay! ’T was such a gallant, gallant sea That beckoned it away!

’T was such a greedy, greedy wave That licked it from the coast: Nor ever guessed the stately sails My little craft was lost!

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WHETHER my bark14 went down at sea, Whether she met with gales, Whether to isles enchanted She bent her docile sails;

By what mystic mooring She is held to-day,—This is the errand of the eye Out upon the bay.

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BELSHAZZAR15 had a letter,—He never had but one; Belshazzar’s correspondent Concluded and begun In that immortal copy The conscience of us all Can read without its glasses On revelation’s wall.

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THE brain within its groove Runs evenly and true; But let a splinter swerve, ’T were easier for you To put the water back When floods have slit the hills, And scooped a turnpike for themselves, And blotted out the mills!

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I’M nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there’s a pair of us—don’t tell! They’d banish us, you know.How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog!

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I bring an unaccustomed wine To lips long parching, next to mine, And summon them to drink.

Crackling with fever, they essay;16 I turn my brimming eyes away, And come next hour to look.

The hands still hug the tardy glass; The lips I would have cooled, alas! Are so superfluous cold,

I would as soon attempt to warm The bosoms where the frost has lain Ages beneath the mould.

Some other thirsty there may be To whom this would have pointed me Had it remained to speak.

And so I always bear the cup If, haply, mine may be the drop Some pilgrim thirst to slake,—If, haply, any say to me,

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“Unto the little, unto me,”17 When I at last awake.

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THE nearest dream recedes, unrealized. The heaven we chase Like the June bee Before the school-boy Invites the race; Stoops to an easy clover—Dips—evades—teases—deploys; Then to the royal clouds Lifts his light pinnace18 Heedless of the boy Staring, bewildered, at the mocking sky.

Homesick for steadfast honey, Ah! the bee flies not That brews that rare variety.

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WE play at paste, Till qualified for pearl, Then drop the paste, And deem ourself a fool.The shapes, though, were similar, And our new hands Learned gem-tactics Practising sands.

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I found the phrase to every thought I ever had, but one; And that defies me,—as a hand Did try to chalk the sun

To races nurtured in the dark;—How would your own begin? Can blaze be done in cochineal, Or noon in mazarin?19

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HOPE is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm.I’ve heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of me.

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DARE you see a soul at the white heat? Then crouch within the door. Red is the fire’s common tint; But when the vivid ore

Has sated flame’s conditions, Its quivering substance plays Without a color but the light Of unanointed blaze.

Least village boasts its blacksmith, Whose anvil’s even din Stands symbol for the finer forge That soundless tugs within,

Refining these impatient ores With hammer and with blaze, Until the designated light Repudiate the forge.

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WHO never lost, are unprepared A coronet to find; Who never thirsted, flagons20 And cooling tamarind.21

Who never climbed the weary league- Can such a foot explore The purple territories On Pizarro‘s22 shore?

How many legions overcome? The emperor will say. How many colors taken On Revolution Day?

How many bullets bearest? The royal scar hast thou? Angels, write “Promoted” On this soldier’s brow!

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I can wade grief, Whole pools of it,—I’m used to that. But the least push of joy Breaks up my feet, And I tip—drunken. Let no pebble smile, “T was the new liquor,—That was all!Power is only pain, Stranded, through discipline, Till weights will hang. Give balm to giants, And they’ll wilt, like men. Give Himmaleh,—23 They’ll carry him!

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I never hear the word “escape” Without a quicker blood, A sudden expectation, A flying attitude.

I never hear of prisons broad By soldiers battered down, But I tug childish at my bars,—Only to fail again!

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FOR each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ratio To the ecstasy.

For each beloved hour Sharp pittances of years, Bitter contested farthings24 And coffers heaped with tears.

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THROUGH the straight pass of suffering The martyrs even trod, Their feet upon temptation, Their faces upon God.

A stately, shriven company; Convulsion playing round, Harmless as streaks of meteor Upon a planet’s bound.

Their faith the everlasting troth;25 Their expectation fair; The needle to the north degree Wades so, through polar air.

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I meant to have but modest needs, Such as content, and heaven; Within my income these could lie, And life and I keep even.

But since the last included both, It would suffice my prayer But just for one to stipulate, And grace would grant the pair.

And so, upon this wise I prayed,—Great Spirit, give to me A heaven not so large as yours, But large enough for me.

A smile suffused Jehovah‘s26 face; The cherubim27 withdrew; Grave saints stole out to look at me, And showed their dimples, too.

I left the place with all my might,—My prayer away I threw; The quiet ages picked it up, And Judgment twinkled, too,

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That one so honest be extant As take the tale for true That “Whatsoever you shall ask, Itself be given you.”

But I, grown shrewder, scan the skies With a suspicious air,—As children, swindled for the first, All swindlers be, infer.

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THE thought beneath so slight a film Is more distinctly seen,—As laces just reveal the surge, Or mists the Apennine.28

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THE soul unto itself Is an imperial friend,—Or the most agonizing spy An enemy could send.

Secure against its own, No treason it can fear; Itself its sovereign, of itself The soul should stand in awe.

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SURGEONS must be very careful When they take the knife! Underneath their fine incisions Stirs the culprit,—Life!

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I like to see it lap the miles, And lick the valleys up, And stop to feed itself at tanks; And then, prodigious, stepAround a pile of mountains, And, supercilious, peer In shanties by the sides of roads; And then a quarry pareTo fit its sides, and crawl between, Complaining all the while In horrid, hooting stanza; Then chase itself down hill

And neigh like Boanerges;29 Then, punctual as a star, Stop—docile and omnipotent—At its own stable door.

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THE show is not the show, But they that go. Menagerie to me My neighbor be. Fair play- Both went to see.

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DELIGHT becomes pictorial When viewed through pain,—More fair, because impossible That any gain.

The mountain at a given distance In amber lies; Approached, the amber flits a little,—And that’s the skies!

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A thought went up my mind to-day That I have had before, But did not finish,—some way back, I could not fix the year,

Nor where it went, nor why it came The second time to me, Nor definitely what it was, Have I the art to say.

But somewhere in my soul, I know I’ve met the thing before; It just reminded me—’t was all—And came my way no more.

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Is Heaven a physician? They say that He can heal; But medicine posthumous Is unavailable.

Is Heaven an exchequer?30 They speak of what we owe; But that negotiation I’m not a party to.

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THOUGH I get home how late, how late! So I get home, ’t will compensate. Better will be the ecstasy That they have done expecting me, When, night descending, dumb and dark, They hear my unexpected knock. Transporting must the moment be, Brewed from decades of agony!

To think just how the fire will burn, Just how long-cheated eyes will turn To wonder what myself will say, And what itself will say to me, Beguiles the centuries of way!

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A poor torn heart, a tattered heart, That sat it down to rest, Nor noticed that the ebbing day Flowed silver to the west, Nor noticed night did soft descend Nor constellation burn, Intent upon the vision Of latitudes unknown.

The angels, happening that way, This dusty heart espied; Tenderly took it up from toil And carried it to God. There,—sandals for the barefoot; There,—gathered from the gales, Do the blue havens by the hand Lead the wandering sails.

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I should have been too glad, I see, Too lifted for the scant degree Of life’s penurious round; My little circuit would have shamed This new circumference, have blamed The homelier time behind.

I should have been too saved, I see, Too rescued; fear too dim to me That I could spell the prayer I knew so perfect yesterday,—That scalding one, “Sabachthani,”31 Recited fluent here.

Earth would have been too much, I see, And heaven not enough for me; I should have had the joy Without the fear to justify,—The palm without the Calvary;32 So, Saviour, crucify.

Defeat whets victory, they say; The reefs in old Gethsemane33 Endear the shore beyond. ’T is beggars banquets best define; ’T is thirsting vitalizes wine,—

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Faith faints to understand.

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IT tossed and tossed,—A little brig34 I knew,—O‘ertook by blast, It spun and spun, And groped delirious, for morn.

It slipped and slipped, As one that drunken stepped; Its white foot tripped, Then dropped from sight.

Ah, brig, good-night To crew and you; The ocean’s heart too smooth, too blue, To break for you.

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VICTORY comes late, And is held low to freezing lips Too rapt with frost To take it. How sweet it would have tasted, Just a drop! Was God so economical? His table’s spread too high for us Unless we dine on tip-toe. Crumbs fit such little mouths, Cherries suit robins; The eagle’s golden breakfast Strangles them. God keeps his oath to sparrows, Who of little love Know how to starve!

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GOD gave a loaf to every bird, But just a crumb to me; I dare not eat it, though I starve,—My poignant luxury To own it, touch it, prove the feat That made the pellet mine,—Too happy in my sparrow chance For ampler coveting.It might be famine all around, I could not miss an ear, Such plenty smiles upon my board, My garner35 shows so fair. I wonder how the rich may feel,—An Indiaman—an Earl? I deem that I with but a crumb Am sovereign of them all.

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EXPERIMENT to me Is every one I meet. If it contain a kernel? The figure of a nut

Presents upon a tree, Equally plausibly; But meat within is requisite, To squirrels and to me.

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MY country need not change her gown, Her triple suit as sweet As when ’t was cut at Lexington,36 And first pronounced “a fit.”Great Britain disapproves “the stars”; Disparagement discreet,—There’s something in their attitude That taunts her bayonet.

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FAITH is a fine invention For gentlemen who see; But microscopes are prudent In an emergency!

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EXCEPT the heaven had come so near, So seemed to choose my door, The distance would not haunt me so; I had not hoped before.

But just to hear the grace depart I never thought to see, Afflicts me with a double loss; ’T is lost, and lost to me.

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PORTRAITS are to daily faces As an evening west To a fine, pedantic sunshine In a satin vest.

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I took my power in my hand And went against the world; ’T was not so much as David37 had, But I was twice as bold.

I aimed my pebble, but myself Was all the one that fell. Was it Goliath was too large, Or only I too small?

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A shady friend for torrid days Is easier to find Than one of higher temperature For frigid hour of mind.

The vane a little to the east Scares muslin souls away; If broadcloth breasts are firmer Than those of organdy,38

Who is to blame? The weaver? Ah! the bewildering thread! The tapestries of paradise So notelessly are made!

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EACH life converges to some centre Expressed or still; Exists in every human nature A goal,

Admitted scarcely to itself, it may be, Too fair For credibility’s temerity To dare.

Adored with caution, as a brittle heaven, To reach Were hopeless as the rainbow’s raiment39 To touch,

Yet persevered toward, surer for the distance; How high Unto the saints’ slow diligence The sky!

Ungained, it may be, by a life’s low venture, But then, Eternity enables the endeavoring Again.

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BEFORE I got my eye put out, I liked as well to see As other creatures that have eyes, And know no other way.

But were it told to me, to-day, That I might have the sky For mine, I tell you that my heart Would split, for size of me.

The meadows mine, the mountains mine,—All forests, stintless40 stars, As much of noon as I could take Between my finite eyes.

The motions of the dipping birds, The lightning’s jointed road, For mine to look at when I liked,—The news would strike me dead!

So, safer, guess, with just my soul Upon the window-pane Where other creatures put their eyes, Incautious of the sun.

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TALK with prudence to a beggar Of “Potosi”41 and the mines! Reverently to the hungry Of your viands42 and your wines!

Cautious, hint to any captive You have passed enfranchised feet! Anecdotes of air in dungeons Have sometimes proved deadly sweet!

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HE preached upon “breadth” till it argued him narrow,—The broad are too broad to define; And of “truth” until it proclaimed him a liar,—The truth never flaunted a sign.

Simplicity fled from his counterfeit presence As gold the pyrites43 would shun. What confusion would cover the innocent Jesus To meet so enabled a man!

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GOOD night! which put the candle out? A jealous zephyr,44 not a doubt. Ah! friend, you little knew How long at that celestial wick The angels labored diligent; Extinguished, now, for you!

It might have been the lighthouse spark Some sailor, rowing in the dark, Had importuned to see! It might have been the waning lamp That lit the drummer from the camp To purer reveille!45

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WHEN I hoped I feared, Since I hoped I dared; Everywhere alone As a church remain; Spectre cannot harm, Serpent cannot charm; He deposes doom, Who hath suffered him.

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A deed knocks first at thought, And then it knocks at will. That is the manufacturing spot, And will at home and well.

It then goes out an act, Or is entombed so still That only to the ear of God Its doom is audible.

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MINE enemy is growing old,—I have at last revenge. The palate of the hate departs; If any would avenge,—

Let him be quick, the viand flits, It is a faded meat. Anger as soon as fed is dead; ’T is starving makes it fat.

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REMORSE is memory awake, Her companies astir,—A presence of departed acts At window and at door.

Its past set down before the soul, And lighted with a match, Perusal to facilitate Of its condensed despatch.

Remorse is cureless,—the disease Not even God can heal; For ’t is His institution,—The complement of hell.

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THE body grows outside,—The more convenient way,—That if the spirit like to hide, Its temple stands alway

Ajar, secure, inviting; It never did betray The soul that asked its shelter In timid honesty.

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UNDUE significance a starving man attaches To food Far off; he sighs, and therefore hopeless, And therefore good.

Partaken, it relieves indeed, but proves us That spices fly In the receipt. It was the distance Was savory.

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HEART not so heavy as mine, Wending late home, As it passed my window Whistled itself a tune,—A careless snatch, a ballad, A ditty of the street; Yet to my irritated ear An anodyne so sweet,

It was as if a bobolink,46 Sauntering this way, Carolled and mused and carolled, Then bubbled slow away.

It was as if a chirping brook Upon a toilsome way Set bleeding feet to minuets47 Without the knowing why.

To-morrow, night will come again, Weary, perhaps, and sore. Ah, bugle, by my window, I pray you stroll once more!

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I many times thought peace had come, When peace was far away; As wrecked men deem they sight the land At centre of the sea,

And struggle slacker, but to prove, As hopelessly as I, How many the fictitious shores Before the harbor lie.

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UNTO my books so good to turn Far ends of tired days; It half endears the abstinence, And pain is missed in praise.

As flavors cheer retarded guests With banquetings to be, So spices stimulate the time Till my small library.

It may be wilderness without, Far feet of failing men, But holiday excludes the night, And it is bells within.

I thank these kinsmen of the shelf; Their countenances bland Enamour in prospective,48 And satisfy, obtained.

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THIS merit hath the worst,—It cannot be again. When Fate hath taunted last And thrown her furthest stone,

The maimed may pause and breathe, And glance securely round. The deer invites no longer Than it eludes the hound.

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I had been hungry all the years; My noon had come, to dine; I, trembling, drew the table near, And touched the curious wine.

’T was this on tables I had seen, When turning, hungry, lone, I looked in windows, for the wealth I could not hope to own.

I did not know the ample bread, ’T was so unlike the crumb The birds and I had often shared In Nature’s dining-room.

The plenty hurt me, ’t was so new,—Myself felt ill and odd, As berry of a mountain bush Transplanted to the road.

Nor was I hungry; so I found That hunger was a way Of persons outside windows, The entering takes away.

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I gained it so, By climbing slow, By catching at the twigs that grow Between the bliss and me. It hung so high, As well the sky Attempt by strategy.

I said I gained it,—This was all. Look, how I clutch it, Lest it fall, AndIapauper go; Unfitted by an instant’s grace For the contented beggar’s face I wore an hour ago.

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TO learn the transport by the pain, As blind men learn the sun; To die of thirst, suspecting That brooks in meadows run;

To stay the homesick, homesick feet Upon a foreign shore Haunted by native lands, the while, And blue, beloved air—

This is the sovereign anguish, This, the signal woe! These are the patient laureates49 Whose voices, trained below,Ascend in ceaseless carol, Inaudible, indeed, To us, the duller scholars Of the mysterious bard!

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I years had been from home, And now, before the door, I dared not open, lest a face I never saw before

Stare vacant into mine And ask my business there. My business,—just a life I left, Was such still dwelling there?

I fumbled at my nerve, I scanned the windows near; The silence like an ocean rolled, And broke against my ear.

I laughed a wooden laugh That I could fear a door, Who danger and the dead had faced, But never quaked before.

I fitted to the latch My hand, with trembling care, Lest back the awful door should spring, And leave me standing there.

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I moved my fingers off As cautiously as glass, And held my ears, and like a thief Fled gasping from the house.

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PRAYER is the little implement Through which men reach Where presence is denied them. They fling their speech

By means of it in God’s ear; If then He hear, This sums the apparatus Comprised in prayer.

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I know that he exists Somewhere, in silence. He has hid his rare life From our gross eyes.

’T is an instant’s play, ’T is a fond ambush, Just to make bliss Earn her own surprise!

But should the play Prove piercing earnest, Should the glee glaze In death’s stiff stare,Would not the fun Look too expensive? Would not the jest Have crawled too far?

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MUSICIANS wrestle everywhere: All day, among the crowded air, I hear the silver strife; And—waking long before the dawn—Such transport breaks upon the town I think it that “new life!”

It is not bird, it has no nest; Nor band, in brass and scarlet dressed, Nor tambourine, nor man; It is not hymn from pulpit read,—The morning stars the treble led On time’s first afternoon!

Some say it is the spheres at play! Some say that bright majority Of vanished dames and men! Some think it service in the place Where we, with late, celestial face, Please God, shall ascertain!

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JUST lost when I was saved! Just felt the world go by! Just girt50 me for the onset with eternity, When breath blew back, And on the other side I heard recede the disappointed tide!

Therefore, as one returned, I feel, Odd secrets of the line to tell! Some sailor, skirting foreign shores, Some pale reporter from the awful doors Before the seal!

Next time, to stay! Next time, the things to see By ear unheard, Unscrutinized by eye.

Next time, to tarry, While the ages steal,—Slow tramp the centuries, And the cycles wheel.

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’T is little I could care for pearls Who own the ample sea; Or brooches, when the Emperor With rubies pelteth me;

Or gold, who am the Prince of Mines; Or diamonds, when I see A diadem51 to fit a dome Continual crowning me.

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SUPERIORITY to fate Is difficult to learn. ’T is not conferred by any, But possible to earn

A pittance at a time, Until, to her surprise, The soul with strict economy Subsists till Paradise.

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HOPE is a subtle glutton; He feeds upon the fair; And yet, inspected closely, What abstinence is there!

His is the halcyon table That never seats but one, And whatsoever is consumed The same amounts remain.

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FORBIDDEN fruit a flavor has That lawful orchards mocks; How luscious lies the pea within The pod that Duty locks!

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HEAVEN is what I cannot reach! The apple on the tree, Provided it do hopeless hang, That “heaven” is, to me.

The color on the cruising cloud, The interdicted52 ground Behind the hill, the house behind, There Paradise is found!

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A word is dead When it is said, Some say. I say it just Begins to live That day.

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TO venerate the simple days Which lead the seasons by, Needs but to remember That from you or me They may take the trifle Termed mortality!To invest existence with a stately air, Needs but to remember That the acorn there Is the egg of forests For the upper air!

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IT‘S such a little thing to weep, So short a thing to sigh; And yet by trades the size of these We men and women die!

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DROWNING is not so pitiful As the attempt to rise. Three times, ’t is said, a sinking man Comes up to face the skies, And then declines forever To that abhorred abode Where hope and he part company,—For he is grasped of God. The Maker’s cordial visage, However good to see, Is shunned, we must admit it, Like an adversity.

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How still the bells in steeples stand, Till, swollen with the sky, They leap upon their silver feet In frantic melody!

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IF the foolish call them “flowers,” Need the wiser tell? If the savants “classify” them, It is just as well!

Those who read the Revelations Must not criticise Those who read the same edition With beclouded eyes!

Could we stand with that old Moses Canaan denied,—Scan, like him, the stately landscape On the other side,—

Doubtless we should deem superfluous Many sciences Not pursued by learned angels In scholastic skies!

Low amid that glad Belles lettres53 Grant that we may stand, Stars, amid profound Galaxies, At that grand “Right hand”!

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COULD mortal lip divine The undeveloped freight Of a delivered syllable, ’T would crumble with the weight.

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MY life closed twice before its close; It yet remains to see If Immortality unveil A third event to me,

So huge, so hopeless to conceive, As these that twice befell. Parting is all we know of heaven, And all we need of hell.

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WE never know how high we are Till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan, Our statures touch the skies.

The heroism we recite Would be a daily thing, Did not ourselves the cubits54 warp For fear to be a king.

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WHILE I was fearing it, it came, But came with less of fear, Because that fearing it so long Had almost made it dear. There is a fitting a dismay, A fitting a despair. ’T is harder knowing it is due, Than knowing it is here. The trying on the utmost, The morning it is new, Is terribler than wearing it A whole existence through.

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THERE is no frigate55 like a book To take us lands away, Nor any coursers56 like a page Of prancing poetry.

This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is the chariot That bears a human soul!

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WHO has not found the heaven below Will fail of it above. God’s residence is next to mine, His furniture is love.

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A face devoid of love or grace, A hateful, hard, successful face, A face with which a stone Would feel as thoroughly at ease As were they old acquaintances,—First time together thrown.

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I had a guinea57 golden; I lost it in the sand, And though the sum was simple, And pounds were in the land, Still had it such a value Unto my frugal eye, That when I could not find it I sat me down to sigh.

I had a crimson robin Who sang full many a day, But when the woods were painted He, too, did fly away. Time brought me other robins,—Their ballads were the same,—Still for my missing troubadour58 I kept the “house at hame.”59

I had a star in heaven; One Pleiad60 was its name, And when I was not heeding It wandered from the same. And though the skies are crowded, And all the night ashine, I do not care about it, Since none of them are mine.

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My story has a moral: I have a missing friend,—Pleiad its name, and robin, And guinea in the sand,—And when this mournful ditty, Accompanied with tear, Shall meet the eye of traitor In country far from here, Grant that repentance solemn May seize upon his mind, And he no consolation Beneath the sun may find.

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FROM all the jails the boys and girls Ecstatically leap,—Beloved, only afternoon That prison doesn’t keep.

They storm the earth and stun the air, A mob of solid bliss. Alas! that frowns could lie in wait For such a foe as this!

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FEW get enough,—enough is one; To that ethereal throng Have not each one of us the right To stealthily belong?

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UPON the gallows hung a wretch, Too sullied for the hell To which the law entitled him. As nature’s curtain fell The one who bore him tottered in, For this was woman’s son. “ ’T was all I had,” she stricken gasped; Oh, what a livid boon!

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I felt a cleavage in my mind As if my brain had split; I tried to match it, seam by seam, But could not make them fit.

The thought behind I strove to join Unto the thought before, But sequence ravelled out of reach Like balls upon a floor.

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THE reticent volcano keeps His never slumbering plan; Confided are his projects pink To no precarious man.

If nature will not tell the tale Jehovah told to her, Can human nature not survive Without a listener?

Admonished by her buckled lips Let every babbler be. The only secret people keep Is Immortality.

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IF recollecting were forgetting, Then I remember not; And if forgetting, recollecting, How near I had forgot! And if to miss were merry, And if to mourn were gay, How very blithe the fingers That gathered these to-day!

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THE farthest thunder that I heard Was nearer than the sky, And rumbles still, though torrid noons Have lain their missiles by. The lightning that preceded it Struck no one but myself, But I would not exchange the bolt For all the rest of life. Indebtedness to oxygen The chemist may repay, But not the obligation To electricity. It founds the homes and decks the days, And every clamor bright Is but the gleam concomitant61 Of that waylaying light. The thought is quiet as a flake,—A crash without a sound; How life’s reverberation Its explanation found!

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ON the bleakness of my lot Bloom I strove to raise. Late, my acre of a rock Yielded grape and maize.Soil of flint if steadfast tilled Will reward the hand; Seed of palm by Lybian sun Fructified in sand.

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A door just opened on a street—I, lost, was passing by—An instant’s width of warmth disclosed, And wealth, and company.The door as sudden shut, and I, I, lost, was passing by,—Lost doubly, but by contrast most, Enlightening misery.

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ARE friends delight or pain? Could bounty but remain Riches were good.But if they only stay Bolder to fly away, Riches are sad.

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ASHES denote that fire was; Respect the grayest pile For the departed creature’s sake That hovered there awhile.

Fire exists the first in light, And then consolidates,—Only the chemist can disclose Into what carbonates.62

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FATE slew him, but he did not drop; She felled—he did not fall- Impaled him on her fiercest stakes—He neutralized them all.

She stung him, sapped his firm advance, But, when her worst was done, And he, unmoved, regarded her, Acknowledged him a man.

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FINITE to fail, but infinite to venture. For the one ship that struts the shore Many’s the gallant, overwhelmed creature Nodding in navies nevermore.

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I measure every grief I meet With analytic eyes; I wonder if it weighs like mine, Or has an easier size.

I wonder if they bore it long, Or did it just begin? I could not tell the date of mine, It feels so old a pain.

I wonder if it hurts to live, And if they have to try, And whether, could they choose between, They would not rather die.

I wonder if when years have piled—Some thousands—on the cause Of early hurt, if such a lapse Could give them any pause;

Or would they go on aching still Through centuries above, Enlightened to a larger pain By contrast with the love.The grieved are many, I am told;

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The reason deeper lies,—Death is but one and comes but once, And only nails the eyes.

There’s grief of want, and grief of cold,—A sort they call “despair”; There’s banishment from native eyes, In sight of native air.

And though I may not guess the kind Correctly, yet to me A piercing comfort it affords In passing Calvary,

To note the fashions of the cross, Of those that stand alone, Still fascinated to presume That some are like my own.

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I have a king who does not speak; So, wondering, thro’ the hours meek I trudge the day away,—Half glad when it is night and sleep, If, haply, thro’ a dream to peep In parlors shut by day.

And if I do, when morning comes, It is as if a hundred drums Did round my pillow roll, And shouts fill all my childish sky, And bells keep saying “victory” From steeples in my soul!And if I don‘t, the little Bird Within the Orchard is not heard, And I omit to pray, “Father, thy will be done”63 to-day, For my will goes the other way, And it were perjury!

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IT dropped so low in my regard I heard it hit the ground, And go to pieces on the stones At bottom of my mind;

Yet blamed the fate that fractured, less Than I reviled myself For entertaining plated wares Upon my silver shelf.

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TO lose one’s faith surpasses The loss of an estate, Because estates can be Replenished,—faith cannot.

Inherited with life, Belief but once can be; Annihilate a single clause, And Being’s beggary.

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I had a daily bliss I half indifferent viewed, Till sudden I perceived it stir,—It grew as I pursued,

Till when, around a crag, It wasted from my sight, Enlarged beyond my utmost scope, I learned its sweetness right.

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I worked for chaff, and earning wheat Was haughty and betrayed. What right had fields to arbitrate In matters ratified?

I tasted wheat,—and hated chaff, And thanked the ample friend; Wisdom is more becoming viewed At distance than at hand.

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LIFE, and Death, and Giants Such as these, are still. Minor apparatus, hopper64 of the mill, Beetle at the candle, Or a fife‘s65 small fame, Maintain by accident That they proclaim.

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OUR lives are Swiss,—So still, so cool, Till, some odd afternoon, The Alps neglect their curtains, And we look farther on.

Italy stands the other side, While, like a guard between, The solemn Alps, The siren Alps, Forever intervene!

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REMEMBRANCE has a rear and front,—’T is something like a house; It has a garret66 also For refuse and the mouse,

Besides, the deepest cellar That ever mason hewed;67 Look to it, by its fathoms Ourselves be not pursued.

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TO hang our head ostensibly, And subsequent to find That such was not the posture Of our immortal mind,

Affords the sly presumption That, in so dense a fuzz, You, too, take cobweb attitudes Upon a plane of gauze!

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THE brain is wider than the sky, For, put them side by side, The one the other will include With ease, and you beside.

The brain is deeper than the sea, For, hold them, blue to blue, The one the other will absorb, As sponges, buckets do.

The brain is just the weight of God, For, lift them, pound for pound, And they will differ, if they do, As syllable from sound.

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THE bone that has no marrow; What ultimate for that? It is not fit for table, For beggar, or for cat.

A bone has obligations, A being has the same; A marrowless assembly Is culpabler than shame.

But how shall finished creatures A function fresh obtain?—Old Nicodemus‘68 phantom Confronting us again!

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THE past is such a curious creature, To look her in the face A transport may reward us, Or a disgrace.

Unarmed if any meet her, I charge him, fly! Her rusty ammunition Might yet reply!

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TO help our bleaker parts Salubrious hours are given, Which if they do not fit for earth Drill silently for heaven.

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WHAT soft, cherubic creatures These gentlewomen are! One would as soon assault a plush Or violate a star.

Such dimity69 convictions, A horror so refined Of freckled human nature, Of Deity ashamed,—

It’s such a common glory, A fisherman’s degree! Redemption, brittle lady, Be so, ashamed of thee.

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WHO never wanted,—maddest joy Remains to him unknown; The banquet of abstemiousness70 Surpasses that of wine.

Within its hope, though yet ungrasped Desire’s perfect goal, No nearer, lest reality Should disenthrall thy soul.

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IT might be easier To fail with land in sight, Than gain my blue peninsula To perish of delight.

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YOU cannot put a fire out; A thing that can ignite Can go, itself, without a fan Upon the slowest night.

You cannot fold a flood And put it in a drawer,—Because the winds would find it out, And tell your cedar floor.

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A modest lot, a fame petite, A brief campaign of sting and sweet Is plenty! Is enough! A sailor’s business is the shore, A soldier’s—balls. Who asketh more Must seek the neighboring life!

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Is bliss, then, such abyss I must not put my foot amiss For fear I spoil my shoe?I’d rather suit my foot Than save my boot, For yet to buy another pair Is possible At any fair.

But bliss is sold just once; The patent lost None buy it any more.

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I stepped from plank to plank So slow and cautiously; The stars about my head I felt, About my feet the sea.I knew not but the next Would be my final inch,—This gave me that precarious gait Some call experience.

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ONE day is there of the series Termed Thanksgiving day, Celebrated part at table, Part in memory.

Neither patriarch nor pussy, I dissect the play; Seems it, to my hooded thinking, Reflex holiday.

Had there been no sharp subtraction From the early sum, Not an acre or a caption Where was once a room,

Not a mention, whose small pebble Wrinkled any bay,—Unto such, were such assembly, ’T were Thanksgiving day.

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SOFTENED by Time’s consummate plush, How sleek the woe appears That threatened childhood’s citadel And undermined the years!

Bisected now by bleaker griefs, We envy the despair That devastated childhood’s realm, So easy to repair.

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MY nosegays are for captives; Dim, long-expectant eyes, Fingers denied the plucking, Patient till paradise. To such, if they should whisper Of morning and the moor, They bear no other errand, And I, no other prayer.

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NATURE, the gentlest mother, Impatient of no child, The feeblest or the waywardest,—Her admonition mild

In forest and the hill By traveller is heard, Restraining rampant squirrel Or too impetuous bird.

How fair her conversation, A summer afternoon,—Her household, her assembly; And when the sun goes down

Her voice among the aisles Incites the timid prayer Of the minutest cricket, The most unworthy flower.

When all the children sleep She turns as long away As will suffice to light her lamps; Then, bending from the sky,

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With infinite affection And infiniter care, Her golden finger on her lip, Wills silence everywhere.

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WILL there really be a morning? Is there such a thing as day? Could I see it from the mountains If I were as tall as they?

Has it feet like water-lilies? Has it feathers like a bird? Is it brought from famous countries Of which I have never heard?

Oh, some scholar! Oh, some sailor! Oh, some wise man from the skies! Please to tell a little pilgrim Where the place called morning lies!

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AT half-past three a single bird Unto a silent sky Propounded but a single term Of cautious melody.

At half-past four, experiment Had subjugated test, And lo! her silver principle Supplanted all the rest.

At half-past seven, element Nor implement was seen, And place was where the presence was, Circumference between.

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THE day came slow, till five o‘clock, Then sprang before the hills Like hindered rubies, or the light A sudden musket spills.

The purple could not keep the east, The sunrise shook from fold, Like breadths of topaz, packed a night, The lady just unrolled.

The happy winds their timbrels71 took; The birds, in docile rows, Arranged themselves around their prince (The wind is prince of those).

The orchard sparkled like a Jew,—How mighty ’t was, to stay A guest in this stupendous place, The parlor of the day!

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THE sun just touched the morning; The morning, happy thing, Supposed that he had come to dwell, And life would be all spring.

She felt herself supremer,—A raised, ethereal thing; Henceforth for her what holiday! Meanwhile, her wheeling kingTrailed slow along the orchards His haughty, spangled hems, Leaving a new necessity,—The want of diadems!

The morning fluttered, staggered, Felt feebly for her crown,—Her unanointed forehead Henceforth her only one.

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THE robin is the one That interrupts the morn With hurried, few, express reports When March is scarcely on.The robin is the one That overflows the noon With her cherubic quantity, An April but begun.The robin is the one That speechless from her nest Submits that home and certainty And sanctity are best.

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FROM cocoon forth a butterfly As lady from her door Emerged—a summer afternoon- Repairing everywhere,

Without design, that I could trace, Except to stray abroad On miscellaneous enterprise The clovers understood.

Her pretty parasol was seen Contracting in a field Where men made hay, then struggling hard With an opposing cloud,

Where parties, phantom as herself, To Nowhere seemed to go In purposeless circumference, As ’t were a tropic show.

And notwithstanding bee that worked, And flower that zealous blew, This audience of idleness Disdained them, from the sky,

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Till sundown crept, a steady tide, And men that made the hay, And afternoon, and butterfly, Extinguished in its sea.

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BEFORE you thought of spring, Except as a surmise, You see, God bless his suddenness, A fellow in the skies Of independent hues, A little weather-worn, Inspiriting habiliments72 Of indigo and brown.

With specimens of song, As if for you to choose, Discretion in the interval, With gay delays he goes To some superior tree Without a single leaf, And shouts for joy to nobody But his seraphic self!

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AN altered look about the hills; A Tyrian73 light the village fills; A wider sunrise in the dawn; A deeper twilight on the lawn; A print of a vermilion74 foot; A purple finger on the slope; A flippant fly upon the pane; A spider at his trade again;

An added strut in chanticleer; A flower expected everywhere; An axe shrill singing in the woods; Fern-odors on untravelled roads,—All this, and more I cannot tell, A furtive look you know as well, And Nicodemus’ mystery Receives its annual reply.

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“WHOSE are the little beds,” I asked, “Which in the valleys lie?” Some shook their heads, and others smiled, And no one made reply.

“Perhaps they did not hear,” I said; “I will inquire again. Whose are the beds, the tiny beds So thick upon the plain?”

“ ’T is daisy in the shortest; A little farther on, Nearest the door to wake the first, Little leontodon.75

“ ’T is iris, sir, and aster, Anemone and bell, Batschia in the blanket red, And chubby daffodil.”

Meanwhile at many cradles Her busy foot she plied, Humming the quaintest lullaby That ever rocked a child.“Hush! Epigea wakens!

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The crocus stirs her lids, Rhodora’s cheek is crimson,—She’s dreaming of the woods.”

Then, turning from them, reverent, “Their bed-time ’t is,” she said; “The bumble-bees will wake them When April woods are red.”

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PIGMY seraphs gone astray, Velvet people from Vevay,76 Belles from some lost summer day, Bees’ exclusive coterie. Paris could not lay the fold Belted down with emerald; Venice could not show a cheek Of a tint so lustrous meek. Never such an ambuscade77 As of brier and leaf displayed For my little damask78 maid. I had rather wear her grace Than an earl’s distinguished face; I had rather dwell like her Than be Duke of Exeter,79 Royalty enough for me To subdue the bumble-bee!

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To hear an oriole sing May be a common thing, Or only a divine.

It is not of the bird Who sings the same, unheard, As unto crowd.

The fashion of the ear Attireth that it hear In dun80 or fair.

So whether it be rune,81 Or whether it be none, Is of within;The “tune is in the tree,” The sceptic showeth me; “No, sir! In thee!”

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ONE of the ones that Midas touched, Who failed to touch us all, Was that confiding prodigal, The blissful oriole.So drunk, he disavows it With badinage82 divine; So dazzling, we mistake him For an alighting mine.

A pleader, a dissembler, An epicure, a thief,—Betimes an oratorio,83 An ecstasy in chief;

The Jesuit of orchards, He cheats as he enchants Of an entire attar84 For his decamping wants.

The splendor of a Burmah,85 The meteor of birds, Departing like a pageant Of ballads and of bards.

I never thought that Jason86 sought

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For any golden fleece; But then I am a rural man, With thoughts that make for peace.

But if there were a Jason, Tradition suffer me Behold his lost emolument87 Upon the apple-tree.

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I dreaded that first robin so, But he is mastered now, And I’m accustomed to him grown,—He hurts a little, though.

I thought if I could only live Till that first shout got by, Not all pianos in the woods Had power to mangle me.

I dared not meet the daffodils, For fear their yellow gown Would pierce me with a fashion So foreign to my own.

I wished the grass would hurry, So when ’t was time to see, He’d be too tall, the tallest one Could stretch to look at me.

I could not bear the bees should come, I wished they’d stay away In those dim countries where they go: What word had they for me?

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They’re here, though; not a creature failed, No blossom stayed away In gentle deference to me, The Queen of Calvary.

Each one salutes me as he goes, And I my childish plumes Lift, in bereaved acknowledgment Of their unthinking drums.

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A route of evanescence With a revolving wheel; A resonance of emerald, A rush of cochineal; And every blossom on the bush Adjusts its tumbled head,—The mail from Tunis,88 probably, An easy morning’s ride.

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THE skies can’t keep their secret! They tell it to the hills- The hills just tell the orchards- And they the daffodils!

A bird, by chance, that goes that way Soft overheard the whole. If I should bribe the little bird, Who knows but she would tell?

I think I won‘t, however, It’s finer not to know; If summer were an axiom, What sorcery had snow?

So keep your secret, Father! I would not, if I could, Know what the sapphire fellows do, In your new-fashioned world!

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WHO robbed the woods, The trusting woods? The unsuspecting trees Brought out their burrs and mosses His fantasy to please. He scanned their trinkets, curious, He grasped, he bore away. What will the solemn hemlock, What will the fir-tree say?

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Two butterflies went out at noon And waltzed above a stream. Then stepped straight through the firmament And rested on a beam;

And then together bore away Upon a shining sea,—Though never yet, in any port, Their coming mentioned be.

If spoken by the distant bird, If met in ether sea By frigate or by merchantman, Report was not to me.

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I started early, took my dog, And visited the sea; The mermaids in the basement Came out to look at me,

And frigates in the upper floor Extended hempen89 hands, Presuming me to be a mouse Aground, upon the sands.

But no man moved me till the tide Went past my simple shoe, And past my apron and my belt, And past my bodice too,

And made as he would eat me up As wholly as a dew Upon a dandelion’s sleeve—And then I started too.

And he—he followed close behind; I felt his silver heel Upon my ankle,—then my shoes Would overflow with pearl.

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Until we met the solid town, No man he seemed to know; And bowing with a mighty look At me, the sea withdrew.

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ARCTURUS90 is his other name,—I’d rather call him star! It’s so unkind of science To go and interfere!

I pull a flower from the woods,—A monster with a glass Computes the stamens in a breath, And has her in a class.

Whereas I took the butterfly Aforetime in my hat, He sits erect in cabinets, The clover-bells forgot.

What once was heaven, is zenith now. Where I proposed to go When time’s brief masquerade was done, Is mapped, and charted too!

What if the poles should frisk about And stand upon their heads! I hope I’m ready for the worst, Whatever prank betides!91

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Perhaps the kingdom of Heaven’s changed! I hope the children there Won’t be new-fashioned when I come, And laugh at me, and stare!I hope the father in the skies Will lift his little girl,- Old-fashioned, naughty, everything,—Over the stile92 of pearl!

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AN awful tempest mashed the air, The clouds were gaunt and few; A black, as of a spectre’s cloak, Hid heaven and earth from view.

The creatures chuckled on the roofs And whistled in the air, And shook their fists and gnashed their teeth, And swung their frenzied hair.

The morning lit, the birds arose; The monster’s faded eyes Turned slowly to his native coast, And peace was Paradise!

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AN everywhere of silver, With ropes of sand To keep it from effacing The track called land.

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A bird came down the walk: He did not know I saw; He bit an angle-worm93 in halves And ate the fellow, raw.And then he drank a dew From a convenient grass, And then hopped sidewise to the wall To let a beetle pass.

He glanced with rapid eyes That hurried all abroad,—They looked like frightened beads, I thought He stirred his velvet head

Like one in danger; cautious, I offered him a crumb, And he unrolled his feathers And rowed him softer home

Than oars divide the ocean, Too silver for a seam, Or butterflies, off banks of noon, Leap, plashless,94 as they swim.

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A narrow fellow in the grass Occasionally rides; You may have met him,—did you not? His notice sudden is.

The grass divides as with a comb, A spotted shaft is seen; And then it closes at your feet And opens further on.

He likes a boggy acre, A floor too cool for corn. Yet when a child, and barefoot, I more than once, at morn,

Have passed, I thought, a whip-lash Unbraiding in the sun,- When, stooping to secure it, It wrinkled, and was gone.

Several of nature’s people I know, and they know me; I feel for them a transport Of cordiality;

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But never met this fellow, Attended or alone, Without a tighter breathing, And zero at the bone.

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THE mushroom is the elf of plants, At evening it is not; At morning in a truffled95 hut It stops upon a spot

As if it tarried always; And yet its whole career Is shorter than a snake’s delay, And fleeter than a tare.96

’T is vegetation’s juggler, The germ of alibi; Doth like a bubble antedate, And like a bubble hie.

I feel as if the grass were pleased To have it intermit; The surreptitious scion Of summer’s circumspect.

Had nature any outcast face, Could she a son contemn, Had nature an Iscarioty 97 That mushroom,—it is him.

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THERE came a wind like a bugle; It quivered through the grass, And a green chill upon the heat So ominous did pass We barred the windows and the doors As from an emerald ghost;The doom’s electric moccason That very instant passed. On a strange mob of panting trees, And fences fled away, And rivers where the houses ran The living looked that day. The bell within the steeple wild The flying tidings whirled. How much can come And much can go, And yet abide the world!

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A spider sewed at night Without a light Upon an arc of white. If ruff it was of dame Or shroud of gnome, Himself, himself inform. Of immortality His strategy Was physiognomy.98

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I know a place where summer strives With such a practised frost, She each year leads her daisies back, Recording briefly, “Lost.”But when the south wind stirs the pools And struggles in the lanes, Her heart misgives her for her vow, And she pours soft refrains

Into the lap of adamant,99 And spices, and the dew, That stiffens quietly to quartz, Upon her amber shoe.

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THE one that could repeat the summer day Were greater than itself, though he Minutest of mankind might be. And who could reproduce the sun, At period of going down—The lingering and the stain, I mean—When Orient has been outgrown, And Occident becomes unknown, His name remain.

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THE wind tapped like a tired man, And like a host, “Come in,” I boldly answered; entered then My residence withinA rapid, footless guest, To offer whom a chair Were as impossible as hand A sofa to the air.

No bone had he to bind him, His speech was like the push Of numerous humming-birds at once From a superior bush.

His countenance a billow, His fingers, if he pass, Let go a music, as of tunes Blown tremulous in glass.

He visited, still flitting; Then, like a timid man, Again he tapped—’t was flurriedly—And I became alone.

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NATURE rarer uses yellow Than another hue; Saves she all of that for sunsets,—Prodigal of blue,

Spending scarlet like a woman, Yellow she affords Only scantly and selectly, Like a lover’s words.

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THE leaves, like women, interchange Sagacious confidence; Somewhat of nods, and somewhat of Portentous inference,

The parties in both cases Enjoining secrecy,—Inviolable compact To notoriety.

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How happy is the little stone That rambles in the road alone, And doesn’t care about careers, And exigencies100 never fears; Whose coat of elemental brown A passing universe put on; And independent as the sun, Associates or glows alone, Fulfilling absolute decree In casual simplicity.

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IT sounded as if the streets were running, And then the streets stood still. Eclipse was all we could see at the window, And awe was all we could feel.

By and by the boldest stole out of his covert, To see if time was there. Nature was in her beryl101 apron, Mixing fresher air.

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THE rat is the concisest tenant. He pays no rent,—Repudiates the obligation, On schemes intent.

Balking our wit To sound or circumvent, Hate cannot harm A foe so reticent.

Neither decree Prohibits him, Lawful as Equilibrium.

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FREQUENTLY the woods are pink, Frequently are brown; Frequently the hills undress Behind my native town.

Oft a head is crested I was wont to see, And as oft a cranny Where it used to be.

And the earth, they tell me, On its axis turned,—Wonderful rotation By but twelve performed!

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THE wind begun to rock the grass With threatening tunes and low,—He flung a menace at the earth, A menace at the sky.

The leaves unhooked themselves from trees And started all abroad; The dust did scoop itself like hands And throw away the road.

The wagons quickened on the streets, The thunder hurried slow; The lightning showed a yellow beak, And then a livid claw.

The birds put up the bars to nests, The cattle fled to barns; There came one drop of giant rain, And then, as if the handsThat held the dams had parted hold, The waters wrecked the sky, But overlooked my father’s house, Just quartering a tree.

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SOUTH winds jostle them, Bumblebees come, Hover, hesitate, Drink, and are gone.

Butterflies pause On their passage Cashmere; I, softly plucking, Present them here!

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BRING me the sunset in a cup, Reckon the morning’s flagons102 up, And say how many dew; Tell me how far the morning leaps, Tell me what time the weaver sleeps Who spun the breadths of blue!

Write me how many notes there be In the new robin’s ecstasy Among astonished boughs; How many trips the tortoise makes, How many cups the bee partakes,—The debauchee of dews!

Also, who laid the rainbow’s piers, Also, who leads the docile spheres By withes of supple blue? Whose fingers string the stalactite, Who counts the wampum103 of the night, To see that none is due?

Who built this little Alban house And shut the windows down so close My spirit cannot see? Who’ll let me out some gala day, With implements to fly away,

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Passing pomposity?

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SHE sweeps with many-colored brooms, And leaves the shreds behind; Oh, housewife in the evening west, Come back, and dust the pond!

You dropped a purple ravelling104 in, You dropped an amber thread; And now you’ve littered all the East With duds of emerald!

And still she plies her spotted brooms, And still the aprons fly, Till brooms fade softly into stars—And then I come away.

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LIKE mighty footlights burned the red At bases of the trees,—The far theatricals of day Exhibiting to these.

’T was universe that did applaud While, chiefest of the crowd, Enabled by his royal dress, Myself distinguished God.

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WHERE ships of purple gently toss On seas of daffodil, Fantastic sailors mingle, And then—the wharf is still.

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BLAZING in gold and quenching in purple, Leaping like leopards to the sky, Then at the feet of the old horizon Laying her spotted face, to die;Stooping as low as the kitchen window, Touching the roof and tinting the barn, Kissing her bonnet to the meadow,—And the juggler of day is gone!

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FARTHER in summer than the birds, Pathetic from the grass, A minor nation celebrates Its unobtrusive mass.

No ordinance105 is seen, So gradual the grace, A pensive custom it becomes, Enlarging loneliness.

Antiquest106 felt at noon When August, burning low, Calls forth this spectral canticley 107 Repose to typify.

Remit as yet no grace, No furrow on the glow, Yet a druidic108 difference Enhances nature now.

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As imperceptibly as grief The summer lapsed away,—Too imperceptible, at last, To seem like perfidy.

A quietness distilled, As twilight long begun, Or Nature, spending with herself Sequestered afternoon.

The dusk drew earlier in, The morning foreign shone,—A courteous, yet harrowing grace, As guest who would be gone.

And thus, without a wing, Or service of a keel, Our summer made her light escape Into the beautiful.

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IT can’t be summer,—that got through; It’s early yet for spring; There’s that long town of white to cross Before the blackbirds sing.

It can’t be dyings—it’s too rouge,—The dead shall go in white. So sunset shuts my question down With clasps of chrysolite. 109

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THE gentian110 weaves her fringes, The maple’s loom is red. My departing blossoms Obviate parade.

A brief, but patient illness, An hour to prepare; And one, below this morning, Is where the angels are.

It was a short procession,—The bobolink was there, An aged bee addressed us, And then we knelt in prayer.

We trust that she was willing,—We ask that we may be. Summer, sister, seraph, Let us go with thee!

In the name of the bee And of the butterfly And of the breeze, amen!

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GOD made a little gentian; It tried to be a rose And failed, and all the summer laughed. But just before the snows There came a purple creature That ravished all the hill; And summer hid her forehead, And mockery was still. The frosts were her condition; The Tyrian111 would not come Until the North evoked it. “Creator! shall I bloom?”

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BESIDES the autumn poets sing, A few prosaic days A little this side of the snow And that side of the haze.

A few incisive mornings, A few ascetic eves,—Gone Mr. Bryant’s golden-rod,112 And Mr. Thomson‘s113 sheaves.Still is the bustle in the brook, Sealed are the spicy valves; Mesmeric fingers softly touch The eyes of many elves.

Perhaps a squirrel may remain, My sentiments to share. Grant me, O Lord, a sunny mind, Thy windy will to bear!

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IT sifts from leaden sieves, It powders all the wood, It fills with alabaster wool The wrinkles of the road.

It makes an even face Of mountain and of plain,—Unbroken forehead from the east Unto the east again.

It reaches to the fence, It wraps it, rail by rail, Till it is lost in fleeces; It flings a crystal veil

On stump and stack and stem,—The summer’s empty room, Acres of seams where harvests were, Recordless, but for them.

It ruffles wrists of posts, As ankles of a queen,— Then stills its artisans like ghosts, Denying they have been.

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No brigadier throughout the year So civic as the Jay. A neighbor and a warrior too, With shrill felicity

Pursuing winds that censure us A February day, The brother of the universe Was never blown away.

The snow and he are intimate; I’ve often seen them play When heaven looked upon us all With such severity,

I felt apology were due To an insulted sky, Whose pompous frown was nutriment To their temerity.

The pillow of this daring head Is pungent evergreens; His larder—terse and militant—Unknown, refreshing things;

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His character a tonic, His future a dispute; Unfair an immortality That leaves this neighbor out.

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NEW feet within my garden go, New fingers stir the sod; A troubadour upon the elm Betrays the solitude.

New children play upon the green, New weary sleep below; And still the pensive spring returns, And still the punctual snow!

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PINK, small, and punctual. Aromatic, low, Covert in April, Candid in May,

Dear to the moss, Known by the knoll, Next to the robin In every human soul.

Bold little beauty, Bedecked with thee, Nature forswears Antiquity.

(With the first Arbutus.)114

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THE murmur of a bee A witchcraft yieldeth me. If any ask me why, ’T were easier to die Than tell.

The red upon the hill Taketh away my will; If anybody sneer, Take care, for God is here, That’s all.

The breaking of the day Addeth to my degree; If any ask me how, Artist, who drew me so, Must tell!

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PERHAPS you’d like to buy a flower? But I could never sell. If you would like to borrow Until the daffodil

Unties her yellow bonnet Beneath the village door, Until the bees, from clover rows Their hock115 and sherry draw, Why, I will lend until just then, But not an hour more!

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THE pedigree of honey Does not concern the bee; A clover, any time, to him Is aristocracy.

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SOME keep the Sabbath going to church; I keep it staying at home, With a bobolink for a chorister, And an orchard for a dome.

Some keep the Sabbath in surplice;116 I just wear my wings, And instead of tolling the bell for church, Our little sexton117 sings.

God preaches,—a noted clergyman,—And the sermon is never long; So instead of getting to heaven at last, I’m going all along!

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THE bee is not afraid of me, I know the butterfly; The pretty people in the woods Receive me cordially.

The brooks laugh louder when I come, The breezes madder play. Wherefore, mine eyes, thy silver mists? Wherefore, O summer’s day?

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SOME rainbow coming from the fair! Some vision of the World Cashmere I confidently see! Or else a peacock’s purple train, Feather by feather, on the plain Fritters itself away!

The dreamy butterflies bestir, Lethargic pools resume the whir Of last year’s sundered tune. From some old fortress on the sun Baronial bees march, one by one, In murmuring platoon!

The robins stand as thick to-day As flakes of snow stood yesterday, On fence and roof and twig. The orchis118 binds her feather on For her old lover, Don119 the Sun, Revisiting the bog!

Without commander, countless, still, The regiment of wood and hill In bright detachment stand. Behold! Whose multitudes are these? The children of whose turbaned seas,

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Or what Circassian120 land?

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THE grass so little has to do,—A sphere of simple green, With only butterflies to brood, And bees to entertain,

And stir all day to pretty tunes The breezes fetch along, And hold the sunshine in its lap And bow to everything;

And thread the dews all night, like pearls, And make itself so fine,—A duchess were too common For such a noticing.

And even when it dies, to pass In odors so divine, As lowly spices gone to sleep, Or amulets121 of pine.

And then to dwell in sovereign barns, And dream the days away,—The grass so little has to do, I wish I were a hay!

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A little road not made of man, Enabled of the eye, Accessible to thill122 of bee, Or cart of butterfly.

If town it have, beyond itself, ’T is that I cannot say; I only sigh,—no vehicle Bears me along that way.

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A drop fell on the apple tree. Another on the roof; A half a dozen kissed the eaves, And made the gables123 laugh.A few went out to help the brook, That went to help the sea. Myself conjectured, Were they pearls, What necklaces could be!

The dust replaced in hoisted roads, The birds jocoser124 sung; The sunshine threw his hat away, The orchards spangles hung.

The breezes brought dejected lutes, And bathed them in the glee; The East put out a single flag, And signed the fête125 away.

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A something in a summer’s day, As slow her flambeaux126 burn away, Which solemnizes me.

A something in a summer’s noon,—An azure depth, a wordless tune, Transcending ecstasy.

And still within a summer’s night A something so transporting bright, I clap my hands to see;Then veil my too inspecting face, Lest such a subtle, shimmering grace Flutter too far for me.

The wizard-fingers never rest, The purple brook within the breast Still chafes its narrow bed;

Still rears the East her amber flag, Guides still the sun along the crag His caravan of red,

Like flowers that heard the tale of dews,

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But never deemed the dripping prize Awaited their low brows;

Or bees, that thought the summer’s name Some rumor of delirium No summer could for them;

Or Arctic creature, dimly stirred By tropic hint,—some travelled bird Imported to the wood;

Or wind’s bright signal to the ear, Making that homely and severe, Contented, known, before

The heaven unexpected came, To lives that thought their worshipping A too presumptuous psalm.

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THIS is the land the sunset washes, These are the banks of the Yellow Sea;127 Where it rose, or whither it rushes, These are the western mystery!

Night after night her purple traffic Strews the landing with opal128 bales; Merchantmen poise upon horizons, Dip, and vanish with fairy sails.

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LIKE trains of cars on tracks of plush I hear the level bee: A jar across the flowers goes, Their velvet masonry

Withstands until the sweet assault Their chivalry consumes, While he, victorious, tilts away To vanquish other blooms.

His feet are shod with gauze, His helmet is of gold; His breast, a single onyx129 With chrysoprase,130 inlaid.His labor is a chant, His idleness a tune; Oh, for a bee’s experience Of clovers and of noon!

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THERE is a flower that bees prefer, And butterflies desire; To gain the purple democrat The humming-birds aspire.

And whatsoever insect pass, A honey bears away Proportioned to his several dearth And her capacity.

Her face is rounder than the moon, And ruddier than the gown Of orchis in the pasture, Or rhododendron worn.

She doth not wait for June; Before the world is green Her sturdy little countenance Against the wind is seen,

Contending with the grass, Near kinsman to herself, For privilege of sod and sun, Sweet litigants for life.

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And when the hills are full, And newer fashions blow, Doth not retract a single spice For pang of jealousy.

Her public is the noon, Her providence the sun, Her progress by the bee proclaimed In sovereign, swerveless tune.

The bravest of the host, Surrendering the last, Nor even of defeat aware When cancelled by the frost.

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PRESENTIMENT is that long shadow on the lawn Indicative that suns go down; The notice to the startled grass That darkness is about to pass.

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As children bid the guest good-night, And then reluctant turn, My flowers raise their pretty lips, Then put their nightgowns on.

As children caper when they wake, Merry that it is morn, My flowers from a hundred cribs Will peep, and prance again.

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ANGELS in the early morning May be seen the dews among, Stooping, plucking, smiling, flying: Do the buds to them belong?

Angels when the sun is hottest May be seen the sands among, Stooping, plucking, sighing, flying; Parched the flowers they bear along.

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SO bashful when I spied her, So pretty, so ashamed! So hidden in her leaflets, Lest anybody find;

So breathless till I passed her, So helpless when I turned And bore her, struggling, blushing, Her simple haunts beyond!

For whom I robbed the dingle,131 For whom betrayed the dell,132 Many will doubtless ask me, But I shall never tell!

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IT makes no difference abroad, The seasons fit the same, The mornings blossom into noons, And split their pods of flame.

Wild-flowers kindle in the woods, The brooks brag all the day; No blackbird bates133 his jargoning For passing Calvary.

Auto-da-fé134 and judgment Are nothing to the bee; His separation from his rose To him seems misery.

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THE mountain sat upon the plain In his eternal chair, His observation omnifold,135 His inquest everywhere.

The seasons prayed around his knees, Like children round a sire: Grandfather of the days is he, Of dawn the ancestor.

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I’LL tell you how the sun rose,—A ribbon at a time. The steeples swam in amethyst, The news like squirrels ran.

The hills untied their bonnets, The bobolinks begun. Then I said softly to myself, “That must have been the sun!”

But how he set, I know not. There seemed a purple stile Which little yellow boys and girls Were climbing all the while

Till when they reached the other side, A dominie136 in gray Put gently up the evening bars, And led the flock away.

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THE butterfly’s assumption-gown,137 In chrysoprase apartments hung, This afternoon put on.

How condescending to descend, And be of buttercups the friend In a New England town!

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OF all the sounds despatched abroad, There’s not a charge to me Like that old measure in the boughs, That phraseless melody

The wind does, working like a hand Whose fingers comb the sky, Then quiver down, with tufts of tune Permitted gods and me.

When winds go round and round in bands, And thrum138 upon the door, And birds take places overhead, To bear them orchestra,

I crave him grace, of summer boughs, If such an outcast be, He never heard that fleshless chant Rise solemn in the tree,

As if some caravan of sound On deserts, in the sky, Had broken rank, Then knit, and passed In seamless company.

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APPARENTLY with no surprise To any happy flower, The frost beheads it at its play In accidental power.

The blond assassin passes on, The sun proceeds unmoved To measure off another day For an approving God.

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‘Twas later when the summer went Than when the cricket came, And yet we knew that gentle clock Meant nought but going home.

’T was sooner when the cricket went Than when the winter came, Yet that pathetic pendulum Keeps esoteric time.

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THESE are the days when birds come back, A very few, a bird or two, To take a backward look.

These are the days when skies put on The old, old sophistries139 of June,—A blue and gold mistake.Oh, fraud that cannot cheat the bee, Almost thy plausibility Induces my belief,

Till ranks of seeds their witness bear, And softly through the altered air Hurries a timid leaf!

Oh, sacrament of summer days, Oh, last communion in the haze, Permit a child to join,

Thy sacred emblems to partake, Thy consecrated bread to break, Taste thine immortal wine!

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THE morns are meeker than they were, The nuts are getting brown; The berry’s cheek is plumper, The rose is out of town.

The maple wears a gayer scarf, The field a scarlet gown. Lest I should be old-fashioned, I’ll put a trinket on.

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THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go.

A narrow wind complains all day How some one treated him; Nature, like us, is sometimes caught Without her diadem.

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I think the hemlock likes to stand Upon a marge140 of snow; It suits his own austerity, And satisfies an aweThat men must slake in wilderness, Or in the desert cloy,—An instinct for the hoar, the bald, Lapland’s necessity.

The hemlock’s nature thrives on cold; The gnash of northern winds Is sweetest nutriment to him, His best Norwegian wines.

To satin races he is nought; But children on the Don141 Beneath his tabernacles142 play, And Dnieper wrestlers run.

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THERE’S a certain slant of light, On winter afternoons, That oppresses, like the weight Of cathedral tunes.Heavenly hurt it gives us; We can find no scar, But internal difference Where the meanings are.

None may teach it anything, ’T is the seal,143 despair,—An imperial affliction Sent us of the air.

When it comes, the landscape listens, Shadows hold their breath; When it goes, ’t is like the distance On the look of death.

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THE springtime’s pallid landscape Will glow like bright bouquet, Though drifted deep in parian144 The village lies to-day.The lilacs, bending many a year, With purple load will hang; The bees will not forget the tune Their old forefathers sang.

The rose will redden in the bog, The aster on the hill Her everlasting fashion set, And covenant gentians frill,

Till summer folds her miracle As women do their gown, Or priests adjust the symbols When sacrament is done.

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SHE slept beneath a tree Remembered but by me. I touched her cradle mute; She recognized the foot, Put on her carmine suit,—And see!

(With a Tulip.)

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A light exists in spring Not present on the year At any other period. When March is scarcely hereA color stands abroad On solitary hills That science cannot overtake, But human nature feels.

It waits upon the lawn; It shows the furthest tree Upon the furthest slope we know; It almost speaks to me.

Then, as horizons step, Or noons report away, Without the formula of sound, It passes, and we stay:

A quality of loss Affecting our content, As trade had suddenly encroached Upon a sacrament.

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A lady red upon the hill Her annual secret keeps; A lady white within the field In placid lily sleeps!

The tidy breezes with their brooms Sweep vale, and hill, and tree! Prithee, my pretty housewives! Who may expected be?

The neighbors do not yet suspect! The woods exchange a smile— Orchard, and buttercup, and bird—In such a little while!

And yet how still the landscape stands, How nonchalant the wood, As if the resurrection Were nothing very odd!

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DEAR March, come in! How glad I am! I looked for you before. Put down your hat—You must have walked—How out of breath you are! Dear March, how are you? And the rest? Did you leave Nature well? Oh, March, come right upstairs with me, I have so much to tell!

I got your letter, and the bird’s; The maples never knew That you were coming,—I declare, How red their faces grew! But, March, forgive me—And all those hills You left for me to hue; There was no purple suitable, You took it all with you.

Who knocks? That April! Lock the door! I will not be pursued! He stayed away a year, to call When I am occupied.

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But trifles look so trivial As soon as you have come, That blame is just as dear as praise And praise as mere as blame.

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WE like March, his shoes are purple, He is new and high; Makes he mud for dog and peddler, Makes he forest dry; Knows the adder’s tongue his coming, And begets her spot. Stands the sun so close and mighty That our minds are hot. News is he of all the others; Bold it were to die With the blue-birds buccaneering On his British sky.

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NOT knowing when the dawn will come I open every door; Or has it feathers like a bird, Or billows like a shore?

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A murmur in the trees to note, Not loud enough for wind; A star not far enough to seek, Nor near enough to find;

A long, long yellow on the lawn, A hubbub as of feet; Not audible, as ours to us, But dapperer, more sweet;

A hurrying home of little men To houses unperceived,—All this, and more, if I should tell, Would never be believed.

Of robins in the trundle bed How many I espy Whose nightgowns could not hide the wings, Although I heard them try!

But then I promised ne‘er to tell; How could I break my word? So go your way and I’ll go mine,—No fear you’ll miss the road.

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MORNING is the place for dew, Corn is made at noon, After dinner light for flowers, Dukes for setting sun!

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TO my quick ear the leaves conferred; The bushes they were bells; I could not find a privacy From Nature’s sentinels.

In cave if I presumed to hide, The walls began to tell; Creation seemed a mighty crack To make me visible.

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A sepal,145 petal, and a thorn Upon a common summer’s morn, A flash of dew, a bee or two, A breeze A caper in the trees,—And I’m a rose!

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HIGH from the earth I heard a bird; He trod upon the trees As he esteemed them trifles, And then he spied a breeze, And situated softly Upon a pile of wind Which in a perturbation Nature had left behind. A joyous-going fellow I gathered from his talk, Which both of benediction And badinage partook, Without apparent burden, I learned, in leafy wood He was the faithful father Of a dependent brood; And this untoward transport His remedy for care,—A contrast to our respites. How different we are!

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THE spider as an artist Has never been employed Though his surpassing merit Is freely certified

By every broom and Bridget146 Throughout a Christian land. Neglected son of genius, I take thee by the hand.

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WHAT mystery pervades a well! The water lives so far, Like neighbor from another world Residing in a jar.

The grass does not appear afraid; I often wonder he Can stand so close and look so bold At what is dread to me.

Related somehow they may be,—The sedge147 stands next the sea, Where he is floorless, yet of fear No evidence gives he.

But nature is a stranger yet; The ones that cite her most Have never passed her haunted house, Nor simplified her ghost.

To pity those that know her not Is helped by the regret That those who know her, know her less The nearer her they get.

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TO make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,—One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do If bees are few.

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IT’s like the light,- A fashionless delight, It’s like the bee,—A dateless melody.

It’s like the woods, Private like breeze, Phraseless, yet it stirs The proudest trees.

It’s like the morning,—Best when it’s done,—The everlasting clocks Chime noon.

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A dew sufficed itself And satisfied a leaf, And felt, “how vast a destiny! How trivial is life!”

The sun went out to work, The day went out to play, But not again that dew was seen By physiognomy.

Whether by day abducted, Or emptied by the sun Into the sea, in passing, Eternally unknown.

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His bill an auger148 is, His head, a cap and frill. He laboreth at every tree,—A worm his utmost goal.

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SWEET is the swamp with its secrets, Until we meet a snake; ’T is then we sigh for houses, And our departure take

At that enthralling gallop That only childhood knows. A snake is summer’s treason, And guile is where it goes.

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COULD I but ride indefinite, As doth the meadow-bee, And visit only where I liked, And no man visit me,

And flirt all day with buttercups, And marry whom I may, And dwell a little everywhere, Or better, run away

With no police to follow, Or chase me if I do, Till I should jump peninsulas To get away from you,—

I said, but just to be a bee Upon a raft of air, And row in nowhere all day long, And anchor off the bar,—What liberty! So captives deem Who tight in dungeons are.

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THE moon was but a chin of gold A night or two ago, And now she turns her perfect face Upon the world below.

Her forehead is of amplest blond; Her cheek like beryl stone; Her eye unto the summer dew The likest I have known.

Her lips of amber never part; But what must be the smile Upon her friend she could bestow Were such her silver will!

And what a privilege to be But the remotest star! For certainly her way might pass Beside your twinkling door.

Her bonnet is the firmament, The universe her shoe, The stars the trinkets at her belt, Her dimities of blue.

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THE bat is dun with wrinkled wings Like fallow article, And not a song pervades his lips, Or none perceptible.

His small umbrella, quaintly halved, Describing in the air An arc alike inscrutable,—Elate149 philosopher!

Deputed from what firmament Of what astute abode, Empowered with what malevolence Auspiciously withheld.

To his adroit Creator Ascribe no less the praise; Beneficent, believe me, His eccentricities.

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YOU’VE seen balloons set, haven’t you? So stately they ascend It is as swans discarded you For duties diamond.

Their liquid feet go softly out Upon a sea of blond; They spurn the air as ’t were to mean For creatures so renowned.

Their ribbons just beyond the eye, They struggle some for breath, And yet the crowd applauds below; They would not encore death.

The gilded creature strains and spins, Trips frantic in a tree, Tears open her imperial veins And tumbles in the sea.

The crowd retire with an oath The dust in streets goes down, And clerks in counting-rooms observe, “ ’T was only a balloon.”

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THE cricket sang, And set the sun, And workmen finished, one by one, Their seam the day upon.The low grass loaded with the dew, The twilight stood as strangers do With hat in hand, polite and new, To stay as if, or go.

A vastness, as a neighbor, came,—A wisdom without face or name, A peace, as hemispheres at home,—And so the night became.

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DRAB habitation of whom? Tabernacle or tomb, Or dome of worm, Or porch of gnome, Or some elf’s catacomb?

(Sent with a cocoon to her little nephew.)

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A sloop150 of amber slips away Upon an ether sea, And wrecks in peace a purple tar, The son of ecstasy.

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OF bronze and blaze The north, to-night! So adequate its forms, So preconcerted with itself, So distant to alarms,—An unconcern so sovereign To universe, or me, It paints my simple spirit With tints of majesty, Till I take vaster attitudes, And strut upon my stem, Disdaining men and oxygen, For arrogance of them.

My splendors are menagerie; But their competeless show Will entertain the centuries When I am, long ago, An island in dishonored grass, Whom none but daisies know.

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How the old mountains drip with sunset, And the brake of dun! How the hemlocks are tipped in tinsel By the wizard sun!

How the old steeples hand the scarlet, Till the ball is full,—Have I the lip of the flamingo That I dare to tell?Then, how the fire ebbs like billows, Touching all the grass With a departing, sapphire feature, As if a duchess pass!

How a small dusk crawls on the village Till the houses blot; And the odd flambeaux no men carry Glimmer on the spot!

Now it is night in nest and kennel, And where was the wood, Just a dome of abyss is nodding Into solitude!—

These are the visions baffled Guido;

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Titian never told; Domenichino151 dropped the pencil, Powerless to unfold.

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THE murmuring of bees has ceased; But murmuring of some Posterior, prophetic, Has simultaneous come,—

The lower metres of the year, When nature’s laugh is done,—The Revelations of the book Whose Genesis in June.

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IT’s all I have to bring to-day, This, and my heart beside, This, and my heart, and all the fields, And all the meadows wide. Be sure you count, should I forget,— Some one the sun could tell,— This, and my heart, and all the bees Which in the clover dwell.

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MINE by the right of the white election! Mine by the royal seal! Mine by the sign in the scarlet prison Bars cannot conceal!

Mine, here in vision and in veto! Mine, by the grave’s repeal Titled, confirmed,—delirious charter! Mine, while the ages steal!

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YOU left me, sweet, two legacies,—A legacy of love A Heavenly Father would content, Had He the offer of;

You left me boundaries of pain Capacious as the sea, Between eternity and time, Your consciousness and me.

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ALTER? When the hills do. Falter? When the sun Question if his glory Be the perfect one.

Surfeit? When the daffodil Doth of the dew: Even as herself, O friend! I will of you!

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ELYSIUM152 is as far as to The very nearest room, If in that room a friend await Felicity or doom.

What fortitude the soul contains, That it can so endure The accent of a coming foot, The opening of a door!

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DOUBT me, my dim companion! Why, God would be content With but a fraction of the love Poured thee without a stint.153 The whole of me, forever, What more the woman can,—Say quick, that I may dower154 thee With last delight I own!

It cannot be my spirit, For that was thine before; I ceded all of dust I knew,—What opulence the more Had I, a humble maiden, Whose farthest of degree Was that she might Some distant heaven, Dwell timidly with thee!

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IF you were coming in the fall, I’d brush the summer by With half a smile and half a spurn, As housewives do a fly.

If I could see you in a year, I’d wind the months in balls, And put them each in separate drawers, Until their time befalls.

If only centuries delayed, I’d count them on my hand, Subtracting till my fingers dropped Into Van Diemen’s land.155

If certain, when this life was out, That yours and mine should be, I’d toss it yonder like a rind, And taste eternity.

But now, all ignorant of the length Of time’s uncertain wing, It goads me, like the goblin bee, That will not state its sting.

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I hide myself within my flower, That wearing on your breast, You, unsuspecting, wear me too—And angels know the rest.

I hide myself within my flower, That, fading from your vase, You, unsuspecting, feel for me Almost a loneliness.

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THAT I did always love, I bring thee proof: That till I loved I did not love enough.

That I shall love alway, I offer thee That love is life, And life hath immortality.This, dost thou doubt, sweet? Then have I Nothing to show But Calvary.

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HAVE you got a brook in your little heart, Where bashful flowers blow, And blushing birds go down to drink, And shadows tremble so?

And nobody knows, so still it flows, That any brook is there; And yet your little draught of life Is daily drunken there.

Then look out for the little brook in March, When the rivers overflow, And the snows come hurrying from the hills, And the bridges often go.

And later, in August it may be, When the meadows parching lie, Beware, lest this little brook of life Some burning noon go dry!

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As if some little Arctic flower, Upon the polar hem, Went wandering down the latitudes, Until it puzzled came To continents of summer, To firmaments of sun, To strange, bright crowds of flowers, And birds of foreign tongue! I say, as if this little flower To Eden wandered in—What then? Why, nothing, only Your inference therefrom!

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MY river runs to thee: Blue sea, wilt welcome me?

My river waits reply. Oh sea, look graciously!

I’ll fetch thee brooks From spotted nooks,—

Say, sea, Take me!

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I cannot live with you, It would be life, And life is over there Behind the shelfThe sexton keeps the key to, Putting up Our life, his porcelain, Like a cup

Discarded of the housewife, Quaint or broken; A newer Sèvres156 pleases, Old ones crack.

I could not die with you, For one must wait To shut the other’s gaze down,—You could not.

And I, could I stand by And see you freeze, Without my right of frost, Death’s privilege?

Nor could I rise with you,

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Because your face Would put out Jesus‘, That new grace

Glow plain and foreign On my homesick eye, Except that you, than he Shone closer by.

They’d judge us—how? For you served Heaven, you know, Or sought to; I could not,Because you saturated sight, And I had no more eyes For sordid excellence As Paradise.

And were you lost, I would be, Though my name Rang loudest On the heavenly fame.

And were you saved, And I condemned to be Where you were not,

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That self were hell to me.

So we must keep apart, You there, I here, With just the door ajar That oceans are, And prayer, And that pale sustenance, Despair!

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THERE came a day at summer’s full Entirely for me; I thought that such were for the saints, Where revelations be.

The sun, as common, went abroad, The flowers, accustomed, blew, As if no sail the solstice passed That maketh all things new.The time was scarce profaned by speech; The symbol of a word Was needless, as at sacrament The wardrobe of our Lord.

Each was to each the sealed church, Permitted to commune this time, Lest we too awkward show At supper of the Lamb. 157

The hours slid fast, as hours will, Clutched tight by greedy hands; So faces on two decks look back, Bound to opposing lands.

And so, when all the time had failed,

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Without external sound, Each bound the other’s crucifix, We gave no other bond.

Sufficient troth that we shall rise—Deposed, at length, the grave- To that new marriage, justified Through Calvaries of Love!

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I’M ceded, I’ve stopped being theirs; The name they dropped upon my face With water, in the country church, Is finished using now, And they can put it with my dolls, My childhood, and the string of spools I’ve finished threading too.

Baptized before without the choice, But this time consciously, of grace Unto supremest name, Called to my full, the crescent dropped, Existence’s whole arc filled up With one small diadem.

My second rank, too small the first, Crowned, crowing on my father’s breast, A half unconscious queen; But this time, adequate, erect, With will to choose or to reject, And I choose—just a throne.

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’T was a long parting, but the time For interview had come; Before the judgment-seat of God, The last and second time

These fleshless lovers met, A heaven in a gaze, A heaven of heavens, the privilege Of one another’s eyes.

No lifetime set on them, Apparelled as the new Unborn, except they had beheld, Born everlasting now.

Was bridal158 e‘er like this? A paradise, the host, And cherubim and seraphim The most familiar guest.

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I’M wife; I’ve finished that, That other state; I’m Czar, I’m woman now: It’s safer so.

How odd the girl’s life looks Behind this soft eclipse! I think that earth seems so To those in heaven now.

This being comfort, then That other kind was pain; But why compare? I’m wife! stop there!

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SHE rose to his requirement, dropped The playthings of her life To take the honorable work Of woman and of wife.If aught she missed in her new day Of amplitude, or awe, Or first prospective, or the gold In using wore away,

It lay unmentioned, as the sea Develops pearl and weed, But only to himself is known The fathoms they abide.

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COME slowly, Eden! Lips unused to thee, Bashful, sip thy jasmines, As the fainting bee,

Reaching late his flower, Round her chamber hums, Counts his nectars—enters, And is lost in balms!159

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OF all the souls that stand create I have elected one. When sense from spirit files away, And subterfuge is done;When that which is and that which was Apart, intrinsic, stand, And this brief tragedy of flesh Is shifted like a sand;

When figures show their royal front And mists are carved away,—Behold the atom I preferred To all the lists160 of clay!

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I have no life but this, To lead it here; Nor any death, but lest Dispelled from there;

Nor tie to earths to come, Nor action new, Except through this extent, The realm of you.

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YOUR riches taught me poverty. Myself a millionnaire In little wealths,—as girls could boast,—Till broad as Buenos Ayre,161

You drifted your dominions A different Peru; And I esteemed all poverty, For life’s estate with you.

Of mines I little know, myself, But just the names of gems,—The colors of the commonest; And scarce of diadems

So much that, did I meet the queen, Her glory I should know: But this must be a different wealth, To miss it beggars so.

I’m sure ’t is India all day To those who look on you Without a stint, without a blame,—Might I but be the Jew!

I’m sure it is Golconda,162

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Beyond my power to deem,—To have a smile for mine each day, How better than a gem!

At least, it solaces to know That there exists a gold, Although I prove it just in time Its distance to behold!

It’s far, far treasure to surmise, And estimate the pearl That slipped my simple fingers through While just a girl at school!

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I gave myself to him, And took himself for pay. The solemn contract of a life Was ratified this way.

The wealth might disappoint, Myself a poorer prove Than this great purchaser suspect, The daily own163 of LoveDepreciate the vision; But, till the merchant buy, Still fable, in the isles of spice, The subtle cargoes lie.

At least, ’t is mutual risk,—Some found it mutual gain; Sweet debt of Life,—each night to owe, Insolvent, every noon.

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“GOING to him! Happy letter! Tell him—Tell him the page I didn’t write; Tell him I only said the syntax, And left the verb and the pronoun out. Tell him just how the fingers hurried, Then how they waded, slow, slow, slow; And then you wished you had eyes in your pages, So you could see what moved them so.

“Tell him it wasn’t a practised writer, You guessed, from the way the sentence toiled; You could hear the bodice tug, behind you, As if it held but the might of a child; You almost pitied it, you, it worked so. Tell him—No, you may quibble there, For it would split his heart to know it, And then you and I were silenter.

“Tell him night finished before we finished, And the old clock kept neighing ‘day!’ And you got sleepy and begged to be ended—What could it hinder so, to say? Tell him just how she sealed you, cautious, But if he ask where you are hid Until to-morrow,—happy letter! Gesture, coquette,164and shake your head!”

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THE way I read a letter’s this: ’T is first I lock the door, And push it with my fingers next, For transport it be sure.

And then I go the furthest off To counteract a knock; Then draw my little letter forth And softly pick its lock.Then, glancing narrow at the wall, And narrow at the floor, For firm conviction of a mouse Not exorcised before,

Peruse how infinite I am To—no one that you know! And sigh for lack of heaven,—but not The heaven the creeds bestow.

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WILD nights! Wild nights! Were I with thee, Wild nights should be Our luxury!

Futile the winds To a heart in port,—Done with the compass, Done with the chart.

Rowing in Eden! Ah! the sea! Might I but moor To-night in thee!

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THE night was wide, and furnished scant With but a single star, That often as a cloud it met Blew out itself for fear.The wind pursued the little bush, And drove away the leaves November left; then clambered up And fretted in the eaves.

No squirrel went abroad; A dog’s belated feet Like intermittent plush were heard Adown the empty street.

To feel if blinds be fast, And closer to the fire Her little rocking-chair to draw, And shiver for the poor,

The housewife’s gentle task. “How pleasanter,” said she Unto the sofa opposite, “The sleet than May—no thee!”

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DID the harebell165 loose her girdle To the lover bee, Would the bee the harebell hallow Much as formerly?Did the paradise, persuaded, Yield her moat of pearl, Would the Eden be an Eden, Or the earl an earl?

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A charm invests a face Imperfectly beheld,—The lady dare not lift her veil For fear it be dispelled.

But peers beyond her mesh, And wishes, and denies,—Lest interview annul a want That image satisfies.

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THE rose did caper on her cheek, Her bodice rose and fell, Her pretty speech, like drunken men, Did stagger pitiful.

Her fingers fumbled at her work,—Her needle would not go; What ailed so smart a little maid It puzzled me to know,

Till opposite I spied a cheek That bore another rose; Just opposite, another speech That like the drunkard goes;

A vest that, like the bodice, danced To the immortal tune,—Till those two troubled little clocks Ticked softly into one.

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IN lands I never saw, they say, Immortal Alps look down, Whose bonnets touch the firmament, Whose sandals touch the town,—

Meek at whose everlasting feet A myriad daisies play. Which, sir, are you, and which am I, Upon an August day?

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THE moon is distant from the sea, And yet with amber hands She leads him, docile as a boy, Along appointed sands.

He never misses a degree; Obedient to her eye, He comes just so far toward the town, Just so far goes away.

Oh, Signor, thine the amber hand, And mine the distant sea,—Obedient to the least command Thine eyes impose on me.

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HE put the belt around my life,—I heard the buckle snap, And turned away, imperial, My lifetime folding up Deliberate, as a duke would do A kingdom’s title-deed,—Henceforth a dedicated sort, A member of the cloud.

Yet not too far to come at call, And do the little toils That make the circuit of the rest, And deal occasional smiles To lives that stoop to notice mine And kindly ask it in,—Whose invitation, knew you not For whom I must decline?

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I held a jewel in my fingers And went to sleep. The day was warm, and winds were prosy; I said: “ ’T will keep.”

I woke and chid my honest fingers,—The gem was gone; And now an amethyst remembrance Is all I own.

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WHAT if I say I shall not wait? What if I burst the fleshly gate And pass, escaped, to thee? What if I file this mortal off, See where it hurt me,-that’s enough,—And wade in liberty?

They cannot take us any more,—Dungeons may call, and guns implore; Unmeaning now, to me, As laughter was an hour ago, Or laces, or a travelling show, Or who died yesterday!

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PROUD of my broken heart since thou didst break it, Proud of the pain I did not feel till thee, Proud of my night since thou with moons dost slake it, Not to partake thy passion, my humility.

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MY worthiness is all my doubt, His merit all my fear, Contrasting which, my qualities Do lowlier appear;

Lest I should insufficient prove For his beloved need, The chiefest apprehension Within my loving creed.So I, the undivine abode Of his elect content, Conform my soul as ’t were a church Unto her sacrament.

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LOVE is anterior to life, Posterior to death, Initial of creation, and The exponent of breath.

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ONE blessing had I, than the rest So larger to my eyes That I stopped gauging, satisfied, For this enchanted size.

It was the limit of my dream, The focus of my prayer,—A perfect, paralyzing bliss Contented as despair.

I knew no more of want or cold, Phantasms both become, For this new value in the soul, Supremest earthly sum.

The heaven below the heaven above Obscured with ruddier hue. Life’s latitude leant over-full; The judgment perished, too.

Why joys so scantily disburse, Why Paradise defer, Why floods are served to us in bowts,—I speculate no more.

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WHEN roses cease to bloom, dear, And violets are done, When bumble-bees in solemn flight Have passed beyond the sun,

The hand that paused to gather Upon this summer’s day Will idle lie, in Auburn,—166 Then take my flower, pray!

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SUMMER for thee grant I may be When summer days are flown! Thy music still when whippoorwill And oriole are done!

For thee to bloom, I’ll skip the tomb And sow my blossoms o‘er! Pray gather me, Anemone, Thy flower forevermore!

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SPLIT the lark and you’ll find the music, Bulb after bulb, in silver rolled, Scantily dealt to the summer morning, Saved for your ear when lutes be old.

Loose the flood, you shall find it patent, Gush after gush, reserved for you; Scarlet experiment! sceptic Thomas,167 Now, do you doubt that your bird was true?

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TO lose thee, sweeter than to gain All other hearts I knew. ’T is true the drought is destitute, But then I had the dew!

The Caspian168 has its realms of sand, Its other realm of sea; Without the sterile perquisite169 No Caspian could be.

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POOR little heart! Did they forget thee? Then dinna170 care! Then dinna care!Proud little heart! Did they forsake thee? Be debonair! Be debonair!

Frail little heart! I would not break thee: Could‘st credit me? Could’st credit me?

Gay little heart! Like morning glory Thou’ll wilted be; thou’ll wilted be!

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THERE is a word Which bears a sword Can pierce an armed man. It hurls its barbed syllables,—At once is mute again. But where it fell The saved will tell On patriotic day, Some epauletted171 brother Gave his breath away. Wherever runs the breathless sun, Wherever roams the day, There is its noiseless onset, There is its victory! Behold the keenest marksman! The most accomplished shot! Time’s sublimest target Is a soul “forgot”!

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I’vE got an arrow here; Loving the hand that sent it, I the dart revere.

Fell, they will say, in “skirmish”! Vanquished, my soul will know, By but a simple arrow Sped by an archer’s bow.

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HE fumbles at your spirit As players at the keys Before they drop full music on; He stuns you by degrees,

Prepares your brittle substance For the ethereal blow, By fainter hammers, further heard, Then nearer, then so slow

Your breath has time to straighten, Your brain to bubble cool,— Deals one imperial thunderbolt That scalps your naked soul.

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HEART, we will forget him! You and I, to-night! You may forget the warmth he gave, I will forget the light.

When you have done, pray tell me, That I my thoughts may dim; Haste! lest while you’re lagging, I may remember him!

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FATHER, I bring thee not myself,—That were the little load; I bring thee the imperial heart I had not strength to hold.

The heart I cherished in my own Till mine too heavy grew, Yet strangest, heavier since it went, Is it too large for you?

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WE outgrow love like other things And put it in the drawer, Till it an antique fashion shows Like costumes grandsires172 wore.

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NOT with a club the heart is broken, Nor with a stone; A whip, so small you could not see it, I’ve known

To lash the magic creature Till it fell, Yet that whip’s name too noble Then to tell.

Magnanimous of bird By boy descried, To sing unto the stone Of which it died.

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MY friend must be a bird, Because it flies! Mortal my friend must be, Because it dies! Barbs has it, like a bee. Ah, curious friend, Thou puzzlest me!

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HE touched me, so I live to know That such a day, permitted so, I groped upon his breast. It was a boundless place to me, And silenced, as the awful sea Puts minor streams to rest.

And now, I’m different from before, As if I breathed superior air, Or brushed a royal gown; My feet, too, that had wandered so, My gypsy face transfigured now To tenderer renown.

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LET me not mar that perfect dream By an auroral173 stain, But so adjust my daily night That it will come again.

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I live with him, I see his face; I go no more away For visitor, or sundown; Death’s single privacy,

The only one forestalling mine, And that by right that he Presents a claim invisible, No wedlock granted me.

I live with him, I hear his voice, I stand alive to-day To witness to the certainty Of immortality

Taught me by Time,—the lower way, Conviction every day,—That life like this is endless, Be judgment what it may.

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I envy seas whereon he rides, I envy spokes of wheels Of chariots that him convey, I envy speechless hills

That gaze upon his journey; How easy all can see What is forbidden utterly As heaven, unto me!

I envy nests of sparrows That dot his distant eaves, The wealthy fly upon his pane, The happy, happy leaves

That just abroad his window Have summer’s leave to be, The earrings of Pizarro174 Could not obtain for me.I envy light that wakes him, And bells that boldly ring To tell him it is noon abroad,—Myself his noon could bring,Yet interdict my blossom And abrogate my bee,

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Lest noon in everlasting night Drop Gabriel175 and me.

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A solemn thing it was, I said, A woman white176 to be, And wear, if God should count me fit, Her hallowed mystery.A timid thing to drop a life Into the purple well, Too plummetless that it come back Eternity until.

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TITLE divine is mine The Wife without

The Sign. Acute degree Conferred on me—Empress of Calvary. Royal all but the Crown—Betrothed, without the swoon God gives us women When two hold Garnet to garnet, Gold to gold—Born—Bridalled—Shrouded—In a day Tri-Victory—“My Husband” Women say Stroking the melody, Is this the way?

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ONE dignity delays for all, One mitred177 afternoon. None can avoid this purple, None evade this crown.Coach it insures, and footmen, Chamber and state and throng; Bells, also, in the village, As we ride grand along.

What dignified attendants, What service when we pause! How loyally at parting Their hundred hats they raise!

How pomp surpassing ermine,178 When simple you and I Present our meek escutcheon,179 And claim the rank to die!

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DELAYED till she had ceased to know, Delayed till in its vest of snow Her loving bosom lay. An hour behind the fleeting breath, Later by just an hour than death,—Oh, lagging yesterday!Could she have guessed that it would be; Could but a crier of the glee Have climbed the distant hill; Had not the bliss so slow a pace,—Who knows but this surrendered face Were undefeated still?

Oh, if there may departing be Any forgot by victory In her imperial round, Show them this meek apparelled thing, That could not stop to be a king, Doubtful if it be crowned!

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DEPARTED to the judgment, A mighty afternoon; Great clouds like ushers leaning, Creation looking on.The flesh surrendered, cancelled, The bodiless begun; Two worlds, like audiences, disperse And leave the soul alone.

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SAFE in their alabaster chambers, Untouched by morning and untouched by noon, Sleep the meek members of the resurrection, Rafter of satin, and roof of stone.

Light laughs the breeze in her castle of sunshine; Babbles the bee in a stolid ear; Pipe the sweet birds in ignorant cadence,—Ah, what sagacity perished here!

Grand go the years in the crescent above them; Worlds scoop their arcs, and firmaments row, Diadems drop and Doges180 surrender, Soundless as dots on a disk of snow.

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ON this long storm the rainbow rose, On this late morn the sun; The clouds, like listless elephants, Horizons straggled down.

The birds rose smiling in their nests, The gales indeed were done; Alas! how heedless were the eyes On whom the summer shone!

The quiet nonchalance of death No daybreak can bestir; The slow archangel’s syllables Must awaken her.

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MY cocoon tightens, colors tease, I’m feeling for the air; A dim capacity for wings Degrades the dress I wear.

A power of butterfly must be The aptitude to fly, Meadows of majesty concedes And easy sweeps of sky.

So I must baffle at the hint And cipher181 at the sign, And make much blunder, if at last I take the clew182 divine.

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EXULTATION is the going Of an inland soul to sea,—Past the houses, past the headlands, Into deep eternity!

Bred as we, among the mountains, Can the sailor understand The divine intoxication Of the first league out from land?

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LOOK back on time with kindly eyes, He doubtless did his best; How softly sinks his trembling sun In human nature’s west!

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A train went through a burial gate, A bird broke forth and sang, And trilled, and quivered, and shook his throat Till all the churchyard rang;

And then adjusted his little notes, And bowed and sang again. Doubtless, he thought it meet of him To say good-by to men.

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I died for beauty, but was scarce Adjusted in the tomb, When one who died for truth was lain In an adjoining room.

He questioned softly why I failed? “For beauty,” I replied. “And I for truth,—the two are one; We brethren are,” he said.And so, as kinsmen met a night, We talked between the rooms, Until the moss had reached our lips, And covered up our names.

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HOW many times these low feet staggered, Only the soldered mouth can tell; Try! can you stir the awful rivet? Try! can you lift the hasps 183 of steel?Stroke the cool forehead, hot so often, Lift, if you can, the listless hair; Handle the adamantine184 fingers Never a thimble more shall wear.Buzz the dull flies on the chamber window; Brave shines the sun through the freckled pane; Fearless the cobweb swings from the ceiling—Indolent housewife, in daisies lain!

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I like a look of agony, Because I know it’s true; Men do not sham convulsion, Nor simulate a throe.The eyes glaze once, and that is death. Impossible to feign The beads upon the forehead By homely anguish strung.

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THAT short, potential stir That each can make but once, That bustle so illustrious ’T is almost consequence,

Is the éclat 185 of death. Oh, thou unknown renown That not a beggar would accept, Had he the power to spurn!

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I went to thank her, But she slept; Her bed a funnelled stone, With nosegays186 at the head and foot, That travellers had thrown,Who went to thank her; But she slept. ’T was short to cross the sea To look upon her like, alive, But turning back ’t was slow.

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I’VE seen a dying eye Run round and round a room In search of something, as it seemed, Then cloudier become; And then, obscure with fog, And then be soldered down, Without disclosing what it be, ’T were blessed to have seen.

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THE clouds their backs together laid, The north begun to push, The forests galloped till they fell, The lightning skipped like mice; The thunder crumbled like a stuff—How good to be safe in tombs, Where nature’s temper cannot reach, Nor vengeance ever comes!

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I never saw a moor, I never saw the sea; Yet know I how the heather187 looks, And what a wave must be.I never spoke with God, Nor visited in heaven; Yet certain am I of the spot As if the chart were given.

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GOD permits industrious angels Afternoons to play. I met one,—forgot my school-mates, All, for him, straightway.

God calls home the angels promptly At the setting sun; I missed mine. How dreary marbles, After playing Crown!

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TO know just how he suffered would be dear; To know if any human eyes were near To whom he could intrust his wavering gaze, Until it settled firm on Paradise.

To know if he was patient, part content, Was dying as he thought, or different; Was it a pleasant day to die, And did the sunshine face his way?

What was his furthest mind, of home, or God, Or what the distant say At news that he ceased human nature On such a day?

And wishes, had he any? Just his sigh, accented, Had been legible to me. And was he confident until III fluttered out in everlasting well?

And if he spoke, what name was best, What first, What one broke off with

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At the drowsiest?

Was he afraid, or tranquil? Might he know How conscious consciousness could grow, Till love that was, and love too blest to be, Meet—and the junction be Eternity?

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THE last night that she lived, It was a common night, Except the dying; this to us Made nature different.

We noticed smallest things,—Things overlooked before, By this great light upon our minds Italicized, as ’t were.

That others could exist While she must finish quite, A jealousy for her arose So nearlv infinite.

We waited while she passed; It was a narrow time, Too jostled were our souls to speak, At length the notice came.

She mentioned, and forgot; Then lightly as a reed Bent to the water, shivered scarce, Consented, and was dead.

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And we, we placed the hair, And drew the head erect; And then an awful leisure was, Our faith to regulate.

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NOT in this world to see his face Sounds long, until I read the place Where this is said to be But just the primer to a life Unopened, rare, upon the shelf, Clasped yet to him and me.

And yet, my primer suits me so I would not choose a book to know Than that, be sweeter wise; Might some one else so learned be, And leave me just my A B C, Himself could have the skies.

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THE bustle in a house The morning after death Is solemnest of industries Enacted upon earth,—

The sweeping up the heart, And putting love away We shall not want to use again Until eternity.

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I reason, earth is short, And anguish absolute. And many hurt; But what of that?

I reason, we could die: The best vitality Cannot excel decay; But what of that?

I reason that in heaven Somehow, it will be even, Some new equation given; But what of that?

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AFRAID? Of whom am I afraid? Not death; for who is he? The porter of my father’s lodge As much abasheth188 me.Of life? ’T were odd I fear a thing That comprehendeth189 me In one or more existences At Deity’s decree.Of resurrection? Is the east Afraid to trust the morn With her fastidious forehead? As soon impeach my crown!

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THE sun kept setting, setting still; No hue of afternoon Upon the village I perceived,—From house to house ’t was noon.

The dusk kept dropping, dropping still; No dew upon the grass, But only on my forehead stopped, And wandered in my face.

My feet kept drowsing, drowsing still, My fingers were awake; Yet why so little sound myself Unto my seeming make?

How well I knew the light before! I could not see it now. ’T is dying, I am doing; but I’m not afraid to know.

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Two swimmers wrestled on the spar190 Until the morning sun, When one turned smiling to the land. O God, the other one!The stray ships passing spied a face Upon the waters borne, With eyes in death still begging raised, And hands beseeching thrown.

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BECAUSE I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste, And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For his civility.

We passed the school where children played At wrestling in a ring; We passed the fields of gazing grain, We passed the setting sun.

We paused before a house that seemed A swelling of the ground; The roof was scarcely visible, The cornice191 but a mound.Since then ’t is centuries; but each Feels shorter than the day I first surmised the horses’ heads Were toward eternity.

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SHE went as quiet as the dew From a familiar flower. Not like the dew did she return At the accustomed hour!

She dropt as softly as a star From out my summer’s eve; Less skillful than Leverrier192 It’s sorer to believe!

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AT last to be identified! At last, the lamps upon thy side, The rest of life to see! Past midnight, past the morning star! Past sunrise! Ah! what leagues there are Between our feet and day!

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EXCEPT to heaven, she is nought; Except for angels, lone; Except to some wide-wandering bee, A flower superfluous blown;

Except for winds, provincial; Except by butterflies, Unnoticed as a single dew That on the acre lies.

The smallest housewife in the grass, Yet take her from the lawn, And somebody has lost the face That made existence home!

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DEATH is a dialogue between The spirit and the dust. “Dissolve,” says Death. The Spirit, “Sir, I have another trust.”

Death doubts it, argues from the ground. The Spirit turns away, Just laying off, for evidence, An overcoat of clay.

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IT was too late for man, But early yet for God; Creation impotent to help, But prayer remained our side.

How excellent the heaven, When earth cannot be had; How hospitable, then, the face Of our old neighbor, God!

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WHEN I was small, a woman died. To-day her only boy Went up from the Potomac, His face all victory,To look at her; how slowly The seasons must have turned Till bullets clipt194 an angle, And he passed quickly round!If pride shall be in Paradise I never can decide; Of their imperial conduct, No person testified.

But proud in apparition, That woman and her boy Pass back and forth before my brain, As ever in the sky.

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THE daisy follows soft the sun, And when his golden walk is done, Sits shyly at his feet. He, waking, finds the flower near. “Wherefore, marauder, art thou here?” “Because, sir, love is sweet!”

We are the flower, Thou the sun! Forgive us, if as days decline, We nearer steal to Thee,—Enamoured of the parting west, The peace, the flight, the amethyst, Night’s possibility!

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No rack can torture me, My soul’s. at liberty. Behind this mortal bone There knits a bolder one

You cannot prick with saw, Nor rend with scymitar.195 Two bodies therefore be; Bind one, and one will flee.The eagle of his nest No easier divest And gain the sky, Than mayest thou,

Except thyself may be Thine enemy; Captivity is consciousness, So’s liberty.

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I lost a world the other day. Has anybody found? You’ll know it by the row of stars Around its forehead bound.

A rich man might not notice it; Yet to my frugal eye Of more esteem than ducats.196 Oh, find it, sir, for me!

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IF I shouldn’t be alive When the robins come, Give the one in red cravat197 A memorial crumb.If I couldn’t thank you, Being just asleep, You will know I’m trying With my granite lip!

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SLEEP is supposed to be, By souls of sanity, The shutting of the eye.

Sleep is the station grand Down which on either hand The hosts of witness stand!

Morn is supposed to be, By people of degree, The breaking of the day.Morning has not occurred! That shall aurora be East of eternity;

One with the banner gay, One in the red array,—That is the break of day.

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I shall know why, when time is over, And I have ceased to wonder why; Christ will explain each separate anguish In the fair schoolroom of the sky.

He will tell me what Peter198 promised, And I, for wonder at his woe, I shall forget the drop of anguish That scalds me now, that scalds me now.

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I never lost as much but twice, And that was in the sod; Twice have I stood a beggar Before the door of God!

Angels, twice descending, Reimbursed my store. Burglar, banker, father, I am poor once more!

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LET down the bars, O Death! The tired flocks come in Whose bleating ceases to repeat, Whose wandering is done.

Thine is the stillest night, Thine the securest fold;199 Too near thou art for seeking thee, Too tender to be told.

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GOING to heaven! I don’t know when, Pray do not ask me how,—Indeed, I’m too astonished To think of answering you! Going to heaven!—How dim it sounds! And yet it will be done As sure as flocks go home at night Unto the shepherd’s arm!

Perhaps you’re going too! Who knows? If you should get there first, Save just a little place for me Close to the two I lost! The smallest “robe” will fit me, And just a bit of “crown”; For you know we do not mind our dress When we are going home.

I’m glad I don’t believe it, For it would stop my breath, And I’d like to look a little more At such a curious earth! I am glad they did believe it Whom I have never found

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Since the mighty autumn afternoon I left them in the ground.

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AT least to pray is left, is left. O Jesus! in the air I know not which thy chamber is,—I’m knocking everywhere.

Thou stirrest earthquake in the South, And maelstrom in the sea; Say, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Hast thou no arm for me?

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STEP lightly on this narrow spot! The broadest land that grows Is not so ample as the breast These emerald seams enclose.

Step lofty; for this name is told As far as cannon dwell, Or flag subsist, or fame export Her deathless syllable.

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MORNS like these we parted; Noons like these she rose, Fluttering first, then firmer, To her fair repose.

Never did she lisp it, And ’t was not for me; She was mute from transport, I, from agony!

Till the evening, nearing, One the shutters drew—Quick! a sharper rustling! And this linnet200 flew!

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A death-blow is a life-blow to some Who, till they died, did not alive become;Who, had they lived, had died, but when They died, vitality begun.

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I read my sentence steadily, Reviewed it with my eyes, To see that I made no mistake In its extremest clause,—

The date, and manner of the shame; And then the pious form That “God have mercy”201 on the soul The jury voted him.I made my soul familiar With her extremity, That at the last it should not be A novel agony,

But she and Death, acquainted, Meet tranquilly as friends, Salute and pass without a hint—And there the matter ends.

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I have not told my garden yet, Lest that should conquer me; I have not quite the strength now To break it to the bee.

I will not name it in the street, For shops would stare, that I, So shy, so very ignorant, Should have the face to die.

The hillsides must not know it, Where I have rambled so, Nor tell the loving forests The day that I shall go,

Nor lisp it at the table, Nor heedless by the way Hint that within the riddle One will walk to-day!

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THEY dropped like flakes, they dropped like stars, Like petals from a rose, When suddenly across the June A wind with fingers goes.

They perished in the seamless grass,—No eye could find the place; But God on his repealless 202 list Can summon every face.

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THE only ghost I ever saw Was dressed in mechlin,203—so; He wore no sandal on his foot, And stepped like flakes of snow. His gait was soundless, like the bird, But rapid, like the roe; His fashions quaint, mosaic,204 Or, haply, mistletoe.His conversation seldom, His laughter like the breeze That dies away in dimples Among the pensive trees. Our interview was transient,—Of me, himself was shy; And God forbid I look behind Since that appalling day!

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SOME, too fragile for winter winds, The thoughtful grave encloses,—Tenderly tucking them in from frost Before their feet are cold.

Never the treasures in her nest The cautious grave exposes, Building where schoolboy dare not look And sportsman is not bold.

This covert205 have all the children Early aged, and often cold,—Sparrows unnoticed by the Father; Lambs for whom time had not a fold.

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As by the dead we love to sit, Become so wondrous dear, As for the lost we grapple, Though all the rest are here,—

In broken mathematics We estimate our prize, Vast, in its fading ratio, To our penurious eyes!

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DEATH sets a thing significant The eye had hurried by, Except a perished creature Entreat us tenderly

To ponder little workmanships In crayon or in wool, With “This was last her fingers did,” Industrious untilThe thimble weighed too heavy, The stitches stopped themselves, And then ’t was put among the dust Upon the closet shelves.

A book I have, a friend gave, Whose pencil, here and there, Had notched the place that pleased him,—At rest his fingers are.

Now, when I read, I read not, For interrupting tears Obliterate the etchings Too costly for repairs.

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I went to heaven,—’T was a small town, Lit with a ruby, Lathed206 with down. Stiller than the fields At the full dew, Beautiful as pictures No man drew. People like the moth, Of mechlin, frames, Duties of gossamer, And eider207 names. Almost contented I could be ‘Mong such unique Society.

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THEIR height in heaven comforts not, Their glory nought to me; ’T was best imperfect, as it was; I’m finite, I can’t see.

The house of supposition, The glimmering frontier That skirts the acres of perhaps, To me shows insecure.

The wealth I had contented me; If ’t was a meaner size, Then I had counted it until It pleased my narrow eyes

Better than larger values, However true their show; This timid life of evidence Keeps pleading, “I don’t know.”

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THERE is a shame of nobleness Confronting sudden pelf,—208 A finer shame of ecstasy Convicted of itself.

A best disgrace a brave man feels, Acknowledged of the brave,—One more “Ye Blessed” to be told; But this involves the grave.

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A triumph may be of several kinds. There’s triumph in the room When that old imperator,209 Death, By faith is overcome.

There’s triumph of the finer mind When truth, affronted long, Advances calm to her supreme, Her God her only throng.

A triumph when temptation’s bribe Is slowly handed back, One eye upon the heaven renounced And one upon the rack.

Severer triumph, by himself Experienced, who can pass Acquitted from that naked bar, Jehovah’s countenance!

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POMPLESS no life can pass away; The lowliest career To the same pageant wends210 its way As that exalted here. How cordial is the mystery! The hospitable pall A “this way” beckons spaciously,—A miracle for all!

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I noticed people disappeared, When but a little child,—Supposed they visited remote, Or settled regions wild.

Now know I they both visited And settled regions wild, But did because they died,—a fact Withheld the little child!

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I had no cause to be awake, My best was gone to sleep, And morn a new politeness took And failed to wake them up,But called the others clear, And passed their curtains by. Sweet morning, when I over-sleep, Knock, recollect, for me!

I looked at sunrise once, And then I looked at them, And wishfulness in me arose For circumstance the same.

’T was such an ample peace, It could not hold a sigh,—’T was Sabbath with the bells divorced, ’T was sunset all the day.

So choosing but a gown And taking but a prayer, The only raiment I should need, I struggled, and was there.

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IF anybody’s friend be dead, It’s sharpest of the theme The thinking how they walked alive, At such and such a time.

Their costume, of a Sunday, Some manner of the hair,—A prank nobody knew but them, Lost, in the sepulchre.

How warm they were on such a day: You almost feel the date, So short way off it seems; and now, They’re centuries from that.

How pleased they were at what you said; You try to touch the smile, And dip your fingers in the frost: When was it, can you tell,

You asked the company to tea, Acquaintance, just a few, And chatted close with this grand thing That don’t remember you?

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Past bows and invitations, Past interview, and vow, Past what ourselves can estimate,—That makes the quick of woe!

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OUR journey had advanced; Our feet were almost come To that odd fork in Being’s road, Eternity by term.

Our pace took sudden awe, Our feet reluctant led. Before were cities, but between, The forest of the dead.

Retreat was out of hope,—Behind, a sealed route, Eternity’s white flag before, And God at every gate.

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AMPLE make this bed. Make this bed with awe; In it wait till judgment break Excellent and fair.

Be its mattress straight, Be its pillow round; Let no sunrise’ yellow noise Interrupt this ground.

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ON such a night, or such a night, Would anybody care If such a little figure Slipped quiet from its chair,

So quiet, oh, how quiet! That nobody might know But that the little figure Rocked softer, to and fro?

On such a dawn, or such a dawn, Would anybody sigh That such a little figure Too sound asleep did lie

For chanticleer to wake it,—Or stirring house below, Or giddy bird in orchard, Or early task to do?There was a little figure plump For every little knoll, Busy needles, and spools of thread, And trudging feet from school.

Playmates, and holidays, and nuts,

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And visions vast and small. Strange that the feet so precious charged Should reach so small a goal!

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ESSENTIAL oils are wrung: The attar from the rose Is not expressed by suns alone, It is the gift of screws.

The general rose decays; But this, in lady’s drawer, Makes summer when the lady lies In ceaseless rosemary.

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I lived on dread; to those who know The stimulus there is In danger, other impetus Is numb and vital-less.211

As ’t were a spur upon the soul, A fear will urge it where To go without the spectre’s aid Were challenging despair.

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IF I should die, And you should live, And time should gurgle on, And morn should beam, And noon should burn, As it has usual done; If birds should build as early, And bees as bustling go,—One might depart at option From enterprise below! ’T is sweet to know that stocks will stand When we with daisies lie, That commerce will continue, And trades as briskly fly. It makes the parting tranquil And keeps the soul serene, That gentlemen so sprightly Conduct the pleasing scene!

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HER final summer was it, And vet we guessed it not; If tenderer industriousness Pervaded her, we thought

A further force of life Developed from within,—When Death lit all the shortness up, And made the hurry plain.

We wondered at our blindness,—When nothing was to see But her Carrara212 guide-post,—At our stupidity,

When, duller than our dulness, The busy darling lay, So busy was she, finishing, So leisurely were we!

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ONE need not be a chamber to be haunted, One need not be a house; The brain has corridors surpassing Material place.

Far safer, of a midnight meeting External ghost, Than an interior confronting That whiter host.

Far safer through an Abbey gallop, The stones achase,213 Than, moonless, one’s own self encounter In lonesome place.

Ourself, behind ourself concealed, Should startle most; Assassin, hid in our apartment, Be horror’s least.

The prudent carries a revolver, He bolts the door, O‘erlooking a superior spectre More near.

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SHE died,—this was the way she died; And when her breath was done, Took up her simple wardrobe And started for the sun. Her little figure at the gate The angels must have spied, Since I could never find her Upon the mortal side.

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WAIT till the majesty of Death Invests so mean a brow! Almost a powdered footman Might dare to touch it now!Wait till in everlasting robes This democrat is dressed, Then prate about “preferment” And “station” and the rest!

Around this quiet courtier Obsequious angels wait! Full royal is his retinue, Full purple is his state!

A lord might dare to lift the hat To such a modest clay, Since that my Lord, “the Lord of lords” Receives unblushingly!

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WENT up a year this evening! I recollect it well! Amid no bells nor bravos The bystanders will tell! Cheerful, as to the village, Tranquil, as to repose, Chastened, as to the chapel, This humble tourist rose. Did not talk of returning, Alluded to no time When, were the gales propitious, We might look for him; Was grateful for the roses In life’s diverse bouquet, Talked softly of new species To pick another day. Beguiling thus the wonder, The wondrous nearer drew; Hands bustled at the moorings—The crowd respectful grew. Ascended from our vision To countenances new! A difference, a daisy, Is all the rest I knew!

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TAKEN from men this morning, Carried by men to-day, Met by the gods with banners Who marshalled her away.

One little maid from playmates, One little mind from school,—There must be guests in Eden; All the rooms are full.

Far as the east from even, Dim as the border star,—Courtiers quaint, in kingdoms, Our departed are.

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WHAT inn is this Where for the night Peculiar traveller comes? Who is the landlord? Where the maids? Behold, what curious rooms! No ruddy fires on the hearth, No brimming tankards flow. Necromancer, landlord, Who are these below?

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IT was not death, for I stood up, And all the dead lie down; It was not night, for all the bells Put out their tongues, for noon.

It was not frost, for on my flesh I felt siroccos214 crawl,—Nor fire, for just my marble feet Could keep a chancel215 cool.

And yet it tasted like them all; The figures I have seen Set orderly, for burial, Reminded me of mine,

As if my life were shaven And fitted to a frame, And could not breathe without a key; And ’t was like midnight, some,

When everything that ticked has stopped, And space stares, all around, Or grisly frosts, first autumn morns, Repeal the beating ground.But most like chaos,—stopless, cool,—

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Without a chance or spar, Or even a report of land To justify despair.

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I should not dare to leave my friend, Because—because if he should die While I was gone, and I—too late—Should reach the heart that wanted me;

If I should disappoint the eyes That hunted, hunted so, to see, And could not bear to shut until They “noticed” me—they noticed me;

If I should stab the patient faith So sure I’d come—so sure I’d come, It listening, listening, went to sleep Telling my tardy name,—

My heart would wish it broke before, Since breaking then, since breaking then, Were useless as next morning’s sun, Where midnight frosts had lain!

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GREAT streets of silence led away To neighborhoods of pause; Here was no notice, no dissent, No universe, no laws.

By clocks ’t was morning, and for night The bells at distance called; But epoch had no basis here, For period exhaled.

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A throe upon the features A hurry in the breath, An ecstasy of parting Denominated “Death”,—

An anguish at the mention, Which, when to patience grown, I’ve known permission given To rejoin its own.

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OF tribulation these are they Denoted by the white; The spangled gowns, a lesser rank Of victors designate.

All these did conquer; but the ones Who overcame most times Wear nothing commoner than snow, No ornament but palms.Surrender is a sort unknown On this superior soil; Defeat, an outgrown anguish, Remembered as the mile

Our panting ankle barely gained When night devoured the road; But we stood whispering in the house, And all we said was “Saved!”

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I think just how my shape will rise When I shall be forgiven, Till hair and eyes and timid head Are out of sight, in heaven.

I think just how my lips will weigh With shapeless, quivering prayer That you, so late, consider me, The sparrow of your care.

I mind me that of anguish sent, Some drifts were moved away Before my simple bosom broke,—And why not this, if they?

And so, until delirious borne I con216 that thing,—“forgiven,”—Till with long fright and longer trust I drop my heart, unshriven!217

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AFTER a hundred years Nobody knows the place,—Agony, that enacted there, Motionless as peace.

Weeds triumphant ranged, Strangers strolled and spelled At the lone orthography218 Of the elder dead.

Winds of summer fields Recollect the way,—Instinct picking up the key Dropped by memory.

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LAY this laurel on the one Too intrinsic for renown. Laurel! veil your deathless tree,—Him you chasten, that is he!

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THIS world is not conclusion; A sequel stands beyond, Invisible, as music, But positive, as sound. It beckons and it baffles; Philosophies don’t know, And through a riddle, at the last, Sagacity must go. To guess it puzzles scholars; To gain it, men have shown Contempt of generations, And crucifixion known.

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WE learn in the retreating How vast an one Was recently among us. A perished sun

Endears in the departure How doubly more Than all the golden presence It was before!

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THEY say that “time assuages,”—Time never did assuage; An actual suffering strengthens, As sinews do, with age.

Time is a test of trouble, But not a remedy. If such it prove, it prove too There was no malady.

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WE cover thee, sweet face. Not that we tire of thee, But that thyself fatigue of us; Remember, as thou flee, We follow thee until Thou notice us no more, And then, reluctant, turn away To con thee o‘er and o’er, And blame the scanty love We were content to show, Augmented, sweet, a hundred fold If thou would‘st take it now.

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THAT is solemn we have ended,—Be it but a play, Or a glee219 among the garrets, Or a holiday,

Or a leaving home; or later, Parting with a world We have understood, for better Still it be unfurled.

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THE stimulus, beyond the grave His countenance to see, Supports me like imperial drams Afforded royally.

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GIVEN in marriage unto thee, Oh, thou celestial host! Bride of the Father and the Son, Bride of the Holy Ghost!

Other betrothal shall dissolve, Wedlock of will decay; Only the keeper of this seal Conquers mortality.

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THAT such have died enables us The tranquiller to die; That such have lived, certificate For immortality.

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THEY won’t frown always,—some sweet day When I forget to tease, They’ll recollect how cold I looked, And how I just said “please.”

Then they will hasten to the door To call the little child, Who cannot thank them, for the ice That on her lisping piled.

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’T is an honorable thought, And makes one lift one’s hat, As one encountered gentlefolk Upon a daily street,

That we’ve immortal place, Though pyramids decay, And kingdoms, like the orchard, Flit russetly away.

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THE distance that the dead have gone Does not at first appear; Their coming back seems possible For many an ardent year.

And then, that we have followed them We more than half suspect, So intimate have we become With their dear retrospect.

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How dare the robins sing, When men and women hear Who since they went to their account Have settled with the year!—Paid all that life had earned In one consummate bill, And now, what life or death can do Is immaterial. Insulting is the sun To him whose mortal light, Beguiled of immortality, Bequeaths him to the night. In deference to him Extinct be every hum, Whose garden wrestles with the dew, At daybreak overcome!

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DEATH is like the insect Menacing the tree, Competent to kill it, But decoyed220 may be.

Bait it with the balsam,221 Seek it with the knife, Baffle, if it cost you Everything in life.Then, if it have burrowed Out of reach of skill, Ring the tree and leave it,—’T is the vermin’s will.

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’T is sunrise, little maid, hast thou No station in the day? ’T was not thy wont to hinder so,—Retrieve thine industry.

’T is noon, my little maid, alas! And art thou sleeping yet? The lily waiting to be wed, The bee, dost thou forget?

My little maid, ’t is night; alas, That night should be to thee Instead of morning! Hadst thou broached Thy little plan to me, Dissuade thee if I could not, sweet, I might have aided thee.

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EACH that we lose takes part of us; A crescent still abides, Which like the moon, some turbid night, Is summoned by the tides.

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NOT any higher stands the grave For heroes than for men; Not any nearer for the child Than numb three-score and ten.222

This latest leisure equal lulls The beggar and his queen; Propitiate this democrat By summer’s gracious mien.223

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As far from pity as complaint, As cool to speech as stone, As numb to revelation As if my trade were bone.

As far from time as history, As near yourself to-day As children to the rainbow’s scarf, Or sunset’s yellow play

To eyelids in the sepulchre. How still the dancer lies, While color’s revelations break, And blaze the butterflies!

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’T is whiter than an Indian pipe, ’T is dimmer than a lace; No stature has it, like a fog, When you approach the place.

Not any voice denotes it here, Or intimates it there; A spirit, how doth it accost? What customs hath the air?

This limitless hyperbole Each one of us shall be; ’T is drama, if (hypothesis) It be not tragedy!

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SHE laid her docile crescent down, And this mechanic stone Still states, to dates that have forgot, The news that she is gone.So constant to its stolid trust, The shaft that never knew, It shames the constancy that fled Before its emblem flew.

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BLESS God, he went as soldiers, His musket on his breast; Grant, God, he charge the bravest Of all the martial blest.

Please God, might I behold him In epauletted white, I should not fear the foe then, I should not fear the fight.

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IMMORTAL is an ample word When what we need is by, But when it leaves us for a time, ’T is a necessity.

Of heaven above the firmest proof We fundamental know, Except for its marauding hand, It had been heaven below.

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WHERE every bird is bold to go, And bees abashless play, The foreigner before he knocks Must thrust the tears away.

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THE grave my little cottage is, Where, keeping house for thee, I make my parlor orderly, And lay the marble tea,

For two divided, briefly, A cycle, it may be, Till everlasting life unite In strong society.

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THIS was in the white of the year, That was in the green, Drifts were as difficult then to think As daisies now to be seen.

Looking back is best that is left, Or if it be before, Retrospection is prospect’s half, Sometimes almost more.

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SWEET hours have perished here; This is a mighty room; Within its precincts hopes have played,—Now shadows in the tomb.

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ME! Come! My dazzled face In such a shining place!Me! Hear! My foreign ear The sounds of welcome near!

The saints shall meet Our bashful feet.

My holiday shall be That they remember me;

My paradise, the fame That they pronounce my name.

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FROM us she wandered now a year, Her tarrying unknown; If wilderness prevent her feet, Or that ethereal zone

No eye hath seen and lived, We ignorant must be. We only know what time of year We took the mystery.

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I wish I knew that woman’s name, So, when she comes this way, To hold my life, and hold my ears, For fear I hear her sayShe’s “sorry I am dead”, again, Just when the grave and I Have sobbed ourselves almost to sleep,—Our only lullaby.

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BEREAVED of all, I went abroad, No less bereaved to be Upon a new peninsula,—The grave preceded me,

Obtained my lodgings ere myself, And when I sought my bed, The grave it was, reposed upon The pillow for my head.

I waked, to find it first awake, I rose,—it followed me; I tried to drop it in the crowd, To lose it in the sea,

In cups of artificial drowse To sleep its shape away,—The grave was finished, but the spade Remained in memory.

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I felt a funeral in my brain, And mourners, to and fro, Kept treading, treading, till it seemed That sense was breaking through.

And when they all were seated, A service like a drum Kept beating, beating, till I thought My mind was going numb.

And then I heard them lift a box, And creak across my soul With those same boots of lead, again. Then space began to toll

As all the heavens were a bell, And Being but an ear, And I and silence some strange race, Wrecked, solitary, here.

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I meant to find her when I came; Death had the same design; But the success was his, it seems, And the discomfit mine.

I meant to tell her how I longed For just this single time; But Death had told her so the first, And she had hearkened him.

To wander now is my abode; To rest,—to rest would be A privilege of hurricane To memory and me.

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I sing to use the waiting, My bonnet but to tie, And shut the door unto my house; No more to do have I,

Till, his best step approaching, We journey to the day, And tell each other how we sang To keep the dark away.

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A sickness of this world it most occasions When best men die; A wishfulness their far condition To occupy.

A chief indifference, as foreign A world must be Themselves forsake contented, For Deity.

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SUPERFLUOUS were the sun When excellence is dead; He were superfluous every day, For every day is saidThat syllable whose faith Just saves it from despair, And whose “I’ll meet you” hesitates—If love inquire, “Where?”

Upon his dateless fame Our periods may lie, As stars that drop anonymous From an abundant sky.

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So proud she was to die It made us all ashamed That what we cherished, so unknown To her desire seemed.

So satisfied to go Where none of us should be, Immediately, that anguish stooped Almost to jealousy.

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TIE the strings to my life, my Lord, Then I am ready to go! Just a look at the horses—Rapid! That will do!

Put me in on the firmest side, So I shall never fall; For we must ride to the Judgment, And it’s partly down hill.

But never I mind the bridges, And never I mind the sea; Held fast in everlasting race By my own choice and thee.

Good-by to the life I used to live, And the world I used to know; And kiss the hills for me, just once; Now I am ready to go!

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THE dying need but little, dear,—A glass of water’s all, A flower’s unobtrusive face To punctuate the wall,

A fan, perhaps, a friend’s regret, And certainly that one No color in the rainbow Perceives when you are gone.

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THERE’S something quieter than sleep Within this inner room! It wears a sprig upon its breast, And will not tell its name.Some touch it and some kiss it, Some chafe its idle hand; It has a simple gravity I do not understand!

While simple-hearted neighbors Chat of the “early dead”, We, prone to periphrasis,224 Remark that birds have fled!

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THE soul should always stand ajar, That if the heaven inquire, He will not be obliged to wait, Or shy of troubling her.

Depart, before the host has slid The bolt upon the door, To seek for the accomplished guest—Her visitor no more.

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THREE weeks passed since I had seen her,—Some disease had vexed; ’T was with text and village singing I beheld her next,And a company—our pleasure To discourse alone; Gracious now to me as any, Gracious unto none.

Borne, without dissent of either, To the parish night; Of the separated people Which are out of sight?

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I breathed enough to learn the trick, And now, removed from air, I simulate the breath so well, That one, to be quite sure

The lungs are stirless, must descend Among the cunning cells, And touch the pantomime himself. How cool the bellows feels!

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I wonder if the sepulchre Is not a lonesome way, When men and boys, and larks and June Go down the fields to hay!

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IF tolling bell I ask the cause. “A soul has gone to God,” I’m answered in a lonesome tone; Is heaven then so sad?

That bells should joyful ring to tell A soul had gone to heaven, Would seem to me the proper way A good news should be given.

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IF I may have it when it’s dead I will contented be; If just as soon as breath is out It shall belong to me,

Until they lock it in the grave, ’T is bliss I cannot weigh, For though they lock thee in the grave, Myself can hold the key.

Think of it, lover! I and thee Permitted face to face to be; After a life, a death we’ll say,—For death was that, and this is thee.

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BEFORE the ice is in the pools, Before the skaters go, Or any cheek at nightfall Is tarnished by the snow,

Before the fields have finished, Before the Christmas tree, Wonder upon wonder Will arrive to me!

What we touch the hems of On a summer’s day; What is only walking Just a bridge away;

That which sings so, speaks so, When there’s no one here,—Will the frock I wept in Answer me to wear?

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I heard a fly buzz when I died; The stillness round my form Was like the stillness in the air Between the heaves of storm.

The eyes beside had wrung them dry, And breaths were gathering sure For that last onset, when the king Be witnessed in his power.

I willed my keepsakes, signed away What portion of me I Could make assignable,—and then There interposed a fly,With blue, uncertain, stumbling buzz, Between the light and me; And then the windows failed, and then I could not see to see.

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ADRIFT! A little boat adrift! And night is coming down! Will no one guide a little boat Unto the nearest town?

So sailors say, on yesterday, Just as the dusk was brown, One little boat gave up its strife, And gurgled down and down.

But angels say, on yesterday, Just as the dawn was red, One little boat o‘erspent with gales Retrimmed its masts, redecked its sails Exultant, onward sped!

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THERE’S been a death in the opposite house As lately as to-day. I know it by the numb look Such houses have alway.225

The neighbors rustle in and out, The doctor drives away. A window opens like a pod, Abrupt, mechanically;

Somebody flings a mattress out,—The children hurry by; They wonder if It died on that,—I used to when a boy.

The minister goes stiffly in As if the house were his, And he owned all the mourners now, And little boys besides;

And then the milliner, and the man Of the appalling trade, To take the measure of the house. There’ll be that dark parade

Of tassels and of coaches soon;

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It’s easy as a sign,—The intuition of the news In just a country town.

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WE never know we go,—when we are going We jest and shut the door; Fate following behind us bolts it, And we accost no more.

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IT struck me every day The lightning was as new As if the cloud that instant slit And let the fire through.

It burned me in the night, It blistered in my dream; It sickened fresh upon my sight With every morning’s beam.

I thought that storm was brief,—The maddest, quickest by; But Nature lost the date of this, And left it in the sky.

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WATER is taught by thirst; Land, by the oceans passed; Transport, by throe; Peace, by its battles told; Love, by memorial mould; Birds, by the snow.

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WE thirst at first,—’t is Nature’s act; And later, when we die, A little water supplicate Of fingers going by.

It intimates the finer want, Whose adequate supply Is that great water in the west Termed immortality.

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A clock stopped—not the mantel’s; Geneva’s farthest skill Can’t put the puppet bowing That just now dangled still.

An awe came on the trinket! The figures hunched with pain, Then quivered out of decimals Into degreeless noon.

It will not stir for doctors, This pendulum of snow; The shopman importunes it, While cool, concernless No

Nods from the gilded pointers,226 Nods from the seconds slim, Decades of arrogance between The dial life and him.

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ALL overgrown by cunning moss, All interspersed with weed, The little cage of “Currer Bell”,227 In quiet Haworth228 laid.

This bird, observing others, When frosts too sharp became, Retire to other latitudes, Quietly did the same.

But differed in returning; Since Yorkshire hills are green, Yet not in all the nests I meet Can nightingale be seen.Gathered from any wanderings, Gethsemane can tell Through what transporting anguish She reached the asphodel!229

Soft falls the sounds of Eden Upon her puzzled ear; Oh, what an afternoon for heaven, When Brontë entered there!

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A toad can die of light! Death is the common right Of toads and men,—Of earl and midge230 The privilege. Why swagger then? The gnat’s supremacy Is large as thine.

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FAR from love the Heavenly Father Leads the chosen child; Oftener through realm of briar Than the meadow mild,

Oftener by the claw of dragon Than the hand of friend, Guides the little one predestined To the native land.

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A long, long sleep, a famous sleep That makes no show for dawn By stretch of limb or stir of lid,—An independent one.

Was ever idleness like this? Within a hut of stone To bask the centuries away Nor once look up for noon?

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’T was just this time last year I died. I know I heard the corn, When I was carried by the farms,—It had the tassels on.

I thought how yellow it would look When Richard went to mill; And then I wanted to get out, But something held my will.

I thought just how red apples wedged The stubble’s joints between; And carts went stooping round the fields To take the pumpkins in.

I wondered which would miss me least, And when Thanksgiving came, If father ’d multiply the plates To make an even sum.

And if my stocking hung too high, Would it blur the Christmas glee, That not a Santa Claus could reach The altitude of me?

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But this sort grieved myself, and so I thought how it would be When just this time, some perfect year, Themselves should come to me.

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ON this wondrous sea, Sailing silently, Knowest thou the shore Ho! pilot, ho! Where no breakers roar, Where the storm is o‘er?

In the silent west Many sails at rest, Their anchors fast; Thither I pilot thee,—Land, ho! Eternity! Ashore at last!

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ONE sister have I in our house, And one a hedge away, There’s only one recorded But both belong to me. One came the way that I came And wore my past year’s gown, The other as a bird her nest, Builded our hearts among. She did not sing as we did, It was a different tune, Herself to her a music As Bumble-bee of June. To-day is far from childhood But up and down the hills I held her hand the tighter, Which shortened all the miles. And still her hum the years among Deceives the Butterfly, Still in her eye the Violets lie

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Mouldered this many May. I spilt the dew but took the morn, I chose this single star From out the wide night’s numbers, Sue231—forevermore!EMILY

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ADVENTURE most unto itself The Soul condemned to be; Attended by a Single Hound—Its own Identity.

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THE Soul that has a Guest, Doth seldom go abroad, Diviner Crowd at home Obliterate the need, And courtesy forbid A Host’s departure, when Upon Himself be visiting The Emperor of Men!

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EXCEPT the smaller size, no Lives are round, These hurry to a sphere, and show, and end. The larger, slower grow, and later hang—The Summers of Hesperides232 are long.

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FAME is a fickle food Upon a shifting plate, Whose table once a Guest, but not The second time, is set. Whose crumbs the crows inspect, And with ironic caw Flap past it to the Farmer’s corn; Men eat of it and die.

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THE right to perish might be thought An undisputed right, Attempt it, and the Universe upon the opposite Will concentrate its officers—You cannot even die, But Nature and Mankind must pause To pay you scrutiny.

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PERIL as a possession ’T is good to bear, Danger disintegrates satiety; There’s Basis there Begets an awe, That searches Human Nature’s creases As clean as Fire.

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WHEN Etna233 basks and purrs, Naples is more afraid Than when she shows her Garnet Tooth; Security is loud.

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REVERSE cannot befall that fine Prosperity Whose sources are interior. As soon Adversity A diamond overtake, In far Bolivian ground; Misfortune hath no implement Could mar it, if it found.

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TO be alive is power, Existence in itself, Without a further function, Omnipotence enough.

To be alive and Will—’T is able as a God! The Further of ourselves be what—Such being Finitude?

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WITCHCRAFT has not a pedigree, ’T is early as our breath, And mourners meet it going out The moment of our death.

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EXHILARATION is the Breeze That lifts us from the ground, And leaves us in another place Whose statement is not found; Returns us not, but after time We soberly descend, A little newer for the term Upon enchanted ground.

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NO romance sold unto, Could so enthrall a man As the perusal of His individual one. ’T is fiction‘s, to dilute To plausibility Our novel, when ’t is small enough To credit,—’t isn’t true!

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IF what we could were what we would—Criterion be small; It is the Ultimate of talk The impotence to tell.

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PERCEPTION of an Object costs Precise the Object’s loss. Perception in itself a gain Replying to its price; The Object Absolute is nought, Perception sets it fair, And then upbraids a Perfectness That situates so far.

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No other can reduce Our mortal consequence, Like the remembering it be nought A period from hence. But contemplation for Cotemporaneous nought Our single competition; Jehovah’s estimate.

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THE blunder is to estimate—“Eternity is Then,” We say, as of a station. Meanwhile he is so near, He joins me in my ramble, Divides abode with me, No friend have I that so persists As this Eternity.

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MY Wheel is in the dark,—I cannot see a spoke, Yet know its dripping feet Go round and round.

My foot is on the tide—An unfrequented road, Yet have all roads A “clearing” at the end.

Some have resigned the Loom, Some in the busy tomb Find quaint employ, Some with new, stately feet Pass royal through the gate, Flinging the problem back at you and I.

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THERE is another Loneliness That many die without, Not want or friend occasions it, Or circumstances or lot.

But nature sometimes, sometimes thought, And whoso it befall Is richer than could be divulged By mortal numeral.

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SO gay a flower bereaved the mind As if it were a woe, Is Beauty an affliction, then? Tradition ought to know.

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GLORY is that bright tragic thing, That for an instant Means Dominion, Warms some poor name That never felt the sun, Gently replacing In oblivion.

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THE missing All prevented me From missing minor things. If nothing larger than a World’s Departure from a hinge, Or Sun’s extinction be observed, ’T was not so large that I Could lift my forehead from my work For curiosity.

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HIS mind, of man a secret makes, I meet him with a start, He carries a circumference In which I have no part, Or even if I deem I do—He otherwise may know. Impregnable to inquest, However neighborly.

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THE suburbs of a secret A strategist should keep, Better than on a dream intrude To scrutinize the sleep.

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THE difference between despair And fear, is like the one Between the instant of a wreck, And when the wreck has been.

The mind is smooth,—no motion—Contented as the eye Upon the forehead of a Bust, That knows it cannot see.

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THERE is a solitude of space, A solitude of sea, A solitude of death, but these Society shall be, Compared with that profounder site, That polar privacy, A Soul admitted to Itself: Finite Infinity.

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THE props assist the house Until the house is built, And then the props withdraw—And adequate, erect, The house supports itself; Ceasing to recollect The auger and the carpenter. Just such a retrospect Hath the perfected life, A past of plank and nail, And slowness,—then the scaffolds drop—Affirming it a soul.

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THE gleam of an heroic act, Such strange illumination—The Possible’s slow fuse is lit By the Imagination!

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OF Death the sharpest function, That, just as we discern, The Excellence defies us; Securest gathered then The fruit perverse to plucking, But leaning to the sight With the ecstatic limit Of unobtained Delight.

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DOWN Time’s quaint stream Without an oar, We are enforced to sail, Our Port—a secret—Our Perchance—a gale. What Skipper would Incur the risk, What Buccaneer would ride, Without a surety from the wind Or schedule of the tide?

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I bet with every Wind that blew, till Nature in chagrin Employed a Fact to visit me and scuttle my Balloon!

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THE Future never spoke, Nor will he, like the Dumb, Reveal by sign or syllable Of his profound To-come. But when the news be ripe, Presents it in the Act—Forestalling preparation Escape or substitute. Indifferent to him The Dower as the Doom, His office but to execute Fate’s Telegram to him.

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TWO lengths has every day, Its absolute extent- And area superior By hope or heaven lent. Eternity will be Velocity, or pause, At fundamental signals From fundamental laws. To die, is not to go—On doom’s consummate chart No territory new is staked, Remain thou as thou art.

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THE Soul’s superior instants Occur to Her alone, When friend and earth’s occasion Have infinite withdrawn.

Or she, Herself, ascended To too remote a height, For lower recognition Than Her Omnipotent.

This mortal abolition Is seldom, but as fair As Apparition—subject To autocratic air.

Eternity’s disclosure To favorites, a few, Of the Colossal substance Of immortality.

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NATURE is what we see, The Hill, the Afternoon—Squirrel, Eclipse, the Bumble-bee, Nay—Nature is Heaven.

Nature is what we hear, The Bobolink, the Sea- Thunder, the Cricket—Nay,—Nature is Harmony.

Nature is what we know But have no art to say, So impotent our wisdom is To Her simplicity.

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AH, Teneriffe!234 Retreating Mountain! Purples of Ages pause for you, Sunset reviews her Sapphire Regiment, Day drops you her red Adieu!

Still, clad in your mail of ices, Thigh of granite and thew235 of steel—Heedless, alike, of pomp or parting, Ah, Teneriffe! I’m kneeling still.

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SHE died at play, Gambolled away Her lease of spotted hours, Then sank as gaily as a Turk Upon a couch of flowers.

Her ghost strolled softly o‘er the hill Yesterday and today, Her vestments as the silver fleece, Her countenance as spray.

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“MORNING” means “Milking” to the Farmer Dawn to the Apennines- Dice to the Maid. “Morning” means just Chance to the Lover—Just Revelation to the Beloved.

Epicures236 date a breakfast by it! Heroes a battle, The Miller a flood, Faint-going eyes their lapse From sighing, Faith, the Experiment of our Lord!

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A little madness in the Spring Is wholesome even for the King, But God be with the Clown, Who ponders this tremendous scene—This whole experiment of green, As if it were his own!

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I can’t tell you, but you feel it—Nor can you tell me, Saints with vanished slate and pencil Solve our April day.

Sweeter than a vanished Frolic From a vanished Green! Swifter than the hoofs of Horsemen Round a ledge of Dream!

Modest, let us walk among it. With our “faces veiled”, As they say polite Archangels Do, in meeting God.237

Not for me to prate about it, Not for you to say To some fashionable Lady—“Charming April Day!”

Rather Heaven’s “Peter Parley”,238 By which, Children—slow—To sublimer recitations Are prepared to go!

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SOME Days retired from the rest In soft distinction lie, The Day that a companion came—Or was obliged to die.

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LIKE Men and Women shadows walk Upon the hills today, With here and there a mighty bow, Or trailing courtesy To Neighbors, doubtless, of their own; Not quickened to perceive Minuter landscape, as Ourselves And Boroughs where we live.

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THE butterfly obtains But little sympathy, Though favorably mentioned In Entomology.239 Because he travels freely And wears a proper coat, The circumspect are certain That he is dissolute. Had he the homely scutcheon240 of modest Industry, ’T were fitter certifying for Immortality.

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BEAUTY crowds me till I die, Beauty, mercy have on me! But if I expire today, Let it be in sight of thee.

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WE spy the Forests and the Hills, The tents to Nature’s Show, Mistake the outside for the in And mention what we saw.

Could Commentators on the sign Of Nature’s Caravan Obtain “admission,” as a child, Some Wednesday afternoon?

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I never told the buried gold Upon the hill that lies, I saw the sun, his plunder done, Crouch low to guard his prize.

He stood as near, as stood you here, A pace had been between—Did but a snake bisect the brake, My life had forfeit been.

That was a wondrous booty, I hope ’t was honest gained—Those were the finest ingots241 That ever kissed the spade.Whether to keep the secret—Whether to reveal—Whether, while I ponder Kidd242 may sudden sail—Could a Shrewd advise me We might e‘en divide— Should a Shrewd betray me—“Atropos” 243 decide!

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THE largest fire ever known Occurs each afternoon, Discovered is without surprise, Proceeds without concern: Consumes, and no report to men, An Occidental town, Rebuilt another morning To be again burned down.

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BLOOM upon the Mountain, stated, Blameless of a name. Efflorescence of a Sunset- Reproduced, the same.

Seed, had I, my purple sowing Should endow the Day, Not a tropic of the twilight Show itself away.

Who for tilling, to the Mountain Come, and disappear— Whose be Her renown, or fading, Witness, is not here.

While I state—the solemn petals Far as North and East, Far as South and West expanding, Culminate in rest.

And the Mountain to the Evening Fit His countenance, Indicating by no muscle The Experience.

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MARCH is the month of expectation, The things we do not know, The Persons of prognostication Are coming now. We try to sham becoming firmness, But pompous joy Betrays us, as his first betrothal Betrays a boy.

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THE Duties of the Wind are few—To cast the Ships at sea, Establish March, The Floods escort, And usher Liberty.

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THE Winds drew off Like hungry dogs Defeated of a bone. Through fissures in Volcanic cloud The yellow lightning shown. The trees held up Their mangled limbs Like animals in pain, When Nature falls Upon herself, Beware an Austrian!

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I think that the root of the Wind is Water, It would not sound so deep Were it a firmamental product, Airs no Oceans keep—Mediterranean intonations, To a Current’s ear There is a maritime conviction In the atmosphere.

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So, from the mould, Scarlet and gold Many a Bulb will rise, Hidden away cunningly From sagacious eyes. So, from cocoon Many a Worm Leap so Highland244 gay, Peasants like me—Peasants like thee, Gaze perplexedly.

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THE long sigh of the Frog Upon a Summer’s day, Enacts intoxication Upon the revery. But his receding swell Substantiates a peace, That makes the ear inordinate For corporal release.

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A cap of lead across the sky Was tight and surly drawn, We could not find the Mighty Face, The figure was withdrawn.A chill came up as from a shaft, Our noon became a well, A thunder storm combines the charms Of Winter and of Hell.

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I send two Sunsets—Day and I in competition ran, I finished two, and several stars, While He was making one.

His own is ampler—But, as I was saying to a friend, Mine is the more convenient To carry in the hand.

(Sent with brilliant flowers.)

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OF this is Day composed—A morning and a noon, A Revelry unspeakable And then a gay Unknown; Whose Pomps allure and spurn—And dower and deprive, And penury for glory Remedilessly leave.

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THE Hills erect their purple heads, The Rivers lean to see—Yet Man has not, of all the throng, A curiosity.

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LIGHTLY stepped a yellow star To its lofty place, Loosed the Moon her silver hat From her lustral 245 face. All of evening softly lit As an astral hall—“Father,” I observed to Heaven, “You are punctual.”

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THE Moon upon her fluent route Defiant of a road, The stars Etruscan246 argument, Substantiate a God. If Aims impel these Astral Ones, The Ones allowed to know, Know that which makes them as forgot As Dawn forgets them now.

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LIKE some old-fashioned miracle When Summertime is done, Seems Summer’s recollection And the affairs of June.

As infinite tradition As Cinderella’s bays, Or little John 247 of Lincoln Green, Or Bluebeard‘s248 galleries.Her Bees have a fictitious hum, Her Blossoms, like a dream, Elate—until we almost weep So plausible they seem.

Her Memories like strains—review—When Orchestra is dumb, The Violin in balze249 replaced And Ear and Heaven numb.

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GLOWING is her Bonnet, Glowing is her Cheek, Glowing is her Kirtle,250 Yet she cannot speak!Better, as the Daisy From the Summer hill, Vanish unrecorded Save by tearful Rill,251

Save by loving Sunrise Looking for her face, Save by feet unnumbered Pausing at the place!

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FOREVER cherished be the tree, Whose apple Winter warm, Enticed to breakfast from the sky Two Gabriels yestermorn; They registered in Nature’s book As Robin—Sire and Son, But angels have that modest way To screen them from renown.

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THE Ones that disappeared are back, The Phoebe252 and the Crow, Precisely as in March is heard The curtness of the Jay—Be this an Autumn or a Spring? My wisdom loses way, One side of me the nuts are ripe—The other side is May.

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THOSE final Creatures,—who they are—That, faithful to the close, Administer her ecstasy, But just the Summer knows.

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SUMMER begins to have the look, Peruserof enchanting Book253 Reluctantly, but sure, perceives—A gain upon the backward leaves.Autumn begins to be inferred By millinery of the cloud, Or deeper color in the shawl That wraps the everlasting hill.

The eye begins its avarice, A meditation chastens speech, Some Dyer of a distant tree Resumes his gaudy industry.

Conclusion is the course of all, Almost to be perennial, And then elude stability Recalls to immortality.

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A prompt, executive Bird is the Jay, Bold as a Bailiff’s hymn, Brittle and brief in quality—Warrant in every line;

Sitting a bough like a Brigadier, Confident and straight, Much is the mien Of him in March As a Magistrate.

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LIKE brooms of steel The Snow and Wind Had swept the Winter Street, The House was hooked, The Sun sent out Faint Deputies of heat—Where rode the Bird The Silence tied His ample, plodding Steed, The Apple in the cellar snug Was all the one that played.

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THESE are the days that Reindeer love And pranks the Northern star, This is the Sun’s objective And Finland of the year.

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FOLLOW wise Orion Till you lose your eye, Dazzlingly decamping He is just as high.

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IN winter, in my room, I came upon a worm, Pink, lank, and warm. But as he was a worm And worms presume, Not quite with him at home—Secured him by a string To something neighboring, And went along.

A trifle afterward A thing occurred, I’d not believe it if I heard—But state with creeping blood; A snake, with mottles rare, Surveyed my chamber floor, In feature as the worm before, But ringed with power. The very string With which I tied him, too, When he was mean and new, That string was there.

I shrank—“How fair you are!” Propitiation‘s254 claw—“Afraid,” he hissed, “Of me?”

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“No cordiality?” He fathomed255 me. Then, to a rhythm slim Secreted in his form, As patterns swim, Projected him.That time I flew, Both eyes his way, Lest he pursue—Nor ever ceased to run, Till, in a distant town, Towns on from mine—I sat me down; This was a dream.

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NOT any sunny tone From any fervent zone Finds entrance there. Better a grave of Balm Toward human nature’s home, And Robins near, Than a stupendous Tomb Proclaiming to the gloom How dead we are.

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FOR Death,—or rather For the things ’t will buy, These put away Life’s opportunity.

The things that Death will buy Are Room,—Escape From Circumstances, And a Name.

How gifts of Life With Death’s gifts will compare, We know not—For the rates stop Here.

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DROPPED into the Ether Acre! Wearing the sod gown- Bonnet of Everlasting laces—Brooch frozen on! Horses of blonde—And coach of silver, Baggage a strapped Pearl! Journey of Down And whip of Diamond—Riding to meet the Earl!

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THIS quiet Dust was Gentlemen and Ladies, And Lads and Girls; Was laughter and ability and sighing, And frocks and curls.

This passive place a Summer’s nimble mansion, Where Bloom and Bees Fulfilled their Oriental Circuit, Then ceased like these.

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’T was comfort in her dying room To hear the living clock, A short relief to have the wind Walk boldly up and knock, Diversion from the dying theme To hear the children play, But wrong, the mere That these could live,—And This of ours must die!

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Too cold is this To warm with sun, Too stiff to bended be, To joint this agate256 were a feat Outstaring masonry. How went the agile kernel out—Contusion of the husk, Nor rip, nor wrinkle indicate,—But just an Asterisk.

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I watched her face to see which way She took the awful news, Whether she died before she heard—Or in protracted bruise Remained a few short years with us, Each heavier than the last—A further afternoon to fail, As Flower at fall of Frost.

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TO-DAY or this noon She dwelt so close, I almost touched her; Tonight she lies Past neighborhood—And bough and steeple—Now past surmise.

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I see thee better in the dark, I do not need a light. The love of thee a prism be Excelling violet.

I see thee better for the years That hunch themselves between, The miner’s lamp sufficient be To nullify the mine.

And in the grave I see thee best- Its little panels be A-glow, all ruddy with the light I held so high for thee!

What need of day to those whose dark Hath so surpassing sun, It seem it be continually At the meridian?257

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Low at my problem bending, Another problem comes, Larger than mine, serener, Involving statelier sums; I check my busy pencil, My ciphers258 slip away, Wherefore, my baffled fingers, Time Eternity?

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IF pain for peace prepares, Lo the “Augustan”259 years Our feet await!

If Springs from Winter rise, Can the Anemone’s Be reckoned up?

If night stands first, then noon, To gird us for the sun, What gaze—

When, from a thousand skies, On our developed eyes Noons blaze!

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I fit for them, I seek the dark till I am thorough fit. The labor is a solemn one, With this sufficient sweet—That abstinence as mine produce A purer good for them, If I succeed,—If not, I had The transport of the Aim.

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NOT one by Heaven defrauded stay, Although He seem to steal, He restitutes260 in some sweet way. Secreted in His will.

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THE feet of people walking home In gayer sandals go, The Crocus, till she rises, The Vassal261 of the Snow—The lips at Hallelujah! Long years of practice bore, Till bye and bye these Bargemen Walked singing on the shore.

Pearls are the Diver’s farthings Extorted from the Sea, Pinions262 the Seraph’s wagon, Pedestrians once, as we—Night is the morning’s canvas, Larceny, legacy, Death but our rapt attention To immortality.My figures fail to tell me How far the village lies, Whose Peasants are the angels, Whose Cantons263 dot the skies, My Classics veil their faces, My Faith that dark adores, Which from its solemn Abbeys Such resurrection pours!

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WE should not mind so small a flower, Except it quiet bring Our little garden that we lost Back to the lawn again. So spicy her Carnations red, So drunken reel her Bees, So silver steal a hundred Flutes From out a hundred trees, That whoso sees this little flower, By faith may clear behold The Bobolinks around the throne, And Dandelions gold.

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To the staunch Dust we safe commit thee; Tongue if it hath, inviolate to thee—Silence denote and Sanctity enforce thee, Passenger of Infinity!

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HER “Last Poems”—Poets ended, Silver perished with her tongue, Not on record bubbled other Flute, or Woman, so divine; Not unto its Summer morning Robin uttered half the tune- Gushed too free for the adoring, From the Anglo-Florentine.264 Late the praise—’T is dull conferring On a Head too high to crown, Diadem or Ducal265 showing, Be its Grave sufficient sign. Yet if we, no Poet’s kinsman, Suffocate with easy woe, What and if ourself a Bridegroom, Put Her down, in Italy?(Written after the death of Mrs. Browning in 1861.)

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IMMURED266 in Heaven! What a Cell! Let every bondage be, Thou Sweetest of the Universe, Like that which ravished thee!

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I’M thinking of that other morn, When Cerements267 let go, And Creatures clad in Victory Go up in two by two!

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THE overtakelessness of those Who have accomplished Death, Majestic is to me beyond The majesties of Earth.

The soul her “not at Home” Inscribes upon the flesh, And takes her fair aerial gait Beyond the hope of touch.

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THE Look of Thee, what is it like? Hast thou a hand or foot, Or mansion of Identity, And what is thy Pursuit?

Thy fellows,—are they Realms or Themes? Hast thou Delight or Fear Or Longing,—and is that for us Or values more severe?

Let change transfuse all other traits, Enact all other blame, But deign this least certificate—That thou shalt be the same.

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THE Devil, had he fidelity, Would be the finest friend—Because he has ability, But Devils cannot mend. Perfidy is the virtue That would he but resign,—The Devil, so amended, Were durably divine.

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PAPA above! Regard a Mouse O‘erpowered by the Cat; Reserve within thy Kingdom A “mansion” for the Rat!

Snug in seraphic cupboards To nibble all the day, While unsuspecting cycles Wheel pompously away.

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NOT when we know The Power accosts, The garment of Surprise Was all our timid Mother wore At Home, in Paradise.

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ELIJAH‘S268 wagon knew no thill, Was innocent of wheel, Elijah’s horses as unique As was his vehicle. Elijah’s journey to portray, Expire with him the skill, Who justified Elijah, In feats inscrutable.

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“REMEMBER me,” implored the Thief—Oh magnanimity! “My Visitor in Paradise I give thee Guaranty.”

That courtesy will fair remain, When the delight is dust, With which we cite this mightiest case Of compensated Trust.

Of All, we are allowed to hope, But Affidavit stands That this was due, where some, we fear, Are unexpected friends.

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TO this apartment deep No ribaldry may creep; Untroubled this abode By any man but God.

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“SOWN in dishonor?” Ah! Indeed! May this dishonor be? If I were half so fine myself, I’d notice nobody!“Sown in corruption?” By no means! Apostle is askew; Corinthians 1:15, narrates A circumstance or two!269

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THROUGH lane it lay, through bramble, Through clearing and through wood, Banditti270 often passed us Upon the lonely road.The wolf came purring curious, The owl looked puzzled down, The serpent’s satin figure Glid stealthily along.

The tempest touched our garments, The lightning’s poignards271 gleamed, Fierce from the crag above us The hungry vulture screamed.

The satyr‘s272 fingers beckoned, The valley murmured “Come”—These were the mates—and this the road Those children fluttered home.

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WHO is it seeks my pillow nights? With plain inspecting face, “Did you, or did you not?” to ask, ’T is Conscience, childhood’s nurse.

With martial hand she strokes the hair Upon my wincing head, “All rogues shall have their part in”—What- The Phosphorus 273 of God.

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His Cheek is his Biographer—As long as he can blush, Perdition is Opprobrium; Past that, he sins in peace.Thief

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“HEAVENLY Father,” take to thee The supreme iniquity, Fashioned by thy candid hand In a moment contraband. Though to trust us seem to us More respectful—“we are dust.”274 We apologize to Thee For Thine own Duplicity.

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THE sweets of Pillage can be known To no one but the Thief, Compassion for Integrity Is his divinest Grief.

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THE Bible is an antique volume Written by faded men, At the suggestion of Holy Spectres—275 Subjects—Bethlehem—Eden—the ancient Homestead—Satan—the Brigadier, Judas—the great Defaulter, David—the Troubadour. Sin—a distinguished Precipice Others must resist, Boys that “believe” Are very lonesome—Other boys are “lost.” Had but the tale a warbling Teller All the boys would come—Orpheus’ 276 sermon captivated, It did not condemn.

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A little over Jordan, As Genesis record, An Angel and a Wrestler Did wrestle long and hard. 277

Till, morning touching mountain, And Jacob waxing strong, The Angel begged permission To breakfast and return.

“Not so,” quoth wily Jacob, And girt his loins anew, “Until thou bless me, stranger!” The which acceded to:

Light swung the silver fleeces Peniel278 hills among, And the astonished Wrestler Found he had worsted God!

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DUST is the only secret, Death the only one You cannot find out all about In his native town: Nobody knew his father, Never was a boy, Hadn’t any playmates Or early history.

Industrious, laconic, Punctual, sedate, Bolder than a Brigand,279 Swifter than a Fleet, Builds like a bird too, Christ robs the next—Robin after robin Smuggled to rest!

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AMBITION cannot find him, Affection doesn’t know How many leagues of Nowhere Lie between them now. Yesterday undistinguished—Eminent to-day, For our mutual honor- Immortality!

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EDEN is that old-fashioned House We dwell in every day, Without suspecting our abode Until we drive away. How fair, on looking back, the Day We sauntered from the door, Unconscious our returning Discover it no more.

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CANDOR, my tepid Friend, Come not to play with me! The Myrrhs and Mochas280 of the Mind Are its Iniquity.

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SPEECH is a symptom of affection, And Silence one, The perfectest communication Is heard of none—Exists and its endorsement Is had within—Behold! said the Apostle, Yet had not seen.

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WHO were “the Father and the Son”—We pondered when a child, And what had they to do with us—And when portentous told With inference appalling, By Childhood fortified, We thought, “at least they are no worse Than they have been described.”

Who are “the Father and the Son”—Did we demand today, “The Father and the Son” himself Would doubtless specify, But had they the felicity When we desired to know, We better Friends had been, perhaps, Than time ensue to be.

We start, to learn that we believe But once, entirely—Belief, it does not fit so well When altered frequently. We blush, that Heaven if we achieve, Event ineffable—We shall have shunned, until ashamed To own the Miracle.

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THAT Love is all there is, Is all we know of Love; It is enough, the freight should be Proportioned to the groove.

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THE luxury to apprehend The luxury ’t would be To look at thee a single time, An Epicure of me,

In whatsoever Presence, makes, Till, for a further food I scarcely recollect to starve, So first am I supplied.

The luxury to meditate The luxury it was To banquet on thy Countenance, A sumptuousness bestows

On plainer days, Whose table, far as Certainty can see, Is laden with a single crumb—The consciousness of Thee.

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THE Sea said “Come” to the Brook, The Brook said “Let me grow!” The Sea said “Then you will be a Sea—I want a brook, Come now!”

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ALL I may, if small, Do it not display Larger for its Totalness? ’T is economy To bestow a world And withhold a star, Utmost is munificence; Less, though larger, Poor.

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LOVE reckons by itself alone, “As large as I” relate the Sun To one who never felt it blaze, Itself is all the like it has.

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THE inundation of the Spring Submerges every soul, It sweeps the tenement away But leaves the water whole. In which the Soul, at first alarmed, Seeks furtive for its shore, But acclimated, gropes no more For that Peninsular.

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NO Autumn’s intercepting chill Appalls this Tropic Breast, But African exuberance And Asiatic Rest.

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VOLCANOES be in Sicily And South America, I judge from my geography. Volcanoes nearer here, A lava step, at any time, Am I inclined to climb, A crater I may contemplate, Vesuvius281 at home.

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DISTANCE is not the realm of Fox, Nor by relay282 as Bird; Abated, Distance is until Thyself, Beloved!

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THE treason of an accent Might vilify the Joy—To breathe,—corrode the rapture Of Sanctity to be.

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How destitute is he Whose Gold is firm, Who finds it every time, The small stale sum—When Love, with but a pence Will so display, As is a disrespect to India!283

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CRISIS is sweet and, set of Heart Upon the hither284 side, Has dowers of prospective Surrendered by the Tried. Inquire of the closing Rose Which Rapture she preferred, And she will tell you, sighing, The transport of the Bud.

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TO tell the beauty would decrease, To state the Spell demean, There is a syllableless sea Of which it is the sign.

My will endeavours for its word And fails, but entertains A rapture as of legacies—Of introspective mines.

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TO love thee, year by year, May less appear Than sacrifice and cease. However, Dear, Forever might be short I thought, to show, And so I pieced it with a flower now.

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I showed her heights she never saw—“Wouldst climb?” I said, She said “Not so”—“With me?” I said, “With me?” I showed her secrets Morning’s nest, The rope that Nights were put across—And now, “Wouldst have me for a Guest?” She could not find her yes—And then, I brake my life, and Lo! A light for her, did solemn glow, The larger, as her face withdrew—And could she, further, “No?”

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ON my volcano grows the grass,—A meditative spot, An area for a bird to choose Would be the general thought.

How red the fire reeks below, How insecure the sod—Did I disclose, would populate With awe my solitude.

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IF I could tell how glad I was, I should not be so glad, But when I cannot make the Force Nor mould it into word, I know it is a sign That new Dilemma be From mathematics further off, Than from Eternity.

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HER Grace is all she has, And that, so vast displays, One Art, to recognize, must be, Another Art to praise.

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NO matter where the Saints abide, They make their circuit fair; Behold how great a Firmament Accompanies a star!

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TO see her is a picture, To hear her is a tune, To know her an intemperance As innocent as June; By which to be undone Is dearer than Redemption—Which never to receive, Makes mockery of melody It might have been to live.

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SO set its sun in thee, What day is dark to me—What distance far, So I the ships may see That touch how seldomly Thy shore?

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HAD this one day not been, Or could it cease to be—How smitten, how superfluous Were every other day!Lest Love should value less What Loss would value more, Had it the stricken privilege—It cherishes before.

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THAT she forgot me was the least, I felt it second pain, That I was worthy to forget What most I thought upon.Faithful, was all that I could boast, But Constancy became, To her, by her innominate,285 A something like a shame.

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THE incidents of Love Are more than its Events, Investments best expositor Is the minute per cents.

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A little overflowing word That any hearing had inferred For ardor or for tears, Though generations pass away, Traditions ripen and decay, As eloquent appears.

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JUST so, Jesus raps—He does not weary—Last at the knocker and first at the bell, Then on divinest tiptoe standing Might He out-spy the lady’s soul. When He retires, chilled and weary—It will be ample time for me; Patient, upon the steps, until then—Heart, I am knocking low at Thee!

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SAFE Despair it is that raves, Agony is frugal, Puts itself severe away For its own perusal.Garrisoned no Soul can be In the front of Trouble, Love is one, not aggregate, Nor is Dying double.

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THE Face we choose to miss, Be it but for a day—As absent as a hundred years When it has rode away.

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OF so divine a loss We enter but the gain, Indemnity for loneliness That such a bliss has been.

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THE healed Heart shows its shallow scar With confidential moan, Not mended by Mortality Are fabrics truly torn. To go its convalescent way So shameless is to see, More genuine were Perfidy Than such Fidelity.

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GIVE little anguish Lives will fret. Give avalanches—And they’ll slant, Straighten, look cautious for their breath, But make no syllable—Like Death, Who only shows his Marble disc—Sublimer sort than speech.

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TO pile like Thunder to its close, Then crumble grand away, While everything created hid- This would be Poetry: Or Love,—the two coeval came—We both and neither prove, Experience either, and consume—For none see God and live.

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THE Stars are old, that stood for me—The West a little worn, Yet newer glows the only Gold I ever cared to earn—Presuming on that lone result Her infinite disdain, But vanquished her with my defeat, ’T was Victory was slain.

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ALL circumstances are the frame In which His Face is set, All Latitudes exist for His Sufficient continent.

The light His Action and the dark The Leisure of His Will, In Him Existence serve, or set A force illegible.

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I did not reach thee, But my feet slip nearer every day; Three Rivers and a Hill to cross, One Desert and a Sea—I shall not count the journey one When I am telling thee.

Two deserts—but the year is cold So that will help the sand—One desert crossed, the second one Will feel as cool as land. Sahara is too little price To pay for thy Right hand!The sea comes last. Step merry, feet! So short have we to go To play together we are prone, But we must labor now, The last shall be the lightest load That we have had to draw.

The Sun goes crooked—that is night—Before he makes the bend We must have passed the middle sea, Almost we wish the end Were further off—too great it seems So near the Whole to stand.

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We step like plush, we stand like snow- The waters murmur now, Three rivers and the hill are passed, Two deserts and the sea! Now Death usurps my premium286 And gets the look at Thee.

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Dickinson is the American poet whose work consisted in exploring states of psychic extremity.—Adrienne Rich

Poetry“You who desired so much,” begins Hart Crane’s 1927 poem “To EmilyDickinson.” He goes on to write: “Truly no flower yet withers in yourhand.” Emily Dickinson has kindled poetic fervor in writers for much of thetwentieth century. Examples abound of poets who invite Dickinson into theirpoems and who, like Crane, personally address her. Adrienne Rich invokesDickinson in her 1964 poem “I Am in Danger—Sir—,” whose title comesfrom a letter Dickinson wrote to Atlantic Monthly editor ThomasHigginson. In another poem, “The Spirit of Place” (1981), Rich speaks ofDickinson’s Amherst house: “This place is large enough for both of us / theriver-fog will do for privacy / this is my third and last address to you.” In“The Uses of Emily” (1986), the poet Maxine Kumin disparages “masculinecritics” who give little heed to the women poets of their day, insteadelecting Dickinson as the safe choice, the “one woman worth mention.” Shegoes on to note that Thomas Higginson was disdainful of Dickinson’s poetryin the years just following her death.

Dickinson has served as an inspiration for countless poems, notably JohnBerryman’s “Your Birthday in Wisconsin You are 140,” Robert Bly’s“Visiting Emily Dickinson’s Grave with Robert Francis,” Amy Clampitt’s“Amherst,” Archibald MacLeish’s “In and Come In,” Carl Sandburg’s“Public Letter to Emily Dickinson,” and William Stafford’s “Emily.”Visiting Emily: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Emily Dickinson(Sheila Coghill and Thom Tammaro, eds., Iowa City: University of IowaPress, 2000), an anthology of poems by more than eighty poets, celebrates

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the mystifying poet of Amherst and confirms her extraordinary influence onmodern poetry.

TheaterSusan Glaspell’s 1930 play Alison’s House explores the lingering influenceof a great poet, modeled after Emily Dickinson, on her family eighteen yearsafter her death. As in much of her work, Glaspell focuses on the past as asource of strength and insight. In 1931 Glaspell received a Pulitzer Prize forAlison’s House; she was the second woman ever to receive the Pulitzer.Throughout her career, Glaspell wrote thirteen plays, fourteen novels, andmore than fifty short stories, articles, and essays.

Playwright William Luce delves into Dickinson’s private life and thoughtsin his one-woman play The Belle of Amherst (1976). The play focuses onthe poet’s passionate relationships with her childhood friends and herfather, and Luce interweaves her poetry and epigrams into the script. TheBelle of Amherst offers a unique glimpse into the mythologized psychologyof Dickinson, particularly in regard to her strong motivation to write. Theactress Julie Harris portrayed Dickinson in a 1976 Broadway performanceof The Belle of Amherst. The show was filmed and aired on television, andHarris received her fifth Best Actress Tony Award for the role.

DanceCan the life and poetry of Emily Dickinson be danced? For Martha Graham,the answer was an obvious yes. The acclaimed dancer and choreographerMartha Graham is remembered for her many innovations in modern dance;indeed, her name has become synonymous with the form. Her work Letterto the World, which premiered in 1940, takes its title from Dickinson’slines “This is my letter to the world, / That never wrote to me” (p. 5). Cladin a full, white gown reminiscent of the clothes Dickinson wore from her

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twenties on, Graham portrays the inner life of the poet—her torment, loss,and struggle to be happy. Barbara Morgan’s well-known photograph of theperformance captures Graham kicking her leg over her back, with her whitedress swept up about her. Andy Warhol created a silkscreen print of theimage entitled “Letter to the World (The Kick).” In her poem “MarthaGraham in ‘Letter to the World’ ” (2001), Lyn Lifshin writes, “Her words, aswirl of / her body.”

MusicThe passion and eccentricity of Dickinson’s poetry translate well intomusic. Composers as diverse as Jan Meyerowitz, Vincent Per sichetti, andRudolf Escher have adapted Dickinson into their own symphonic poems. Awork by Samuel Barber for a cappella chorus, “Let Down the Bars, ODeath” (1936), is based on one of Dickinson’s poems (p. 208). In 1950Aaron Copland finished his work for voice and piano titled Twelve Poemsof Emily Dickinson; his idiosyncratic approaches to each poem often mirrorDickinson’s own erratic use of punctuation and language.

In 2001 Simon Holt composed A Ribbon of Time, a cycle of five piecesbased on Dickinson’s “I heard a fly buzz when I died” (p. 252). The secondpiece in the cycle, “Two movements for string quartet,” won the 2002 RoyalPhilharmonic Society Music Award for Chamber-scale Composition; in thepiece, the arrangements for the strings are spare and precise, creating aspace for the buzzing fly, which is represented by a viola.

Visual ArtThe power and simplicity of Dickinson’s poems make her writing ideal rawmaterial for visual artists. Her poetry has been incorporated into the worksof such artists as Barbara Penn, Elaine Rei chek, and Liz Rideal. In herpaper sculptures, New York-based artist Lesley Dill uses a blend of exotic

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papers, including rice and metallic papers, to fashion dresses and necklacesreminiscent of Dickinson’s customary attire; she then lithographsDickinson’s text onto the sculptures.

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In this section, we aim to provide the reader with an array of perspectiveson the text, as well as questions that challenge those perspectives. Thecommentary has been culled from sources as diverse as reviewscontemporaneous with the work, letters written by the author, literarycriticism of later generations, and appreciations written throughouthistory. Following the commentary, a series of questions seeks to filterEmily Dickinson’s Collected Poems through a variety of points of viewand bring about a richer understanding of these enduring works.


SATURDAY REVIEWThe poems of Miss Emily Dickinson (who has hitherto been known toEnglishmen chiefly if not only by some very injudicious praise of the kindusual with Mr. Howells) are posthumously published, and from the shortpreface written by her sympathetic and friendly editor we learn someinteresting facts of her life. She appears never to have travelled, or, indeed,left the house of her father in Amherst, Mass., where she led the life of anabsolute recluse, and only appeared in society at a yearly reception givenby her father to his friends. We are told that she wrote verses abundantly,but “absolutely without the thought of publication, and solely by way ofexpression of the writer’s own mind.” The editor prepares us for the wantof form and polish in her poems, but expects us to regard them as “poetrytorn up from the roots, with rain and dew and earth still clinging to them,giving a freshness and a fragrance not otherwise to be conveyed.” A merit ishere implied in their very imperfections as producing the effect of poetrydrawn from an absolutely natural unconventional source. We very much

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doubt, however, whether this conclusion may be fairly adduced from theuneducated and illiterate character of some of these verses, although wefully recognize in them the unmistakable touch of a true poet. In these daysconsiderable mastery over form in poetry is not uncommon, but in our minorpoets it is rare indeed to find much original thought, or a strongly markedindividuality. For this reason it is, perhaps, difficult not to overvalue thesequalities, when we find them, as in Miss Dickinson, separated from anymerits of form. We continually see the thoughts of prose put into verse, but,while some of the poems in the present volume can scarcely be described asin verse at all, they almost all contain a genuinely poetical thought, orimage, or feeling. Miss Dickinson’s chief characteristics are, first, a facultyfor seizing the impression or feelings of the moment, and fixing them withrare force and accuracy; secondly, a vividness of imagery, which impressesthe reader as thoroughly unconventional, and shows considerableimaginative power....

The editor suggests a comparison between the poems of this writer andthose of William Blake; but, beyond the fact that they are both quiteindifferent to the technical rules of art, the comparison is not very far-reaching. Miss Dickinson possesses little of that lyrical faculty to whichBlake owes his reputation; but, on the other hand, she is gifted with a farsaner mind. Her poems, however, may be said to be distinctively Americanin their peculiarities, and occasionally call to mind the verses of Emerson.The editor with his unfailing sympathy tells us that, “though curiouslyindifferent to all conventional rules,” she yet had “a vigorous literarystandard of her own, and often altered a word many times to suit an earwhich had its own tenacious fastidiousness.” Some of the poems, however,seem destitute of any metre whatever, the lines do not scan, the rhymes arearbitrarily thrown in or left out, in accordance with no fixed system, andgrammar, and even good taste are only conspicuous by their absence. But insome of her roughest poems there is still an idea which forces the reader toattend to its meaning, and impresses him, in spite of the irritation he may

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feel at the form.—September 5, 1891

THE NATIONThe curious fame of [Emily Dickinson] is something unique in literature,being wholly posthumous and achieved without puffing or special effort,and, indeed, quite contrary to the expectation of both editors and publishers.No volumes of American poetry, not even the most popular ofLongfellow‘s, have had so wide or so steady a sale. On the other hand, thebooks met with nothing but vehement hostility and derision on the part ofleading English critics, and the sale of the first volume, when reprintedthere, did not justify the issue of a second. The sole expressed objection tothem, in the English mind, lay in their defects or irregularities of manner;and yet these were not nearly so defiant as those exhibited by Whitman, whohas always been more unequivocally accepted in England than at home.There is, however, ample evidence that to a minority, at least, of Englishreaders, Emily Dickinson is very dear. Some consideration is also due tothe peculiarly American quality of the landscape, the birds, the flowers, shedelineates. What does an Englishman know of the bobolink, thewhippoorwill, the Baltimore oriole, even of the American robin or blue-jay? These have hardly been recognized as legitimate stock properties inpoetry, either on the part of the London press or of that portion of theAmerican which calls itself “cosmopolitan.” To use them is still regarded,as when Emerson and Lowell were censured for their use, “a foolishaffectation of the familiar.” Why not stick to the conventional skylark andnightingale? Yet, as a matter of fact, if we may again draw upon DonQuixote’s discourse to the poet, it is better that a Spaniard should write as aSpaniard and a Dutchman as a Dutchman. If Emily Dickinson wishes to say,in her description of a spirit, “ ’Tis whiter than an Indian pipe,” let her sayit.

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—October 8, 1896

MARTHA HALE SHACKFORDThe secret of Emily Dickinson’s wayward power seems to lie in threespecial characteristics, the first of which is her intensity of spiritualexperience. Hers is the record of a soul endowed with unceasing activity ina world not material, but one where concrete facts are the cherishedrevelation of divine significances. Inquisitive always, alert to the innertruths of life, impatient of the brief destinies of convention, she isolatedherself from the petty demands of social amenity. A sort of tireless, probingenergy of mental action absorbed her, yet there is little speculation of apurely philosophical sort in her poetry. Her stubborn beliefs, learned inchildhood, persisted to the end,—her conviction that life is beauty, that loveexplains grief, and that immortality endures. The quality of her writing isprofoundly stirring, because it betrays, not the intellectual pioneer, but theacutely observant woman, whose capacity for feeling was profound....

It is essentially in the world of spiritual forces that her depth of poeticoriginality is shown. Others may describe nature, but few can describe lifeas she does. Human nature, the experiences of the world of souls, was herspecial study, to which she brought, in addition to that quality of intensity,second characteristic,—keen sensitiveness to irony and paradox. Nearly allher perceptions are tinged with penetrating sense of the contrasts in humanvicissitude. Controlled, alert, expectant, aware of the perpetual compromisebetween clay and spirit, she accepted the inscrutable truths of life in afashion which reveals how humor and pathos contend in her. It is this whichgives her style those sudden turns and that startling imagery. Humor is not,perhaps, a characteristic associated with pure lyric poetry, and yet EmilyDickinson’s transcendental humor is one of the deep sources of hersupremacy. Both in thought and in expression she gains her piercing quality,her undeniable spiritual thrust, by this gift, stimulating, mystifying, but

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forever inspiring her readers to a profound conception of high destinies.The most apparent instances of this keen, shrewd delight in challenging

convention, in the effort to establish, through contrast, reconcilement of theearthly and the eternal, are to be found in her imagery. Although her similesand metaphors may be devoid of languid aesthetic elegance, they arequivering to express living ideas, and so they come surprisingly close towhat we are fond of calling the commonplace. She reverses the usual, shehitches her star to a wagon, transfixing homely daily phrases for poeticpurposes. Such an audacity has seldom invaded poetry with a desire to tellimmortal truths through the medium of a deep sentiment for old habitualthings. It is true that we permit this liberty to the greatest poets,Shakespeare, Keats, Wordsworth, and some others; but in America ourpoets have been sharply charged not to offend in this respect. Here traditionstill animates many critics in the belief that real poetry must have exaltedphraseology....

The expectation of finding in her work some quick, perverse, illuminatingcomment upon eternal truths certainly keeps a reader’s interest fromflagging, but passionate intensity and fine irony do not fully explain EmilyDickinson’s significance. There is a third characteristic trait, a dauntlesscourage in accepting life. Existence, to her, was a momentous experience,and she let no promises of a future life deter her from feeling the throbs ofthis one. No false comfort released her from dismay at present anguish. Anenergy of pain and joy swept her soul, but did not leave any residue ofbitterness or of sharp innuendo against the ways of the Almighty. Grief wasa faith, not a disaster. She made no effort to smother the recollections of oldcompanionship by that species of spiritual death to which so many peopleconsent.... The willingness to look with clear directness at the spectacle oflife is observable everywhere in her work. Passionate fortitude was hers,and this is the greatest contribution her poetry makes to the reading world. Itis not expressed precisely in single poems, but rather is present in all, askey and interpretation of her meditative scrutiny. Without elaborate

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philosophy, yet with irresistible ways of expression, Emily Dickinson’spoems have true lyric appeal, because they make abstractions such as love,hope, loneliness, death, and immortality, seem near and intimate andfaithful.—from Atlantic Monthly (January 1913)

Questions1. Is it possible to abstract a consistent philosophy or religion or

morality from Emily Dickinson’s poetry?2. What are the attributes of Emily Dickinson’s God?3. That Love is all there is,

Is all we know of Love.So wrote Dickinson in The Single Hound (page 312). Given all thatwe know of her life, what do you think she meant by the word“Love?” A relation to God? Charity and understanding for fellowhumans, or a sense of togetherness with them? Sex?

4. Take a poem by Dickinson that moves you. Scan it and the prevailingmeter is almost sure to be iambic (an unstressed syllable followed bya stressed syllable). See whether the irregularities are significant. Ingeneral, do you feel that there is a convergence of form and content inher poems? After all, she has many subjects but writes mostly withinone form.

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Works by DickinsonLetters. 3 vols. Edited by Thomas H. Johnson and Theodora Ward.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1958. Based on the three-volume edition is the one-volume Selected Letters, edited by Thomas H.Johnson; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1971. The 1971edition is the source for most of the quotations in the Introduction to thisedition. Dickinson’s letters are an indispensable supplement to the poems.The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson: A Facsimile Edition. Editedby R. W. Franklin. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981.Allows readers to see Dickinson’s poems, and her frequent use of variantwords, in her own hand.The Master Letters of Emily Dickinson. Edited by R. W. Franklin.Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998.The Poems of Emily Dickinson. 3 vols. Edited by Thomas H. Johnson.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1955. This edition, with thepoems arranged chronologically and the poet’s idiosyncrasies intact,includes variant readings critically compared with all known manuscripts.A distillation of the three-volume edition is the one-volume The CompletePoems of Emily Dickinson, edited by Thomas H. Johnson (Boston: Little,Brown, 1976), which brings together the original texts of all 1,775 ofDickinson’s poems. In the Introduction to this edition, quotations frompoems not included in this edition are from the one-volume publication.The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Edited by R. W. Franklin. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1999. The most accurate version available today.The University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative, in its AmericanVerse Project, contains poems from several editions of Dickinson’s poems

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edited by Thomas Higginson and Mabel Loomis Todd (Poems, 1891, 1910,and 1914). (www.hti.

BiographyFarr, Judith. The Passion of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity Press, 1992. Farr says that “although this book is not abiography, it attempts an inclusive vision of the poetry of Emily Dickinson,read in the context of her time, environment, and personal circumstances.”Habegger, Alfred. My Wars Are Laid Away in Books: The Life of EmilyDickinson. New York: Random House, 2001. Habegger writes that thisbook was written “with the feeling that it was time someone assess recentfindings and claims relating to this poet.”Sewall, Richard B. The Life of Emily Dickinson. 1974. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1994. Generally agreed to be the most thoroughbiography of the poet.Wolff, Cynthia Griffin. Emily Dickinson. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,1986. Particularly interesting for its psychoanalytic insights.

ContextBennett, Fordyce R. A Reference Guide to the Bible in Emily Dickinson’sPoetry. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1997.Capps, Jack L. Emily Dickinson’s Reading, 1836-1886. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1966.Diehl, Joanne Feit. Dickinson and the Romantic Imagination. Princeton,NJ: Princeton University Press, 1981. Traces the influence of romanticpoets on Dickinson’s work.Keller, Karl. The Only Kangaroo Among the Beauty: Emily Dickinson and

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America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. PlacesDickinson in the context of other American writers, from Anne Bradstreet toRobert Frost.St. Armand, Barton Levi. Emily Dickinson and Her Culture: The Soul’sSociety. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.Solidly locates Dickinson in her time, exploring contemporary attitudestoward death, heaven, nature, etc.Webster, Noah. An American Dictionary of the English Language. 1828.Reprint: New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1970.

CriticismBennett, Paula. Emily Dickinson, Woman Poet. Iowa City: University ofIowa Press, 1990.Bogan, Louise, Archibald MacLeish, and Richard Wilbur. EmilyDickinson: Three Views. Amherst, MA: Amherst College Press, 1960.Three sensitive papers by poets, delivered at the Amherst Bicentennial in1959.Cameron, Sharon. Choosing Not Choosing: Dickinson’s Fascicles.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. Cameron argues thatDickinson’s manuscript variants should be treated as an essential part of thepoems.Farr, Judith, ed. Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. UpperSaddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.Fast, Robin Riley, and Christine Mack Gordon, eds. Approaches toTeaching Dickinson’s Poetry. New York: Modern Language Association ofAmerica, 1989.Ferlazzo, Paul J., ed. Critical Essays on Emily Dickinson. Boston: G. K.Hall, 1984.

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Halio, Marcia Peoples, ed. Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Poems.Harcourt Brace Casebook Series in Literature. Fort Worth, TX: HarcourtCollege Publishers, 1998. This small book includes several of the best,most representative essays on Dickinson, as well as advice to studentswriting about her.Howe, Susan. My Emily Dickinson. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books,1985. Perhaps the most personal book of criticism on Dickinson; Howe’sexploration of Dickinson’s variants and her lengthy interpretation of “Mylife had stood a loaded gun” (The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson,edited by Thomas H. Johnson, poem 754) are especially dazzling.Kazin, Alfred. “Wrecked, Solitary, Here: Dickinson’s Room of Her Own.”In his An American Procession. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.Martin, Wendy, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson.Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Helpfullydivided into sections biography and publication history, poetic strategiesand themes, and cultural contexts.Miller, Cristanne. Emily Dickinson: A Poet’s Grammar. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1987. Excellent.Oberhaus, Dorothy Huff. Emily Dickinson’s Fascicles: Method andMeaning. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995.Paglia, Camille. “Amherst’s Madame de Sade: Emily Dickinson.” In herSexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson.New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990. Paglia asserts that “violence isher love song and lullaby.”Wolosky, Shira. Emily Dickinson: A Voice of War. New Haven: YaleUniversity Press, 1984. Wolosky counters ahistorical readings of Dickinsonby arguing that many of her poems are responses to the Civil War.

Modern Literature Inspired by Dickinson

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Byatt, A. S. Possession: A Romance. New York: Random House, 1990.Collins, Billy. Picnic, Lightning. Pittsburgh, PA: University of PittsburghPress, 1998.Cope, Wendy. Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis. London: Faber and Faber,1986.Crane, Hart. The Poems of Hart Crane. Edited by Marc Simon. New York:Liveright Publishing, 1986.e. e. cummings. e. e. cummings: Complete Poems 1904-1962. Edited byGeorge J. Firmage. New York: Liveright Publishing, 1994.Farr, Judith. I Never Came to You in White. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1996.Frost, Robert. The Poetry of Robert Frost. Edited by Edward Con neryLathem. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969.Kalstone, David. Becoming a Poet: Elizabeth Bishop with MarianneMoore and Robert Lowell. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1989.Contains remarks about Dickinson by Elizabeth Bishop.Rich, Adrienne. The Fact of a Doorframe: Selected Poems, 1950- 2001.New York: W. W. Norton, 2002.Stevens, Wallace. The Collected Poems. New York: Vintage Books, 1982.Williams, William Carlos. Interview in Poets at Work: The Paris ReviewInterviews, edited by George Plimpton. New York: Viking, 1989.

Other Dickinson ResourcesEberwein, Jane Donahue, ed. An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia. Westport,CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Contains entries on all aspects of Dickinson’slife, culture, and work.

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The Emily Dickinson International Society. The Society creates a forum forscholarship on Dickinson and her relation to the tradition of Americanpoetry and women’s literature. (, Gudrun, Roland Hagenbüchle, and Cristanne Miller, eds. TheEmily Dickinson Handbook. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press,1998. A source for quick reference containing basic and up-to-dateinformation on the poet’s life, her art, the manuscripts, and the current stateof Dickinson scholarship.

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A bird came down the walkA cap of lead across the skyA charm invests a faceA clock stopped—not the mantel’sA death-blow is a life-blow to someA deed knocks first at thoughtA dew sufficed itselfAdrift! A little boat adrift!A drop fell on the apple treeAdventure most unto itselfA face devoid of love or graceAfraid? Of whom am I afriad?After a hundred yearsAh, Teneriffe! Retreating Mountain!A lady red upon the hillA light exists in springA little madness in the SpringA little overflowing wordA little over JordanA little road not made of manAll circumstances are the frameAll I may, if smallAll overgrown by cunning mossA long, long sleep, a famous sleepAlter? When the hills doAmbition cannot find him

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A modest lot, a fame petiteAmple make this bedA murmur in the trees to noteAn altered look about the hillsA narrow fellow in the grassAn awful tempest mashed the airAn everywhere of silverAngels in the early morningA poor torn heart, a tattered heartApparently with no surpriseA precious, mouldering pleasure ’t isA prompt, executive Bird is the JayArcturus is his other nameAre friends delight or pain?A route of evanescenceAs by the dead we love to sitAs children bid the guest good-nightA sepal, petal, and a thornAs far from pity as complaintA shady friend for torrid daysAshes denote that fire wasA sickness of this world it most occasionsAs if some little Arctic flowerAs imperceptibly as griefA sloop of amber slips awayA solemn thing it was, I saidA something in a summer’s dayA spider sewed at nightAt half-past three a single birdA thought went up my mind to-day

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A throe upon the featuresAt last to be identified!At least to pray is left, is leftA toad can die of light!A train went through a burial gateA triumph may be of several kindsA word is deadA wounded deer leaps highest


Beauty crowds me till I dieBecause I could not stop for DeathBefore I got my eye put outBefore the ice is in the poolsBefore you thought of springBelshazzar had a letterBereaved of all, I went abroadBesides the Autumn poets singBlazing in gold and quenching in purpleBless God, he went as soldiersBloom upon the Mountain, statedBring me the sunset in a cup


Candor, my tepid FriendCome slowly, Eden!Could I but ride indefiniteCould mortal lip divine

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Crisis is sweet and, set of Heart


Dare you see a soul at the white heat?Dear March, come in!Death is a dialogue betweenDeath is like the insectDeath sets a thing significantDelayed till she had ceased to knowDelight becomes pictorialDeparted to the judgmentDid the harebell loose her girdleDistance is not the realm of FoxDoubt me, my dim companion!Down Time’s quaint streamDrab habitation of whom?Dropped into theDrowning is not so pitifulDust is the only secret


Each life converges to some centreEach that we lose takes part of usEden is that old-fashioned HouseElijah’s wagon knew no thillElysium is as far as toEssential oils are wrungExcept the heaven had come so near

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Except the smaller size, no Lives are roundExcept to heaven, she is noughtExhilaration is the BreezeExperiment to meExultation is the going


Faith is a fine inventionFame is a fickle foodFar from love the Heavenly FatherFarther in summer than the birdsFate slew him, but he did not dropFather, I bring thee not myselfFew get enough,—enough is oneFinite to fail, but infinite to ventureFollow wise OrionForbidden fruit a flavor hasFor Death,—or ratherFor each ecstatic instantForever cherished be the treeFrequently the woods are pinkFrom all the jails the boys and girlsFrom cocoon forth a butterflyFrom us she wandered now a year


Give little anguishGiven in marriage unto thee

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Glee! the great storm is over!Glory is that bright tragic thingGlowing is her BonnetGod gave a loaf to every birdGod made a little gentianGod permits industrious angelsGoing to heaven!“Going to him! Happy letter! Tell himGood night! which put the candle out?Great streets of silence led away


Had this one day not beenHave you got a brook in your little heartHeart not so heavy as mineHeart, we will forget him!He ate and drank the precious wordsHeaven is what I cannot reach!“Heavenly Father,” take to theeHe fumbles at your spiritHe preached upon “breadth” till it argued him narrowHe put the belt around my lifeHer final summer was itHer Grace is all she hasHer “Last Poems”He touched me, so I live to knowHigh from the earth I heard a birdHis bill an auger isHis Cheek is his Biographer

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His mind, of man a secret makesHope is a subtle gluttonHope is the thing with feathersHow dare the robins singHow destitute is heHow happy is the little stoneHow many times these low feet staggeredHow still the bells in steeples standHow the old mountains drip with sunset


I bet with every Wind that blew, till Nature in chagrinI breathed enough to learn the trickI bring an unaccustomed wineI cannot live with youI can’t tell you, but you feel itI can wade grief,I did not reach theeI died for beauty, but was scarceI dreaded that first robin soI envy seas whereon he ridesIf anybody’s friend be deadI felt a cleavage in my mindI felt a funeral in my brainIf I can stop one heart from breakingIf I could tell how glad I wasIf I may have it when it’s deadIf I should dieIf I shouldn’t be alive

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I fit for themI found the phrase to every thoughtIf pain for peace preparesIf recollecting were forgettingIf the foolish call them “flowers”If tolling bell I ask the causeIf what we could were what we wouldIf you were coming in the fallI gained it so,I gave myself to himI had a daily blissI had a guinea goldenI had been hungry all the yearsI had no cause to be awakeI had no time to hate, becauseI have a king who does not speakI have no life but thisI have not told my garden yetI heard a fly buzz when I diedI held a jewel in my fingersI hide myself within my flowerI know a place where summer strivesI know some lonely houses off the roadI know that he existsI like a look of agonyI like to see it lap the milesI lived on dread; to those who knowI live with him, I see his faceI’ll tell you how the sun roseI lost a world the other day

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I many times thought peace had comeI’m ceded, I’ve stopped being theirsI meant to find her when I cameI meant to have but modest needsI measure every grief I meetImmortal is an ample wordImmured in Heaven! What a Cell!I’m nobody! Who are you?I’m thinking of that other mornI’m wife; I’ve finished thatI never hear the word “escape”I never lost as much but twiceI never saw a moorI never told the buried goldIn lands I never saw, they sayI noticed people disappearedIn winter, in my roomI read my sentence steadilyI reason, earth is short,Is bliss, then, such abyssI see thee better in the darkI send two SunsetsI shall know why, when time is overIs Heaven a physician?I should have been too glad, I seeI should not dare to leave my friendI showed her heights she never sawI sing to use the waitingI started early, took my dogI stepped from plank to plank

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I taste a liquor never brewedIt can’t be summer,—that got throughIt dropped so low in my regardI think just how my shape will riseI think that the root of the Wind is WaterI think the hemlock likes to standIt makes no difference abroadIt might be easierI took my power in my handIt’s all I have to bring to-dayIt sifts from leaden sievesIt’s like the lightIt sounded as if the streets were runningIt’s such a little thing to weepIt struck me every dayIt tossed and tossedIt was not death, for I stood upIt was too late for manI’ve got an arrow hereI’ve seen a dying eyeI watched her face to see which wayI went to heavenI went to thank herI wish I knew that woman’s nameI wonder if the sepulchreI worked for chaff, and earning wheatI years had been from home


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Just lost when I was saved!Just so, Jesus raps—He does not weary—


Lay this laurel on the oneLet down the bars, O Death!Let me not mar that perfect dreamLife, and Death, and GiantsLightly stepped a yellow starLike brooms of steelLike Men and Women shadows walkLike mighty footlights burned the redLike some old-fashioned miracleLike trains of cars on tracks of plushLook back on time with kindly eyesLove is anterior to lifeLove reckons by itself aloneLow at my problem bending


March is the month of expectationMe! Come! My dazzled faceMine by the right of the white election!Mine enemy is growing oldMorning is the place for dew“Morning” means “Milking” to the FarmerMorns like these we partedMuch madness is divinest sense

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Musicians wrestle everywhereMy cocoon tightens, colors teaseMy country need not change her gownMy friend must be a birMy life closed twice before its closeMy nosegays are for captivesMy river runs to theeMy Wheel is in the darkMy worthiness is all my doubt


Nature is what we seeNature rarer uses yellowNature, the gentlest motherNew feet within my garden goNo Autumn’s intercepting chillNo brigadier throughout the yearNo matter where the Saints abideNo other can reduceNo rack can torture meNo romance sold untoNot any higher stands the graveNot any sunny toneNot in this world to see his faceNot knowing when the dawn will comeNot one by Heaven defrauded stayNot when we knowNot with a club the heart is broken

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Of all the souls that stand createOf all the sounds despatched abroadOf bronze and blazeOf Death the sharpest functionOf so divine a lossOf this is Day composedOf tribulation these are theyOne blessing had I, than the restOne day is there of the seriesOne dignity delays for allOne need not be a chamber to be hauntedOne of the ones that Midas touchedOne sister have I in our houseOn my volcano grows the grassOn such a night, or such a nightOn the bleakness of my lotOn this long storm the rainbow roseOn this wondrous seaOur journey had advancedOur lives are SwissOur share of night to bear


Pain has an element of blankPapa above! Regard a MousePerception of anPerhaps you’d like to buy a flower

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Peril as a possessionPigmy seraphs gone astrayPink, small, and punctualPompless no life can pass awayPoor little heart!Portraits are to daily facesPrayer is the little implementPresentiment is that long shadow on the lawnProud of my broken heart since thou didst break it


Read, sweet, how others strove“Remember me,” implored the ThiefRemembrance has a rear and frontRemorse is memory awakeReverse cannot befall the fine Prosperity


Safe Despair it is that ravesSafe in their alabaster chambersShe died at playShe died,—this was the way she diedShe laid her docile crescent downShe rose to his requirement, droppedShe slept beneath a treeShe sweeps with many-colored broomsShe went as quiet as the dewSleep is supposed to be

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So bashful when I spied herSo, from the mouldSoftened by Time’s consummate plushSo gay a flower bereaved the mindSome Days retired from the restSome keep the Sabbath going to churchSome rainbow coming from the fair!Some things that fly there beSome, too fragile for winter windsSo proud she was to dieSo set its sun in theeSoul, wilt thou toss again?South winds jostle them“Sown in dishonor?”Speech is a symptom of affectionSplit the lark and you’ll find the musicStep lightly on this narrow spot!Success is counted sweetestSummer begins to have the lookSummer for thee grant I may beSuperfluous were the sunSuperiority to fateSurgeons must be very carefulSweet hours have perished hereSweet is the swamp with its secrets


Taken from men this morningTalk with prudence to a beggar

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That I did always loveThat is solemn we have endedThat Love is all there isThat she forgot me was the leastThat short, potential stirThat such have died enables usThe bat is dun with wrinkled wingsThe bee is not afraid of meThe Bible is an antique volumeThe blunder is to estimateThe body grows outsideThe bone that has no marrowThe brain is wider than the skyThe brain within its grooveThe bustle in a houseThe butterfly obtainsThe butterfly’s assumption-gownThe clouds their backs together laidThe cricket sangThe daisy follows soft the sunThe day came slow, till five o‘clockThe Devil, had he fidelityThe difference between despairThe distance that the dead have goneThe Duties of the Wind are fewThe dying need but little, dearThe Face we choose to missThe farthest thunder that I heardThe feet of people walking homeThe Future never spoke

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The gentian weaves her fringesThe gleam of an heroic actThe grass so little has to doThe grave my little cottage isThe healed Heart shows its shallow scarThe heart asks pleasure firstThe Hills erect their purple headsThe incidents of LoveThe inundation of the SpringTheir height in heaven comforts notThe largest fire ever knownThe last night that she livedThe leaves, like women, interchangeThe long sigh of the FrogThe Look of Thee, what is it like?The luxury to apprehendThe missing All prevented meThe moon is distant from the seaThe Moon upon her fluent routeThe moon was but a chin of goldThe morns are meeker than they wereThe mountain sat upon the plainThe murmuring of bees has ceasedThe murmur of a beeThe mushroom is the elf of plantsThe nearest dream recedes, unrealizedThe night was wide, and furnished scantThe Ones that disappeared are backThe one that could repeat the summer dayThe only ghost I ever saw

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The overtakelessness of thoseThe past is such a curious creatureThe pedigree of honeyThe props assist the houseThe rat is the concisest tenant.There came a day at summer’s fullThere came a wind like a bugleThere is a flower that bees preferThere is another LonelinessThere is a shame of noblenessThere is a solitude of spaceThere is a wordThere is no frigate like a bookThere’s a certain slant of lightThere’s been a death in the opposite houseThere’s something quieter than sleepThe reticent volcano keepsThe right to perish might be thoughtThe robin is the oneThe rose did caper on her cheekThese are the days that Reindeer loveThese are the days when birds come backThe Sea said “Come” to the BrookThe show is not the showThe skies can’t keep their secret!The sky is low, the clouds are meanThe soul selects her own societyThe soul should always stand ajarThe Soul’s superior instantsThe Soul that has a Guest

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The Soul unto itselfThe spider as an artistThe springtime’s pallid landscapeThe Stars are old, that stood for meThe stimulus, beyond the graveThe suburbs of a secretThe sun just touched the morning;The sun kept setting, setting stillThe sweets of Pillage can be knownThe thought beneath so slight a filmThe treason of an accentThe way I read a letter’s thisThe wind begun to rock the grassThe Winds drew offThe wind tapped like a tired manThey dropped like flakes, they dropped like starsThey say that “time assuages”They won’t frown always,—some sweet dayThis is my letter to the world,This is the land the sunset washesThis merit hath the worstThis quiet Dust was Gentlemen and LadiesThis was in the white of the yearThis world is not conclusionThose final Creatures,—who they are—Though I get home how late, how late!Three weeks passed since I had seen herThrough lane it lay, through brambleThrough the straight pass of sufferingTie the strings to my life, my Lord

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’T is an honorable thought’T is little I could care for pearls’T is so much joy! ’T is so much joy!’T is sunrise, little maid, hast thou’T is whiter than an Indian pipeTitle divine is mineTo be alive is powerTo-day or this noonTo fight aloud is very braveTo hang our head ostensiblyTo hear an oriole singTo help our bleaker partsTo know just how he suffered would be dearTo learn the transport by the painTo lose one’s faith surpassesTo lose thee, sweeter than to gainTo love thee, year by yearTo make a prairie it takes a cloverTo my quick ear the leaves conferredToo cold is thisTo pile like Thunder to its closeTo see her is a pictureTo tell the beauty would decreaseTo the staunch Dust we safe commit theeTo this apartment deepTo venerate the simple days’T was a long parting, but the time’T was comfort in her dying room’T was just this time last year I died’T was later when the summer went

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’T was such a little, little boatTwo butterflies went out at noonTwo lengths has every dayTwo swimmers wrestled on the spar


Undue significance a starving man attachesUnto my books so good to turnUpon the gallows hung a wretch


Victory comes lateVolcanoes be in Sicily


Wait till the majesty of DeathWater is taught by thirstWe cover thee, sweet faceWe learn in the retreatingWe like March, his shoes are purpleWe never know how high we areWe never know we go,—when we are goingWent up a year this evening!We outgrow love like other thingsWe play at pasteWe should not mind so small a flowerWe spy the Forests and the Hills

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We thirst at first,—’t is Nature’s actWhat if I say I shall not wait?What inn is thisWhat mystery pervades a well!What soft, cherubic creaturesWhen Etna basks and purrsWhen I hoped I fearedWhen I was small, a woman diedWhen night is almost doneWhen roses cease to bloom, dearWhere every bird is bold to goWhere ships of purple gently tossWhether my bark went down at seaWhile I was fearing it, it cameWho has not found the heaven belowWho is it seeks my pillow nights?Who never lost, are unpreparedWho never wanted,—maddest joyWho robbed the woods“Whose are the little beds,” I askedWho were “the Father and the Son”Wild nights! Wild nights!Will there really be a morning?Witchcraft has not a pedigreeWithin my reach!


You cannot put a fire outYou left me, sweet, two legacies

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Your riches taught me povertyYou’ve seen balloons set, haven’t you?

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1Attractive, pretty (Scottish).

2Rough, overgrown land.

3Fluctuating, persistent fever, such as accompanies tuberculosis.

4Things that soothe or eliminate pain.

5Greek lyric poet (c.600 B.C.) of Lesbos, whose work survives only infragments.

6Beatrice Portinari, Dante’s muse, who appears in his epic poem The DivineComedy (1308-1321).

7Fine-grained calfskin, lambskin, or kidskin used for the pages and bindingsof books.

8Is necessary or proper for.

9Tall, single-handled drinking vessel. †Rooster.

10Bundle of sticks or branches bound together.


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Plant with speckled white, purplish, or yellow tubular flowers.12

Small portions.13

Angels of the highest order.14

Small sailing ship.15

Last king of Babylonia (c.540 B.C.); in the Bible, he was warned of hisdeath by mysterious writing that appeared on the wall of his palace (seeDaniel 5).


17Reference to the Bible, Matthew 19:14: “But Jesus said, Suffer littlechildren, and forbid them not, to come unto me” (King James Version;henceforth KJV).

18Small sailing ship.

19Cochineal is a red dye made from female cochineal insects; mazarin is adeep purplish blue.

20Large vessels for holding wine or other drinks.


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Fruit of a tropical Asian tree, used to make cold drinks.22

Francisco Pizarro (c.1475-1541 ), Spanish explorer and conqueror of Peru.23

The reference is to the Himalaya, a range in south-central Asia.24

Coins formerly used in Great Britain, worth about one-fourth of a penny.25

Pledge of fidelity; betrothal.26

God’s; Jehovah, a variation of Yahweh, is a name the ancient Hebrews usedfor the deity.

27Angels of the second-highest order.

28The Apennines are a mountain chain in Italy.

29Meaning a loud preacher or orator; in the Bible (Mark 3:14—17)Boanerges, “sons of thunder,” is the surname Jesus gave to his disciples James and John.

30British governmental department charged with the collection andmanagement of the national revenue.


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At his Crucifixion, Christ cried down from the cross: “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” The phrase means, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Aramaic; see the Bible, Matthew 27:46, KJV).

32“Palm” refers to the palms the populace spread in his path to welcomeJesus when he entered Jerusalem a week before his Crucifixion; Palm Sunday (theSunday before Easter) commemorates that event. Calvary is a hill outsidethe city where Jesus was crucified.

33Garden outside Jerusalem where Jesus was betrayed (see the Bible,Matthew 26: 36-50).

34Two-masted sailing ship.


36Town in northeastern Massachusetts; site of a battle fought on April 19,1775, that marked the start of the American Revolution.

37In the Bible (1 Samuel 17), the young shepherd David, who became king ofJudah and Israel, used a slingshot and stones to kill Goliath, champion of thePhilistines.

38Muslin is a plain-woven cotton fabric; broadcloth a densely textured

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woolen fabric; and organdy a stiff, transparent fabric of cotton or silk.39


Meaning without cease; a good example of Dickinson’s habit of coiningwords.

41City in south-central Bolivia, founded after silver was discovered there in1545.

42Food; delicious dishes.

43Metallic sulfide minerals, most commonly, gold-colored pyrite.

44Gentle breeze.

45Wake-up call, especially from a bugle.

46American migratory songbird.

47Slow, stately dances that originated in seventeenth-century France.

48In the future; likely to come about.

49Those honored or awarded prizes for great achievements.

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50Strapped or encircled, as with a belt or band.



53Light literary or intellectual writings (French).

54Ancient units of linear measure.

55High-speed sailing vessel.

56Swift horses.

57Gold coin issued in England from 1663 to 1813, worth one pound, oneshilling.

58In medieval Europe, a lyric poet who wrote and performed songs aboutcourtly love.

59Home (Scottish).

60One of the Pleiades, a star cluster named for the daughters of Atlas in Greek

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Salts or esters of carbonic acid, which releases carbon dioxide.63

Dickinson is quoting from the Lord’s Prayer.64

Funnel-shaped device used to feed grain into a mill.65

Small flute.66

Room or unfinished part of a house just under the roof.67

Cut with blows of a heavy instrument.68

In the Bible, Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews. Jesus said,“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”Nicodemus asked Jesus, “How can a man be born when he is old?” (John3:3-4, KJV).

69Dimity is a sheer cotton fabric of plain weave in checks or stripes.



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Small hand drums or tambourines.72


Tyre was an ancient Phoenician city on the eastern Mediterranean Sea inwhat is today southern Lebanon.

74Vivid reddish orange.

75Old name for a late-flowering aster. Other plants mentioned include:anemone, a type of buttercup; batschia, the old name for a plant withdelicate blue flowers; epigea, a trailing evergreen shrub; and rhodora, anazalea with rose-purple flowers.

76Town in Switzerland.


78Lustrous fabric made with flat patterns in a satin weave.

79Borough of southwestern England.

80Marked by dullness and drabness.


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Mystical poem or incantation.82

Playful repartee, banter.83

Lengthy, usually religious, choral work.84

Fragrant oil.85

Burma, now known as Myanmar, is a country in southeastern Asia.86

Mythological hero and leader of the Argonauts, who went in search of theGolden Fleece.

87Payment, compensation.

88Capital of Tunisia, a country in northern Africa.

89Composed of hemp, a tough, fibrous plant used to make rope.

90Fourth-brightest star in the sky and the brightest in the constellation Boötes.


92Step or steps for passing over a fence or wall.

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94Without a splash.

95Covered with truffles (fungi that are considered a delicacy).

96Weedy plant, especiallv the common vetch.

97judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus (see the Bible, Matthew 26:14-16).

98Art of discovering character from outward appearance.

99Extremely hard stone; unbreakable or extremely hard substance.

100Urgent states of affairs.

101Variably colored, transparent to translucent glassy mineral.

102Large vessels for holding wine or other drinks.

103Beads of polished shells strung in strands and used by Native Americans as money, ceremonial pledges, or ornaments.


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Loose thread.105

Authoritative decree.106

This word seems to be Dickinson’s coinage.107

Liturgical song.108

Druids were ancient Celtic priests associated with magic and wizardry109

Also known as olivine, a greenish mineral.110

Blue-flowering herb.111

Crimson or purple dye.112

American writer William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878) refers to this flowerin his poem “The Death of the Flowers.”

113Scottish poet James Thomson (1700—1748), best known for his long poemThe Seasons.

114Creeping plant with fragrant white or pink flowers.

115Rhine wine.

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116Loose white ecclesiastical vestment with large open sleeves.

117Church officer who tends church property and performs minor duties, suchas ringing the bell for services.


119Title for a gentleman (Spanish).

120Of a region of southwestern Russia on the coast of the Black Sea.

121Protective charms.

122Shaft of a vehicle.

123Vertical triangular ends of a building extending from the cornice or eaves tothe ridge of the roof.

124More happily.


126Flaming torches.


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Inlet of the East China Sea.128

Meaning iridescent; an opal is an iridescent mineral.129

Translucent quartz in parallel layers of different colors.130

Apple-green quartz.131

Small wooded valley.132

Secluded hollow or small valley.133

Restrains, lessens in intensity.134

Ceremony accompanying judgment by the Inquisition; the burning of aheretic.

135Dickinson’s coinage, meaning “reaching everywhere.”

136Schoolmaster or clergyman.

137Assumption is the process of being taken up to heaven.

138Strum, or make a monotonous humming sound.

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139Subtly deceptive reasons or arguments.

140Margin (archaic).

141The Don and the Dnieper (mentioned two lines down) are rivers in Russia.

142A tabernacle is a tent sanctuary; also a house of worship.

143Here and elsewhere in Dickinson’s work, “seal” likely has biblicalresonance, as in the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (see Revelation 5).


145One of the leaves composing the calyx of a flower.

146A patron saint of Ireland; founder of several convents.

147Tufted marsh plant.

148Tool for boring holes.



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A fore- and aft-rigged boat.151

Guido Reni (1575-1642), Italian painter known for his religious andmythological subjects. Tiziano Vicellio (14857-1576), Italian painterrenowned for his use of color. Italian painter (1581-1641), a leader of theBaroque eclectic school; also known as Domenico Zampieri.

152In Greek mythology, the home of the blessed after death.



155Tasmania; founded as a penal colony in the early 1800s.

156Fine French porcelain, often elaborately decorated.

157A reference to the Bible, Revelation 19:9, describing a metaphoricalmarriage between the church and Jesus (the Lamb): “Blessed are they which arecalled unto the marriage supper of the Lamb” (KJV).

158Marriage ceremony.

159Pleasing fragrances.

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160Narrow strips.

161Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.

162Ruined city in south-central India, where diamonds from nearby mines werecut and sold during the fifteenth century.



165Plant with bell-shaped blue or white flowers.

166Reddish brown.

167The Apostle Thomas was at first skeptical that Jesus had risen (see theBible, John 20:24-28).

168Caspian Sea, a saline lake between southeastern Europe and western Asia.

169Extra payment or profit.

170Do not (Scottish dialect).


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Outfitted with shoulder ornaments, especially on military uniforms.172

Male ancestors, forefathers.173

Of the dawn.174

Francisco Pizarro (c.1475-1541), Spanish explorer and conqueror of Peru.175

Archangel acting as the messenger of God (see the Bible, Luke 1:19).176

A rare autobiographical note; Dickinson wore only white from her twentieson.

177A miter is the liturgical headdress of a Christian bishop.

178Valuable white fur of a weasel.

179Shield or shield-shaped emblem bearing a coat of arms.

180Elected chief magistrates of the former republics of Venice and Genoa.

181Solve, as a problem.


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183Metal fasteners.

184Unyielding, like the hard precious stone adamant.

185Brilliant display, as in a performance.

186Small bunches of flowers.

187Low-growing shrub with small, usually pinkish-purple flowers, whichgrows abun dantly on moors.

188Abashes, disconcerts.


190The biblical story of Jacob wrestling the angel (see the Bible, Genesis32:24-30) seems to inform this poem; a spar is a stout pole used to support sails andrigging.

191Horizontal molded crown atop a building or wall.

192Urbain-Jean-Joseph Leverrier (1811-1877), a French astronomer whodiscovered evidence of the planet Neptune.

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193Thomas H. Johnson, editor of The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson(see For Further Reading) dates this poem from 1862; perhaps Dickinson iscommenting on the Civil War.

194Cut off, shortened.

195Scimitar; a curved sword.

196Gold coins once used as currency in some European countries.

197Scarf worn around the neck; necktie.

198Chief of the twelve Apostles; traditionally regarded as the first bishop ofRome.

199Flock of sheep.

200Small, brownish finch.

201Quote from “The Jesus Prayer”: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, havemercy on me, a sinner.”


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203Delicate lace.

204Relating to Moses, the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt.

205Covered shelter; hiding place.


207Down of an eider duck.

208Wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired.

209Army commander in the ancient Roman Republic.



212Town of northern Italy known for its marble quarries.

213In pursuit.

214Hot southerly winds.

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215Area in a church containing the altar and seating for clergy and choir.

216Study or examine carefully; memorize.

217Unabsolved (as by a confession).

218Art or study of standard spelling.

219Unaccompanied part-song for three or more male voices, popular in theeighteenth century.

220Lured away.

221Oily aromatic resin from plants.

222Seventy (a score is equivalent to twenty).

223Bearing or manner.

224Circumlocution, or long-winded speech.



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Scale indicators on a clock.227

Pen name of the English novelist Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855).228

Town in Yorkshire, a county in northern England where Brontë spent mostof her life.

229Plant in the lily family; in Greek poetry and mythology, the flower of Hadesand the dead.

230Gnatlike fly.

231Susan Dickinson, Emily’s friend and the wife of her brother, Austin.

232In Greek mythology, the garden of the Hesperides contained the goldenapples given to Hera as a wedding gift.

233Mount Etna, a volcano in Sicily.

234Tenerife (formerly Teneriffe) is the largest of the Canary Islands of Spain.



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People devoted to sensuous pleasure and luxurious living.237

Throughout the Bible, beings confronting God do not look at him directly.238

Peter Parley’s Winter Evening Tales (1829), by American writer SamuelGoodrich, was a popular book of didactic tales for children.

239Scientific study of insects.

240Escutcheon; a shield or shield-shaped emblem bearing a coat of arms.

241Blocks of metal, such as gold.

242William “Captain” Kidd (c.1645-1710), British sea captain and pirate.

243In Greek mythology, three goddesses called the Fates controlled a person’slife. Clotho spun the thread of life; Lachesis measured its length; Atropos cut it.

244High or mountainous land, particularly the Highlands of central and northernScotland.



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Relating to Etruria, an ancient country of west-central Italy.247

Companion of the legendary medieval hero Robin Hood.248

Character in a fairy tale by the French author Charles Perrault, who marriesand then murders one wife after another.

249Felt-like material, often bright green, used to cover gaming tables.

250Woman’s long dress or skirt (archaic).

251Small brook.

252North American bird.

253Examiner, reader.

254Propitiation is an act of appeasement or conciliation.

255Measured the depths of; understood.

256Fine-grained quartz with colored bands or clouding.

257Midday (archaic).

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258Numbers; zeros.

259During the reign of the emperor Augustus (27 B.C.-A.D. 14), Rome enjoyeda flourishing of art and culture.

260Restores; reimburses.

261Subordinate or dependent.


263Small territorial divisions of a country.

264The reference is to the English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), who lived in Italy for many years.

265Relating to a duke or dukedom.

266Enclosed, or imprisoned.

267Burial shrouds.

268Ninth-century B.C. Hebrew prophet who, according to the Bible, was

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carried skyward in a chariot of fire (see 2 Kings 2:11).269

1 Corinthians describes Christ’s resurrection; the poem specifically refersto 1 Corinthians 15:42-43: “So also is the resurrection of the dead. It issown in corruption; it is raised in corruption: it is sown in dishonour; it israised in glory”(KJV).

270Bandits (Italian).

271Daggers with slender blades.

272In Greek mythology, an immortal woodland goat-man given to unrestrainedrevelry.

273Highly reactive nonmetallic element; a luminous substance.

274Possibly an allusion to Old Testament passages: Job states that man’s“foundation is in the dust” (Job 4:19, KJV); Abraham claims that he is “but dust andashes” (Genesis 18:27, KJV).

275Ghostly apparitions; phantoms.

276In Greek mythology, a renowned poet and musician.


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In the Bible (Genesis 32:22-32), Jacob wrestles by the Jabbok River (atributary of the Jordan) with an angel who turns out to be God.

278Face of God.

279Robber, or bandit.

280Myrrhs are bitter resins used in perfume and incense; mochas are pungentAra- bian coffees.

281Active volcano in southern Italy.

282Act of passing something along.

283Perhaps an allusion to the opulence of Indian costumes.



286Prize or reward.

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How is Taylor Swift related to Emily Dickinson? ›

They are sixth cousins, three times removed. “Swift and Dickinson both descend from a 17th century English immigrant (Swift's 9th great-grandfather and Dickinson's 6th great-grandfather who was an early settler of Windsor, Connecticut),” Ancestry shared with TODAY.

Why do they shut me out of heaven Emily Dickinson analysis? ›

The last stanza of the poem is set contemplatively. Finally, after the soprano's last outburst, the piano is impassive and emotionless in the postlude, as if Heaven simply did not even notice the outburst. Dickinson's poetry often deals with death and questions regarding an afterlife, and this poem is no exception.

How many Emily Dickinson poems are there? ›

Emily Dickinson composed almost 1800 poems, but fewer than a dozen were published in her lifetime.

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.